
73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausages

Outrage of the day: a 73-year old woman has been kept in jail on a $50,000 bond in New Orleans for looting $63.00 in sausages. To top it off, she says she's innocent.

Merlene Maten undoubtedly stands out in the prison where she has been held since Hurricane Katrina. The 73-year-old church deaconess, never before in trouble with the law, now sleeps among hardened criminals. Her bail is a stiff $50,000. Her offense? Police say the grandmother from New Orleans took $63.50 in goods from a looted deli the day after Katrina struck.

Family and eyewitnesses have a different story. They say Maten is an innocent woman who had gone to her car to get some sausage to eat but was wrongly handcuffed by tired, frustrated officers who couldn't catch younger looters at a nearby store. Not even the deli owner wants her charged.

Read the whole thing, this is just crazy. She's now being held in the state prison.

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  • Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:52 PM EST
    When law and order goes wrong. I can't believe what I just read.

    Who in their right mind would set bail for $50.000 for a 73 year old? Is the a name attached to the Judge? or is it a secret Court? OH... yea this is the south isn't it.

    Caught lotting, eh? She's lucky to get bail--usually the court just turns you into a pillar of salt.

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#4)
    by Dadler on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:52 PM EST
    I'm going to assume you mean "looting" sausages, not lotting. Simply beyond belief that it could've gotten this far. Or that someone in law enforcement thought it useful to stop granny with her links in the first place. Funny Sad Crazy Absurd.

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#5)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:52 PM EST
    Is anyone taking a collection? $5000.00 would get a bondsman.

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#6)
    by jen on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:52 PM EST
    I heard the red cross provides some mental health services. They obviously skipped the cops.

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#7)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:52 PM EST
    After 2 weeks (in a prison) she was finally OR'd The cops need a lot of remedial training, the judge needs to be locked up and introduced to bubba. Hey judge, know what a 'tossed salad is'?

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#8)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:52 PM EST
    I don't know if you can change racism that runs so deep with remedial training.

    I think this outrageous act by the PD was caused by them needing to report they had done their jobs by making a certain amount of arrests. Albeit, one of them was a 70+ woman that couldn't run if she wanted. It was an easy arrest to vouch for the PD's propoganda of "security". It this were my grandmother, I would be so outraged and I would probably try to be Cindy Sheehan (sp??) - What bothers me, despite her bond, why it hasn't been posted. Why she isn't free to be with her husband. If it comes back to the fact the family has no money to use for this bond, yes, let's raise the money to free her. This arrest is a disgrace and just another black eye for all of those in authority that have continued to allow the travesty to continue.

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#10)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:53 PM EST
    Roberts would most likely agree that the police were using good judgement here just like he did in the 12 year girl, a criminal subway riding french fry eater, who was also handcuffed and arrested by the police.

    Don't these looters know by now that they have to get a no bid contract signed by Dick Cheney before they can start ripping people off?

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#12)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:53 PM EST
    The sausages were the property of the deli owner. He doesn't want her charged. So why is she still in a cage?

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#13)
    by peacrevol on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:53 PM EST
    It's a good thing they caught her. You know how dangerous those little old ladies are. But I wonder how they caught her. I mean usually 73 year old ladies are so fast you can barely catch them in a car.

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#14)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:53 PM EST
    kdog-She had her own sausages according to witnesses. But to add insult to injury the deli owner did not want to press charges against any of those who did help themselves to his provisions in order to survive.
    Becnel, family members and witnesses said police snared Maten, a diabetic, in the parking lot of a hotel where she had fled the floodwaters that swamped her New Orleans home. She had paid for her room with a credit card and dutifully followed authorities' instructions to pack extra food, they said. She was retrieving a piece of sausage from the cooler in her car and planned to grill it so she and her frail 80-year-old husband, Alfred, could eat, according to her defenders. The parking lot was almost a block from the looted store, they said. "She is not capable of even looting it the way the store was at the time. You had to jump over a counter, and she is a diabetic and weak-muscled and wouldn't be able to get herself over it. And she couldn't afford to step on broken glass," Williams said.

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#15)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:53 PM EST
    As Sailer said, she has been released. Apparently the media coverage shamed the local judge and she is out, though she must still appear on the charges later

    "As Sailer said, she has been released." She's still being held pending release. Prison officials planned to release Maten by this weekend. She must still face the looting charge at a court hearing in October. Despite intervention from the nation's largest senior lobby, volunteer lawyers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and even a private attorney, the family fought a futile battle for 16 days to get her freed. Then, hours after her plight was featured in an Associated Press story, a local judge on Thursday ordered Maten freed on her own recognizance, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/16/AR2005091600215.html The Associated Press Friday, September 16, 2005; 11:57 AM

    Re: 73 Year Old Jailed for Looting $63.00 in Sausa (none / 0) (#18)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:57 PM EST
    Nunya, Here's hoping that you starve to death while looking through the window of a french pastry shop!