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Hillary Clinton: "Obama Will Be A Good Friend To Israel"

Unity, Hillary Clinton style:

I know Senator Obama understands what is at stake here. It has been an honor to contest primaries with him. It is an honor to call him my friend. And let me be very clear: I know that Senator Obama will be a good friend to Israel.

Both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton are sayng the right things. Now if EVERYONE ELSE can get the message, we can get this right.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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"Unity" Jimmy Carter Style

This is just too funny. With friends like Jimmy Carter, Obama needs no enemies:

Barack Obama should not pick Hillary Clinton as his vice-presidential nominee, former president Jimmy Carter has told the Guardian. "I think it would be the worst mistake that could be made," said Carter. "That would just accumulate the negative aspects of both candidates."

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course. But former Democratic Presidents, at this sensitive time, should think before they speak. This was not helpful.

By Big Tent Democrat

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Clinton Dems: Will Obama Fight For Them?

Last night Hillary Clinton said:

"You know, I understand that a lot of people are asking, what does Hillary want? . . . I want the nearly 18 million Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard and no longer to be invisible.

Today, Politico reports:

. . . Obama is not, one of his senior advisers assured me Tuesday night, going to spend a lot of time in the next few months wooing Clinton supporters whose feelings may be hurting.

Makes sense to me. Why worry about 18 million voters? So it turns out the Obama campaign has some not too smart people on his campaign too. Expect a swift rebuke from Axelrod over this.

By Big Tent Democrat

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Morning Edition

I was watching Terry McAuliffe on Morning Joe and he was damn funny. Anyway, he acknowledged Obama is the nominee and said last night was a night for Hillary to celebrate her campaign with her supporters and that what is is. He expected Hillary and Barack to meet very soon and all will be love and kisses.

We'll see. I am just telling you what McAuliffe said.

By Big Tent Democrat

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Late Night: Piece of My Heart

In the last six months, more than 18 million voters pushed a lever or touched a screen in the privacy of a voting booth for Hillary Clinton. She's correct that more voters chose her (pdf) than any other candidate in the history of presidential primaries.

Like her opponent, she shattered fundraising records from prior primaries. Unlike her opponent, she won the swing states Democrats must win in November -- Ohio, PA and Florida.

She won the older voters, women voters, rural voters and blue collar voters who make up the bulk of the country's voting populace. [More...]

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Reid/Pelosi/Dean To Send Stern Letter

This is hilarious:

In the absence of a concession speech from Sen. Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night, top figures in the Democratic Party are set to go public, urging all uncommitted officials to declare their presidential affiliations.

Sources have confirmed that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DNC Chairman Howard Dean, and an official with the Democratic Governors Association are planning to release a public statement on Wednesday morning requesting that the party close its ranks and prepare for the race against Sen. John McCain.

How ridiculous can these people be? Obama declared victory tonight. NOW they want to send a stern letter? Man, are Democrats stupid not sharp.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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My Take On the Night

One of the things that has been made clear tonight is that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton will not go quietly into that good night. And in one sense, there is no reason to.

What will happen to them? The Media will blast them? NBC will be mean to her? As opposed to what they did before? Obama won't like her? And he was nice to her before? The Left blogs will spew vitriol at them? Um, and?

More . .

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Obama's Speech

On the flip

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Here's Hillary: No Decision Tonight

Update: Transcript here.

Live blogging speech:

Thank you S.D.

Congratulates Obama and supporters on extraordinary race they have run. Our party and democracy is stronger for it.

It is an honor to have run with him and to call him my friend.

16 months ago you and i began a journey to remake America, lists geographic parts of America. [More...]

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Hillary Wins South Dakota

Update: Fox News calls South Dakota for Hillary. She won it big -- by 12 points.

Polls are closed in South Dakota. Hillary is leading Obama. It looks like she will take the state.

What did it for her? Older voters, women voters and rural voters.

I'll be following the election returns here.

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Fineman: Discussions Of Obama Offer Of VP and Clinton Rejection Of It Ongoing

On NBC, Howard Fineman is reporting (FAIR WARNING - Fineman often is wrong on these things) that the Clinton and Obama camps are discussing having Obama offer Clinton the VP slot and her rejecting it because she does not want it and that it would be an important sign of public respect and unity.

If this is true, it heartens me to think that Obama realizes that he must show respect to Hillary Clinton and her supporters. I hope he actually does respect her. He should. As she should respect him.

We'll see if any of this is actually true, but an interesting tidbit.

By Big Tent Democrat

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South Dakota Exit Polls

Update: Fox exit polls are here.

65 percent of seniors, 57 percent of women, 61 percent of those making less than $50,000 a year and 56 percent of rural voters.

Obama is doing better in Montana.

In Montana, Obama is winning all of his usual voting blocs, and some of Clinton’s. He is winning with women, lower income voters, gun owners and rural voters.

But seniors in MT voted for Hillary by a very large margin.

Update: Fox Exit Polls: Hillary's lead is from women over 60. I guess that means Hillary has won South Dakota. Other results: Obama's church hurt him. It also says on Montana, that Obama's lead is from men. [More...]

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