
Here's Hillary

Here's Hillary! Everyone is on their feet waiting for her to come out. She is radiant. She is going to introduce the country's last great President (her words)--in anticipation of the country's next great democratic president.

Hillary has become a polished speaker. She modulates her voice perfectly. Her cadence is timed just right. She's come a long way.

She mentions stem cell research and the crowd goes wild. By the way, our own Congresswoman Diana DeGette will be addressing the convention tomorrow at 4:45 ET--be sure to watch. She's one of the country's finest congresspersons.

One thing we are noticing, as the evening goes on, there really isn't a feeling of ABB (anyone but Bush) here so much as there is genuine enthusiasm for John Kerry and John Edwards. There's a big difference, and it's one we think will matter in November. While those on the far left side of the party find Kerry acceptable and preferable to Bush, but far from ideal, it's clear to us that this crowd of delegates have become attached to John Kerry and are cheering for him not just as a replacement for Bush, but someone they want as their leader.

By the way, there's not an empty seat in the house now. We have no idea where these people all camne from but they are sitting and listening with rapt attention and clapping.

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