
Mayor Nagin:Parts of NOLA to Reopen by Weekend

by Last Night in Little Rock

The New York Times quotes NOLA Mayor Nagin as saying that parts of New Orleans will be open this weekend, "with the French Quarter fully open for business a week from Monday."

I'm making plans to be there for the opening, if not sooner because parts of the French Quarter are already open, assuming I can clear my calendar. It is for next week, but that may be too soon.

My wife says it's because I'm apparently drawn to disasters. We were at Ground Zero two weeks later in 2001. The stench of death hung over lower Manhattan, but the City had regained most of its spirit by then, but there was a sense of everybody being subdued.

She reminded me tonight she caught a respiratory infection that lasted for four months and three rounds of progressively stronger antibiotics. The EPA always said the air was fine. That's Bush's EPA. I was fine, but heartbroken. We were close enough to see the rent skelton.

My reasoning is the same: Both cities have given so much to me that I feel drawn back to show support, and shut up the nitwits that don't want to rebuild or want it rebuilt elsewhere.

Only Republican seem to lack any sense of history. And you know what they say about those who ignore history....

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  • Re: Mayor Nagin:Parts of NOLA to Reopen by Weeke (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:53 PM EST
    Yeah - well, what about Slidell? Have you seen that area? Everyone is homeless....and they are STILL waiting for FEMA or someone to come in.

    I know several evacuees living in LA and TX. They say FEMA has done zilch for them so far. They are relying on relatives and friends for basic necessities.