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Comey Eats His Letter to Congress, Writes Another One

This would be comical if it weren't so reprehensible. After barging into the national election like a steamroller, James Comey now goes all Emily Litela and says, "Never Mind." Here's his letter to Congress clearing saying once again, no reasonable prosecutor would file a case against Hillary Clinton.

As to Hillary, Weiner's computer yielded a big fat zero.

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Trump Won't Win, But You Still Need to Vote

The New York Times: Hillary's electoral college numbers show a solid lead. Trump has almost no path to win.

Latino early voting has surged, especially in Nevada and Florida. Hillary is who they are voting for.

If Trump loses Nevada, his chances drop to miniscule. If he loses Florida and Nevada, it's over. He's toast.

Turn off the TV, get outside, play with your kids, read a book. We're almost done. Don't get punked by Trump's lies. He's just desperate. [More...]

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Bridgegate Convictions and Chris Christie

Chris Christie's former ally and aide were convicted in Bridgegate.

William E. Baroni Jr., the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and Bridget Kelly, Christie’s former deputy chief of staff for legislative and intergovernmental affairs, were both convicted of all the counts against them, the U.S. attorney’s office in New Jersey said.

During the trial, the defense for Kelly and Baroni tried to pitch them as Christie’s scapegoats. Prosecutors described them as the governor’s “loyal lieutenants” intent on helping their boss run for president.

Bridget Kelly testified Christie knew about it.

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Bernie, Hillary and Pharell Williams in N.C.

Bernie Sanders campaigned with Hillary today. So did Pharrell Williams.

Sanders also made the case for a Clinton presidency, saying she would raise the minimum wage, reverse the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, advocate for equal pay for women and paid family leave and take steps to address global warming. He warned Trump would throw 20 million people off health insurance by repealing Obamacare and said Trump's campaign has been built around “bigotry.”

Pharrell Williams talked a lot about women. But I was more interested in this:

During his remarks, Williams said Clinton has made a “personal commitment” to him to fix certain “wrongs,” including a 1994 crime bill that’s led to the mass incarceration of African American males. “This country hasn’t always been fair to all people,” he said. “But I think Hillary’s gonna help fix these wrongs,” said Williams.

I have no Trump news to report. Mrs T used a line in her anti-bullying speech today that has only been used by one other person -- Marla Maples in 2011. "I believed if you could dream it you could become it." The concept is hardly original to either of them, but the only people to use those exact words are M & M. (Yes, it's hard to believe anyone would find either of them readable, let alone quotable.)

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Teen in Weiner Sexting Case Blasts James Comey

The teenager from Gaston County, North Carolina who is the subject of the latest Anthony Weiner sexting investigation is very unhappy with James Comey's recent letter to Congress about emails. She has provided Buzzfeed with an open letter to Comey. The full letter is here.

I am the 15-year-old (now 16) who was the victim of Anthony Weiner. I now add you to the list of people who have victimized me. I told my story originally to protect other young girls that might be a victim of online predators.

...In his “cooperation” with you and with his love of the spotlight, Anthony Weiner has given information that led to the media finding me. You have assisted him in further victimizing me on every news outlet. I can only assume that you saw an opportunity for political propaganda.


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Variety's First Endorsement: Hillary Clinton

Variety Magazine made it's first endorsement of a presidential candidate today. Here's what it said about Trump:

Donald Trump lacks the experience, knowledge, and diplomacy to hold public office. His run for the presidency can be viewed as nothing more than a ploy to land another TV deal or launch a new cable channel so he can continue spewing his sexist, racist views. (Variety frequently writes about how sexism and racism run rampant in Hollywood, publishing such stories as a way to keep shining a light on the inequities that oddly still exist in a business that is largely liberal.)

Trump has a long history of disrespect for and objectification of women. ...As for Trump’s .... views, we’re talking about a man who wants to build a wall to block immigration and expel all Muslims and undocumented immigrants (whom he dubbed “bad hombres”) in our country.

New polls are probably meaningless since more than 22 million have already voted. But, the latest stats as of 8 minutes ago show Hillary has a 72% chance of winning and will likely get 304 electoral votes.

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Trump Campaign Manager: Emails are More Significant Than Child Rape Accusations

Kelly Ann Conway on CNBC this morning (video here, at 2'10" in) was asked about the child rape civil lawsuit pending against Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein in the Southern District of New York. (Case No. 16-cv-07673-RA, Doe v. Trump et al.) The case is set for a scheduling conference on December 16. (Order here.) Trump has not yet been served with the lawsuit, which was amended on Sept 30, added a claim of defamation and libel to the rape allegations and an additional witness affidavit. Conway's bizarre response:

“Oh, come on,” Conway gasped. “That you would analogize the two. Give me a break.”...“That’s such a ridiculous conflation,” Conway remarked. “To just throw the rape word in there when we’ve got 650,000 emails based on an active investigation of Huma Abedin’s pedophilia husband because he’s sexting pictures of himself to some 15-year-old girl in North Carolina, I think that’s just ridiculous.”

