
R.I.P. Simon Wiesenthal

Legendary Nazi-hunter and fighter of anti-Semitism Simon Wiesenthal has passed away in Austria. He was 96.

From Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles:

"I think he'll be remembered as the conscience of the Holocaust. In a way he became the permanent representative of the victims of the Holocaust, determined to bring the perpetrators of the greatest crime to justice," Hier told The Associated Press. A survivor of five Nazi death camps, Wiesenthal changed his life's mission after the war, dedicating himself to tracking down Nazi war criminals and to being a voice for the 6 million Jews who died during the onslaught. He himself lost 89 relatives in the Holocaust.

Wiesenthal spent more than 50 years hunting Nazi war criminals, speaking out against neo-Nazism and racism, and remembering the Jewish experience as a lesson for humanity. Through his work, he said, some 1,100 Nazi war criminals were brought to justice.

"When history looks back I want people to know the Nazis weren't able to kill millions of people and get away with it," he once said.

Thank you, Mr. Wiesenthal, may you rest in peace.

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  • Re: R.I.P. Simon Wiesenthal (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:05 PM EST
    We become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions. -Aristotle RIP Simon, one who lived Just and Brave.

    Re: R.I.P. Simon Wiesenthal (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:06 PM EST
    There will be over 6 million waiting with open arms to lead him into the light.

    Re: R.I.P. Simon Wiesenthal (none / 0) (#3)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:07 PM EST
    We need more like him...that are determined to hold those responsible for the ongoing holocaust that is U.S. foreign policy.

    Re: R.I.P. Simon Wiesenthal (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:07 PM EST
    I had the pleasure of meeting him on several occasions some 24 years ago. I recount some of memories of him here.

    Re: R.I.P. Simon Wiesenthal (none / 0) (#5)
    by retank on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:08 PM EST
    Vatican accused of shielding war criminal One of the most wanted war criminals is being shielded by the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican hierarchy, the United Nations' chief prosecutor for former Yugoslavia said yesterday.