
Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy Bio Agent

Update: Already they backtrack. Now it turns out the substance wasn't dangerous the the Prime Minister is reduced to "but we don't know it wasn't sent by a Schapelle supporter. Why can't he just admit he made an irresponsible comment and apologize?

Schapelle Corby supporters are being blamed for a delivery of an Anthrax type material to the Indonesian Embassy.

Prime Minister John Howard....identified the substance as bacillus - a genus of bacteria that are mostly benign but include bacillus anthracis, which causes anthrax.

Although there was no claim of responsibility, Howard said the timing pointed to a likely link with the Corby case. She was convicted Friday of smuggling nine pounds of marijuana onto the Indonesian island of Bali and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The timing? That's enough to bring such a serious allegation against those protesting the draconian sentence meted out to Schapelle Corby?

In other news,

And the Australian media continues to print conflicting articles about her mental state (she's happy and praying or she's on a suicide watch.) Not surprising for a media that, as Tim Blair points out, in the past few days:

Does anyone report just the facts over there, or is the news always so sensationalized and exaggerated?

[Update: Hat tip to Australian blogger VC Varones who e-mailed me yesterday with news of the Embassy story.]

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  • hey Mark Bahnisch what's going on down there? Can you give us some perspective on how big this case has become there? It gets little coverage here in the US.

    The timing? That's enough to bring such a serious allegation against those protesting the draconian sentence meted out to Schapelle Corby?
    You actually believe that it's just a coincidence? The Australian media is whipping the public into an outraged frenzy over the Corby case. Boycotts are being widely proposed, and people are calling for the taking back of aid for tsunami victims. The Indonesian embassy has received multiple threats specifically referring to the Corby case. But to the brilliant analytical minds at TalkLeft, "Nope. No connection here."

    GregZ- This case is huge down here. And the public is getting ugly. People are calling the tsunami charities to say they want their donations diverted away from Indonesia. People are calling for Bali tourism boycotts, which would be economically devastating to the people of Bali just as they are beginning to rebound from years of hardship after the Bali bombing. Cooler heads such as moderate radio commentators are dismayed by what they see as virulent xenophobia once again rearing its ugly head. They are comparing it to the days of right-wing nutjob Pauline Hanson's popularity. The coverage of the case has been tabloidish, designed to stir up emotions, but appalling devoid of facts. The question of Corby's guilt or innocence has not been seriously analyzed in the press. P.S. Thanks, TalkLeft, for your mention that I tipped you to this story yesterday.

    VC - my mistake. I forgot. I'll update now to include a hat tip to you.

    Thanks! Sorry if I was a bit cranky. 7AM here & haven't had coffee yet.

    Re: Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy (none / 0) (#6)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:33 PM EST
    What? Now let me see the Indonesian embassy states that Anthrax was send to the embassy, and the boys in that government are Blaming the victim? the fact is the boys in the Indonesian government love's Al Qaeda and are looking for anything to take the worlds eyes off of this poor woman. it was planted by its own government( indonesian ). in other words the boys in the indonesian embassy did sand the anthrax to the embassy, its called a setup, don't be a fool and see it for what it is.

    Re: Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy (none / 0) (#7)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:33 PM EST
    The real question is, who in their right mind would travel to Bali knowing someone could plant drugs on you, leaving your life worse than a disaster? Not worth the risk. Not with those imbecile judges and lawyers in charge.

    Re: Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy (none / 0) (#8)
    by Richard Aubrey on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:33 PM EST
    Maybe our Aussie correspondent could address the following two issues: The mastermind of the Bali bombing got thirty MONTHS. Yes? No? Impact on Australian attitudes? Howard apologized to Indonesia. The president of Indonesia did not apologize to Australia for the Bali bombing--which actually killed people. Yes? No? Impact on Australian attitudes? Guilt or innocence? On this board, guilt of drug-smuggling is not considered actual guilt. It should not be punished. So, even if she were guilty, this board would agree with the outrage of the Aussie population. That's not xenophobia, either. Nor is Bali boycotting. As one who should not be named--he's on my list--said in a rare moment of lucidity, why on earth go there, anyway? If prudence dictates not going there, is that the same as a boycott? If prudence dictates not going there, are you bound to go to show you're not xenophobic? Is it xenophobia to dislike a government? I thought that had to do with disliking "the other". Now, of course, the boycott will hurt the government last and the worker bees first, but that's still not xenophobia. Why is objecting to this travesty xenophobic? Keep in mind that this is on top of an anemic response to the Bali bombing and al Q's presence in the archipelago, and the tolerance of vicious anti-Semitism from the usual suspects. Aussies are not starting with a clean slate on this. They already had reason to be annoyed. And as others have said, it was the Aussie navy and the US Navy which showed up first and took care of business. As somebody said, the Indonesians have even beaten the French--hell of an accomplishment--in the fleeting-gratitude department.

    VC - don't take the bait. Richard just comes here to vent at liberals. Nothing you say would appease him.

    Richard, don't try and change the topic to Indonesian politics - that's what chatterers do and they get banned from TalkLeft. All comments not related to Schapelle or the embassy mailing will be deleted.

    Re: Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy (none / 0) (#11)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:33 PM EST
    Without any proof it is irresponsible for howard to make such a charge. He could do with a little latin lesson: Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

    Re: Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy (none / 0) (#12)
    by Richard Aubrey on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:34 PM EST
    TL. Varones brought up the popular outrage. I was interested in it. The questions are why the Australian outrage. Certainly has to do with what has gone before, hasn't it? And I was objecting to the implication that the outrage was a matter of racism or xenophobia. There are plenty of reasons for Aussies to be upset besides the sentence. What's the problem with discussing the popular upset Varones was asked to describe?

    Re: Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy (none / 0) (#13)
    by BigTex on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:34 PM EST
    Good point Che. Brings up the question of what can someone who has no intention of setting foot in Indonesia do? Hopefully European tourism in the Carrebian will increase as a popular alternative to SE Asia. The distance from Europe shouldn't be that much different, and similar activities are available. Timing is suspicious, but there's no reason to believe or disbelieve Fred's accusation than an Aussie did it. This is a good opportunity for the Aussies to exert trade pressure on Indonesia to get them to change their draconian laws. Cutting back trade as a protest would get the Indonesia government attention. -BigTex

    Richard, if I misunderstood you, I apologize. I just want to keep the topic on thread, and since Varones is new to Talkleft, he wouldn't know you are one of the few constant critics of the site's viewpoints, no matter what the topic happens to be.

    Re: Schapelle Corby Supporters Blamed for Embassy (none / 0) (#15)
    by Richard Aubrey on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:37 PM EST
    TL. Do you think Varones might be offended at the prospect he/she has to be defended against some cyberwhatsit? I will say that I am annoyed at the proposition that the people are a bunch of racist, xenophobic morons when we don't like what they do. And that the same great unwashed are the forerunners of a new world when they go our way.