So according to Conway, Weiner sexting and Huma's emails are a more serious matter than a forcible rape claim by a then 13 year old girl brought in federal court, where she is represented by two lawyers and her complaint is supported by two witness affidavits, one of whom claims to be an eyewitness to the rape and the other says she was told about it at the time.

This is not about whether the claims are true -- of course, allegations in a civil lawsuit, just like allegations in an Indictment, are not proof. They are mere allegations. Trump is entitled to the presumption of innocence, even on civil allegations. Clearly he should not be presumed guilty. [More...]

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Reuters: Hillary Has 15 Point Lead Among Early Voters

Via Reuters:

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

Though data is not available for all early voting states, Clinton enjoys an edge in swing states such as Ohio and Arizona and in Republican Party strongholds such as Georgia and Texas.

According to University of Florida’s United States Election Project, 19 million voters have already cast their ballots -- that's 20% of the electorate.

According to the State of the Nation polling results released Saturday, on Thursday Hillary had a 95% chance of winning the electoral college votes.

As to the qualities of good temperament and judgment expected of the next Commander in Chief and leader of the free world, comparing the FBI's nebulous reference to any potential significance of emails recently found on the Wiener/Abedin home computing devices, to the dozen or more allegations by various women of inappropriate sexual overtures and/or contact against Donald Trump, is like comparing the flu to AIDS.

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Trump Campaign Expending Its Last Gasp for Life on Wiener

The Trump Campaign is expending its last gasp for life on Anthony Wiener and his wife. How pathetic, but typical.

I've spent the last day reading the FBI 350 page report on the emails and supporting documents like the FBI 302 of Huma Abedin's and Hillary Clinton's interviews, the transcripts of Comey's hours of testimony before the House Oversight Committee, and all the depositions(including Huma Abedin's) at Judicial Watch.

I don't know how many times you can say "There's nothing there." [More...]

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The romance of the working class does not extend to nonwhites for Tweety and Biden

I know all you folks love Joe Biden. I don’t. One of the reasons why is his phony white working class schtick. Watch him on with Tweety last night.

The whitewashing of the racial element of why “white working class” voters disdain Democrats is, to coin a phrase, a bunch of malarkey. How do you think Tweety and Biden explain the split between white and nonwhite no college voters? From YouGov, among NonWhite No College voters, Clinton leads 75-18.

Among White No College Voters, Trump leads 58-32.

If you’re keeping score at home, the gap between the 2 groups is 83 points. 83!!

Spare me the “economic anxiety” and “cultural issues” BS.

Biden says “we’ve forgotten about the ordinary Americans” out there. To Biden and Tweety, nonwhites are not “ordinary Americans” who you can safely ignore.

Let’s focus on the people who matter they say, white people. Yes, it offends me.

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ABA Stifles Report on Trump for Fear of Being Sued

Members of an American Bar Association (ABA) Media Law committee commissioned a report on Donald Trump's litigation history. The New York Times reports that the commissioned report, written by Susan E. Seager, a former journalist, and a First Amendment lawyer, concluded he was a "libel bully" who "has never won a single speech-related case filed in a public court."

According to the New York Times, the ABA is not publishing the report because, get this, it is afraid of being sued by Trump. (The ABA spokesperson denies this is the reason.)

Alarmed by Donald J. Trump’s record of filing lawsuits to punish and silence his critics, a committee of media lawyers at the American Bar Association commissioned a report on Mr. Trump’s litigation history. The report concluded that Mr. Trump was a “libel bully” who had filed many meritless suits attacking his opponents and had never won in court.

But the bar association refused to publish the report, citing “the risk of the A.B.A. being sued by Mr. Trump.”


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Hillary's Drug Plan to Focus on Prevention, Not Enforcement

As if you needed another reason to vote for Hillary Clinton, here it is: She has a $10 billion plan for drug abuse, which does not include funds for enforcement.

Her $10 billion proposal calls for boosting federal spending in five areas: prevention, treatment and recovery, first responders, prescribers and criminal justice reform. Over 10 years, Clinton calls for sending $7.5 billion to states, which could receive up to $4 in federal dollars for every $1 of state money they spend on the problem. States would need to show concrete proposals in one of the five areas to receive the money. The remaining $2.5 million would go toward the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant program.[More...]

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