
Tag: Donald Trump (page 2)

Donald and Rudy: Two Peas in a Pod

Journalist Wayne Barrett, who has written about Rudy Giuliani for decades, is back, with a scathing comparison of Rudy and Thump. He says the "the onetime comb-over twins just had too much in common" not to align with each other this time around.

The wife stuff is pretty funny. [More...]

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Trump's Many Failures

Vanity Fair reports on Trump's campaign, which has morphed from free-fall to the hospice phase:

As Wisconsin radio host Charlie Sykes summed up Bannon’s appointment: “Trump’s campaign has now entered the Hospice Phase. He knows he’s dying and wants to surround himself with his loved ones.”

The New York Times has a new report on Trump's finances: Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties. His companies are $650 million in debt and have shadowy backers.

The Chicago Sun-Times has this article on the Trump International Tower in Chicago, and how the commercial space in the 92 floor tower hasn't been leased since it was built in 2008. [More...]

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More Prominent Republicans Balk at Trump

Is Donald Trump running on empty? More Republicans are jumping ship and refusing to support Donald Trump and planning on voting for Hillary.

More than 200 current and former Republican elected and administration officials, as well as figures from the party apparatus and the conservative media, have said in recent weeks that they simply cannot support Trump, citing his increasingly erratic statements, his lack of policy specifics and his recklessness on the international stage, with many of them saying they'd vote for Hillary Clinton instead.

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Child Yells Profanity Re: Hillary at Trump Rally

A 10 year old attending a Trump rally with his mother, Pam Kohler, of Mount Vernon, VA, stood up twice and yelled out "Take the b*tch down" when Trump mentioned Hillary Clinton's name.

His mother identified herself to reporters as and stuck up for her son's remark. She said, “I think he has a right to speak what he wants to."

Ms. Kohler and her son were sitting in the media section of the rally and according to the Wall St Journal, both were holding signs that said "Hillary for Prison.....Asked where he would learn such a phrase, she said, "Democratic schools"

BS. He learned it from his mother. [More...]

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WaPo Editorial: Trump "Uniquely Unqualfied" to be President

The Washington Post published this incredibly harsh editorial today trashing Donald Trump.

The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament. He is mounting a campaign of snarl and sneer, not substance. To the extent he has views, they are wrong in their diagnosis of America’s problems and dangerous in their proposed solutions.

... A Trump presidency would be dangerous for the nation and the world.


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NYTimes Suggests Trump May Walk Away If He Wins

The New York Times has the most bizarre Trump speculation I've read to date. He may not want to be President, he may just want to win. And if he does, he may just decline to take the office, and go back to running his businesses, happy with all the media coverage he got, which he thinks would be good for business.

As I was reading it, the soundtrack to Walk Away Renee kept running through my head. [More...]

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Donald Audtions Veep Choices: Just Say No to Newt

Bob Corker has withdrawn his name from consideration as Donald Trump's running mate. Newt Gingrich is up next, appearing with Thump in Ohio today.

Newt: The man who wanted to put a contract on America as speaker of the House in 1995:

The Republican version of a crime bill in 1995 was even worse. It was called the "Take Back Our Streets Act" which was part of Newt Gingrich's Contract on America (he called it "Contract With America.")


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Revisiting Trump of the 90's

I forgot about this very long Vanity Fair profile of Donald and Ivana Trump by Marie Brenner in 1990. It's frightening how little he's changed, and how the media knew he was full of it but kept writing about him anyway.

I forgot about the wall he tried to build on the West Side of Manhattan to keep out the homeless:

On the Saturday of Donald Trump’s forty-fourth-birthday celebration, I tried to take a walk on the West Side yards above Lincoln Center in Manhattan. The railroad tracks were rusty, the land was overgrown. The property stretched on, block after block. .... The only sign of Trump was a high storm fence topped with elaborate curls of barbed wire to keep out the homeless people who live nearby. It was on this land, at the height of his megalomania, that Trump said he would erect “the tallest building in the world,” a plan which was successfully thwarted by neighborhood activists who were resistant to having parts of the West Side obscured in shadow.

“They have no power,” Trump said at the time, baffled that anyone would resist his grandiose schemes.


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Republicans' "White Knight" Fantasy

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
and the Red Queen's off with her head
Remember what the doormouse said....

What would the doormouse have said to Ted Cruz and other Republicans, hoping for a "White Knight" to prevent a Donald Trump nomination, regardless of how close he comes to the magic number of 1237 delegates, should he fall even a wee bit short by the start of the convention? The latest chapter begins yesterday, at a meeting of RNC leaders in Florida.[More...]

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Trump Interview on Rally Cancellation

Trump was just interviewed on CNN. I missed the beginning because I had the TV on mute to block the last pundit I had listened to and didn't look up until he had already started talking. Here's the part I did hear.

Trump says he has no regrets for his remarks about illegal immigration. He has such an exaggerated view of himself. He says if he hadn't spoken out about illegal immigration in the campaign, the issue wouldn't have come up. [More...]

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Trump Cancels Chicago Rally Due to Protesters

The cable news coverage of the cancellation of the Trump rally in Chicago today highlights why no one should be watching cable news for news anymore. It's all opinion. CNN just went from extended interviews with a former Romney campaign strategist to a former Secret Service agent to a current media person for Donald Trump. None of the three were there. All three were pushing biased talking points.

Romney guy: "Donald Trump can't win in November because there aren't enough white people who are angry at non-white people." [More...]

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Trump Victory Press Conference

Trump wine, Trump Water and a butcher block of Trump Steaks line the podium where Donald Trump is about to speak about his victories today in Michigan and Mississippi.

This is a small press conference with a limited number of invited guests.

He enters to big cheers. He's never had such horrible lies spread about him in one week. The public is brilliant, they knew they were lies immediately. [More...]

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