
Soldier Testifies About Killing Iraqis in Canadian Asylum Trial

Former U.S. Marine Jeremy Heinzman is seeking asylum in Canada. A hearing is underway. A fellow marine, former staff sergeant Jimmy Massey, provided this shocking testimony:

A former United States marine told a refugee hearing for an American war dodger Tuesday that trigger-happy U.S. soldiers in Iraq routinely killed unarmed woman and children, and murdered other Iraqis in violation of international law.

In chilling testimony intended to bolster the asylum claim of compatriot Jeremy Hinzman, former staff sergeant Jimmy Massey recounted how nervous soldiers trained to believe that all Iraqis were potential terrorists often opened fire indiscriminately.

"I was never clear on who the enemy was," Massey, 33, told the hearing.

Also head on over to Salon today and read about an alleged torture whitewash and a veteran U.S. seargeant who was shipped out on a stretcher after reporting what he saw even though he wasn't sick.

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