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Joe Lieberman Shills for McCain

Is anybody watching this charade? He even has the nerve to call himself a Democrat.

Update: He says Obama isn't right for the job because he has no record. And Sarah Palin, who would step into the Presdency should anything happen to John McCain? Please.

Now Lieberman is praising Sarah Palin, calling her a great lady. She's a reformer. She is a leader we can count on to help John shake up Washington. What about counting on her if she has to take over as President? He can't address that. All he can do is steal Obama's message of change.

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Fred Thompson Attacks Barack Obama

This is the most boring convention ever. I'm just waiting for Big Brother 10 to start.

Just now, former Law and Order Actor Fred Thompson said of Obama: What has he done besides give "a teleprompter speech designed to appeal to America's critics abroad?" It brought the greatest applause and some stood.

Thompson said Obama was the most inexperienced candidate ever, or something like that.

Obama is refusing to fight back on the inexperience ground. He needs to get out there and hit hard. They are not just the radical right and wrong on the issues, 1/2 of their ticket, by any standard, lacks even a modicum of the skills and experience necessary to lead the country if need be.

Since Obama's unlikely to do that, the MSM and blogs will have to do it for him.

Clueless Donna Brazile said Thompson "gave a great speech." Huh? What side is she on?

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Palin on the Issues

Via Politico, in the 2006 Alaska Governor's race, Sarah Palin ran against former Alaska Governor Tony Knowles. Knowles campaign put together this oppositon research document on Palin, outlining her position on issues.

One of Barack Obama's aides worked on that campaign. It will not be distributing the document. It's positon:

We’re running against John McCain — the issues raised around his decision and the fact that he clearly bowed under to the right wing of his party and let them exercise veto power over his vice presidential pick,” Dunn said, suggesting the Obama campaign wouldn’t be recycling the 2006 Democratic criticism of Palin.

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McCain/Palin to Campaign in Colorado Springs Saturday

The Rocky Mountain News reports Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin will campaign together at the Colorado Jet Center in Colorado Springs, CO Saturday.

Colorado Springs, home to evangelical America. James Dobson and Focus on the Family and the New Life Church are located there.

When George W. Bush was inaugurated in 2005, they made their intention to have a greater effect in politics well known.

Evangelical leaders promise that in coming years they'll be even more active in politics. And Colorado Springs will continue to be a base from which the evangelical movement launches initiatives that affect civic life across the nation.

John McCain, Panderer-in-Chief.

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Tuesday Night Republican Convention Thread

I'm watching a Pledge of Allegiance video being narrated by a Republican teenager with a wonderful speaking voice.

Then I read this, about Sarah Palin and the Alaska Independence Party, with which she was affiliated (although not a member) for many years. The party founder, Joe Vogel, in 1991 said:

"But you get to thinking. Why the hell do I owe them anything? And then you get mad. And you say the hell with them. And you renounce allegiance, and you pledge your efforts, your effects, your honor, your life to Alaska, that's how I do--I'm an Alaskan see. And they know it. I've told them so-- to go to hell every way I can and then I sway. I took a case to the Supreme Court believing in the Supreme Court. And I'd rather be tried in a wh*rehouse with a madame as a judge--there's more justice! And if they don't like it they know where they can go.

I tried it. I believed in my country. I believed in the court system and it stinks. . . .


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Palin the Politician v. Palin the Reformer

John McCain tells us that Sarah Palin is a "reformer" because she fought against the abuse of earmarks. Palin echoed that theme, saying "I've championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress."

Of course, one politician's abuse is another politician's gravy. During Palin's first year as Alaska's governor, she asked Ted Stevens to seek $550 million in earmarks for Alaska, more than $800 per resident. She claims to be a reformer because, after President Bush insisted on a cutback in earmarks (and after the "bridge to nowhere" fiasco), Palin's second year request for earmarks sought only $198 million, about $295 per resident.

That sounds like it might be "reform" until you consider this:

Other states got just $34 worth of local projects per person this year, on average, according to Citizens Against Government Waste, a Washington-based watchdog group.

Talk is cheap. Earmarks aren't. Especially in Alaska, where earmarks are "close to sacrosanct." [more ...]

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Rudy Learns to Count

A "festive spirit" has returned to the Republican National Convention, as evidenced by Rudy Guliani's cameo appearance on stage to do a sound check this afternoon.

"Two, three, four. What comes next?" boomed out in Giuliani's famous voice.

Answer: nine, followed by eleven.

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AP: McCain's Comparison of Palin and Obama Falls Short

The AP evaluates John McCain's claim that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is as experienced as Sen. Barack Obama and says it falls short.

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McCain: The Election is Not About Issues

Straight from the mouth of the John McCain campaign:

Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain's presidential bid, insisted that the presidential race will be decided more over personalities than issues during an interview with Post editors this morning.

"This election is not about issues," said Davis. "This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."

And Gov. Sarah Palin's Wednesday speech was pre-written.

Davis said a generic, "masculine" speech was being prepared before the pick was made and, now that Palin is the choice, she is adapting the speech to her own needs and personality.

More support for the suggestion that McCain was hoping for Lieberman or Ridge, got the nix from the radical right, and hastily decided on Palin instead. [More...]

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Gallup: Obama Hits 50% For First Time

Gallup's daily poll today:

Barack Obama leading the race for president with his highest share of support to date. Fully half of national registered voters now favor Obama for president, while 42% back John McCain.

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NYT Opinionator on Palin "Blogspat"

Toby Harshaw, co-author of the New York Times Opinionator blog, writes up my post suggesting John McCain's choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate will turn out to be another George McGovern-Thomas Eagleton scenario. He notes Ann Althouse's disagreement with me, calling it a "blogspat." Toby writes:

The Opinionator is enjoying an enlightening little blogspat between two of his favorites, Jeralyn Merritt of TalkLeft and Ann Althouse.

Merritt is taking bets on when Sarah Palin will drop out, Thomas Eagleton-style, saying of the historical parallel that: “It had nothing to do with Eagleton’s particular problems, but how [George] McGovern came to choose him, failed to adequately vet him, and then waffled when the problems arose, effectively costing him the election.”

“John McCain picked Sarah Palin to get the enthusiastic support of the evangelical, radical right,” she argues. He didn’t think it would matter that she has no national experience because he perceived he could argue Obama didn’t either.”

On Ann, he writes, in part:

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Notice to Commenters

Bumped 10:45 am Monday: The ban remains in effect. Zero tolerance.

Bump 9:35 pm Sunday: Some of you aren't getting the message:

11:15 a.m. Sunday: This site will not host personal attacks against Sarah Palin, rumors of a personal nature or a discussion of her personal life or that of her children. All such comments will be deleted and repeat offenders banned.

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