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Kobe Bryant Announcement 5pm EST

Yes, we know we've written a lot on the Kobe Bryant case. But we think it is a prime example of how politics gets mixed up in the criminal justice system, which is what TalkLeft is all about. You've got a rural county with limited resources, top flight defense attorneys, a prominent defendant with virtually unlimited resources.

The DA is going to announce his decision at 5pm EST. Here are the possible options as we see them. For those who are interested, we'll be discussing it tonight on the O'Reilly Factor at 8 pm EST (6pm MT); Saturday night at 10 pm EST on Geraldo Rivera At Large, Sunday on Fox News Live at 2:35 pm EST. For those of you in Colorado, tune in Saturday at 1:00 pm MT to KNRC Talk Radio where we'll be discussing the case for the full hour in the context of how justice differs for the rich and poor.

We've written about many other substantive issues today for those of you who aren't interested in the Kobe Bryant case. We're gone for the rest of the day as our best friend is getting married tonight. Politics, crime and weblogs will just have to wait until tomorrow.

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D.A. to Make Kobe Bryant Announcement Friday

We were just told that Mark Hurlburt, District Attorney for Eagle County, Colorado, will make an announcement on Kobe Bryant Friday, at 3pm.

Here are what we see as the possible outcomes he might announce: (in no particular order):

  • No Charges - He does not believe he can prove Kobe committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • No Charges - Alleged victim has requested to withdraw her complaint. DA doesn't think he can prove a crime without her testimony.
  • No Charges - Investigation has revealed Kobe is innocent of any wrongdoing
  • No Charges - He is going to turn it over to a grand jury
  • Misdemeanor Offense: Unlawful Sexual Contact and/or or False Imprisonment
  • Felony Offense: Sexual Assault (could be coupled with False Imprisonment)

We've heard so many different stories by now, we hesitate to make a prediction. If we had to guess, we'd go with No charges--He does not believe he can prove Kobe committed a crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Kobe Bryant Update

The 19 year old woman who alleged that she was sexually assaulted by Kobe Bryant asked her friends to appear on the morning news shows to say she is distraught and wants the media to let her alone. The friend said "She didn't know what was going to happen to her."

We were in court today on one of our cases in Eagle County where charges are being considered by the district attorney. There was virtually no media, only one SUV outside the courthouse with three people set up under an umbrella of sorts, and a local publisher. But the air was tense and you could feel things weren't normal.

The rumors were flying, and we heard several different scenarios from local lawyers and others who had information from people they believed to be "reliable sources." While the rumors all differed, none of them thought Kobe Bryant ultimately would be charged.

So while we have no inside information of our own, based upon what we heard today, we think it is a distinct possibility that the 19 year old may withdraw her charge, making it easier for the DA not to file charges. There seemed to be a consensus at the courthouse among those we spoke with that whatever happened did not involve a sexual assault, that it would boil down to "he said-she said," and that there are problems with the she-said version.

We're going to quit now while we are ahead as we don't want to judge the case solely on rumor. We just hope it's going to be amicably worked out by all the parties involved. This is a lose-lose case for everyone.

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New Details in Kobe Bryant Case

The San Francisco Chronicle has some new details in the possible sexual assault charge against Kobe Bryant. The DNA test results could be announced Monday. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation all but confirms the case is a "he said, she said" by this comment:

We're looking for any exchange of bodily fluids. The idea is to shed some light on the victim's story or the suspect's story and corroborate either one, " said Pet Mang, deputy director of the Colorado Bureau of Investigations.

No one really knows what the 19 year old woman's job was at the Cordillera Lodge. That may be because the lodge is so small that everyone "multi-tasks."
The Chronicle alleges that Kobe and the woman were "flirting" when he checked in--and that later, she was "apparently summoned" to Bryant's room.

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Kobe Bryant Asserts Innocence

Kobe Bryant was interviewed by the Los Angeles Times Saturday. He asserted his innocence:

When everything comes clean, it will all be fine, you'll see," Bryant said during a brief telephone interview with the Los Angeles Times.

Bryant declined to discuss the case but said, "But you guys know me. I shouldn't have to say anything. You know I would never do something like that."

Bryant sounded surprised at the rumors being spread about that night. "Man, there's a lot of crazy stories out there," he said.

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No Decision on Kobe Bryant Until Next Week

FOXNews.com reports that the District Attorney in Eagle, Colorado won't decide whether to file charges against Kobe Bryant until next week. We have court there on Monday, we'll report any buzz we hear.

