
Opening Statements in FL Terrorism Trial

by TChris

Sameeh Hammoudeh, Ghassan Zayed Ballut and Hatem Naji Fariz are accused of working with former University of South Florida Professor Sami al-Arian to raise money for an organization that allegedly participates in terrorism. Their defense attorneys told a jury yesterday that their clients "are victims of selective interpretation of evidence gathered by overzealous government agents."

The defense maintains prosecutors will be able to provide no evidence directly tying the four men to the terrorist group or any criminal activity. And they said there are reasonable explanations for wiretapped phone conversations and other evidence offered by prosecutors to link the defendants to the group.

The defense contends that the men simply wanted to help charitable organizations provide for needy individuals in Palestinian territories. Defense lawyers told the jury that their clients support peace in the mideast, a position contrary to that taken by the organization they are charged with aiding.

Background on the accusations against Sami al-Arian can be found here and here.

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