The Feminist Daily News has this report and action alert on the delay in William Pryor's 11 Circuit confirmation hearing.

The judge in the Robert Blake case has denied a defense request to examine a woman with potentially exculpatory information in advance of trial. The witness allegedly heard Marlon Brando's son Christian comment that Blake's wife "should be shot."

A Lousiana Court has banned the state from issuing "Choose Life" license plates, ruling it infringes on free speech. We always thought the plates could double as an anti-death penalty message.

Gary Condit's wife has settled her libel suit with the National Enquirer. The paper erroneously wrote that Mrs. Condit "story that said she berated Chandra Levy days before the Washington intern disappeared."

Democratic presidential contender John Kerry has called upon President Bush to "tell the truth" about Iraq.

We're off to the Big Apple to do some tv stuff, back Saturday. If we can, we'll post from there. Either way, don't forget to check in with the great sites listed on the right side of TalkLeft--we read them every day, and lately, with all the breaking crime news, haven't touted them or linked to them as much as we should.

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Kobe Bryant: Evidence Being Tested At Colorado Crime Lab

A spokesman for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation has confirmed receiving tangible items for testing in the alleged sexual assault charge levied by a 19 year old hotel employee against Kobe Bryant.

"Anytime we deal with (an alleged) crime of violence we look at exchange of hairs and fibers, exchange of body fluids -- that's blood, semen, saliva," Mang said, as well as "anomalies like torn clothing buttons or the sort of things that we may not expect to find in normal wear and tear. Any evidence of any degree of force used."

The spokesman said the agency is in hourly contact with the Sheriff's department. Bottom line on the testing:

"If there isn't any evidence it won't take very long. If we find any evidence it will take more time."

The latest news is that a Vail, CO cabdriver says he picked Kobe and two bodyguards up at a Glenwood Springs, CO hospital the day after the alleged incident.

A cab driver says he picked up Kobe Bryant and three bodyguards at a Glenwood Springs hospital less than a day after the NBA superstar was accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a mountain resort.

Vail Taxi driver Terry O'Brien, 38, also told The Orange County Register that Bryant was flanked by sheriff's deputies at the emergency room of Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs early July 2.

...According to the cabbie's account, Bryant was accompanied by three members of his entourage and was in the presence of sheriff's deputies when he arrived at the hospital about 2:30 a.m. on July 2.

Bryant pulled a towel over his head before ducking down into the back seat of the cab, O'Brien said. He said he dropped the Los Angeles Lakers' guard and two members of the entourage at the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood, then gave the third bodyguard a ride to the spa, 40 miles away. The man "cleared out" Bryant's belongings, O'Brien said. When the trip ended at 5 a.m. the fare of $372 was paid by bodyguard Michael Ortiz, the cabbie said.

The Sheriff has said Kobe was cooperative, so it may be that he agreed to go to the hospital to submit DNA samples.

And not surprsingly, Kobe's image is taking a hit.

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Defense Attacks Kobe Bryant Arrest Warrant

Kobe Bryant's defense attorney, Pamela Mackey, came out swinging at the Eagle County, Colorado Sheriff's office for bypassing the district attorney's office to get an arrest warrant for Bryant:

"Mr. Bryant is innocent and expects to be completely exonerated," Denver attorney Pamela Mackey said in a statement. Mackey accused the sheriff's office of "complete bias," saying it ignored the wishes of the district attorney in obtaining the arrest warrant.

Officials from the Sheriff's office and the District Attorneys' office met Monday to decide if charges will be filed. Bryant has been accused by a woman of sexually assaulting her at a hotel near Vail on June 30, when he was in Vail for knee surgery. He turned himself in over the weekend upon learning of the warrant.

Law enforcement officials plan to hold a news conference later this afternoon.

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Terry Nichols: New Charges for Death of Fetuses

A judge today allowed prosecutors to add two more counts of murder to the 160 counts pending against Terry Nichols, for the death of two fetuses. We hope abortion rights supporters jump all over this as it's surely another sign of the attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade.

A state judge who ordered Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols to stand trial on 160 murder charges added two new murder counts Wednesday for unborn babies whose mothers died in the blast.

These fetuses were 26 - 28 and 32 weeks old, respectively.

The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals decided last year that fetuses are viable at the gestation of 24 weeks and that their unnatural deaths can be charged as first-degree murder.

This is judicial activism at work. If you care about this issue, urge the Democrats in the Senate to keep filibustering. Otherwise, the right to choose is in danger of becoming a relic of the past.

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