
Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend

The defense lawyers wouldn't say it, but ABC News has no such reservation: The DNA found on the vaginal swab of the accuser in the Duke Lacrosse case belongs to her boyfriend.

I've been told (and this may be common knowledge, I have no idea) that the boyfriend drove her to the party and went to see her in the hospital the next day. What wasn't known when I got the information was whether the boyfriend went back to pick her up that night and whether he saw anything at the house.

So....score another point for the defense. Nonetheless, DA Nifong is expected to indict a third player Monday.

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  • Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 09:58:35 PM EST
    IMHO: Where to begin? 1. She was on the back porch, and the only neighbor who seemed to have the angle, or to be paying attention (Lord love his nosy little self) is one of the best witnesses the defense has. 2. True. But I think that one complaint and then nothing because she did not follow through is more prejudicial than probative. Add another one, another accusation of physical intimidation, restraint, injury, and if I were a betting woman I would say the judge lets it in, with limits. Still, it will get to the jury in some fashion, I think. 3. "Forthright young men"? Love it when you wax poetic, IMHO. Okay, yes, just as pi**ing in the bushes is against the law, so is selling meal books. Call the NCAA, the FBI, hell, call Jack Bauer and have him remove them. Would you admit we are not talking major, recidivist perp here? 4. "Let he who is amongst you without sin cast the first stone" about the sins you hate, and the sinners you love, at Duke, IMHO. You never did any of the things these guys are charged with? Not all of them, certainly not suggesting that. But some of them? I sure as hell did, but have remarkably become a reasonably productive member of my comunity, despite my criminal but uncharged past.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 09:59:59 PM EST
    To Sharon and 7Duke4: Good job, I am enjoying reading your posts. To PB: Your feelings about Duke are quite obvious. I would suggest that you close that subject all together and not get back to it. That would be the most advantages thing to do. At least, both Sharon and 7Duke4 made their biases known when they started to post here. I wish you had done the same thing? What is it in your past (what is buried within you) that makes you feel this way about Duke? I know a lot of people with those same feelings, and it is not very comfortable. I have a theory about it, but I will not expand on it. The topic here is this case, not our deeply rooted likes and dislikes. I look forward to reading more from Sharon, 7Duke4, and PB. Good night.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#3)
    by azbballfan on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:00:34 PM EST
    Cymro, Ah, but should we consider your posts, posts of someone who clearly has questionable integrity? Your insistence upon relying on shifting interpretation of semantics is a boor. Have you provided any real evidence of Nifong's questionable integrity? Ig we've learned from your directions, then we'll ask YOU to please cite specific examples. To regurgitate generalizations made by bloggers is unproductive.
    After all, he is the DA and his public statements are supposed to be truthful, are they not? Having unstated political motives calls those statements into question.
    Oh yea, that's your argument. Alas, Nifong did state his political motives back in February when he registered as a candidate for the election. Do you imply that there is a universal taint on all actions all elected officials? Of all those who make themselves candidates?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#4)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:03:57 PM EST
    SharonInJax posted:
    I understand, even though I have not been involved in the criminal defense world in a loooong time, that DA's will "play" with defense attorneys, delaying discovery for no good reason, delaying the disclosure for as long as they can, all if it part of the "game."
    Discovery is due Monday. Nifong does not have a record of sandbagging defense attorneys. Duke Student's Lawyers Want D.A. off Case
    Over the years, Nifong earned a reputation among many Durham criminal attorneys as a tough prosecutor, but also a fair one: Aus said Nifong often gave the defense access to files beyond those he was required to turn over under North Carolina discovery laws.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:05:16 PM EST
    Alan, thanks for posting that link (in the previous thread). I like the commission's conclusions, including:
    ... at the very least, ... retention (of the sub judice rule) is justified to keep alleged confessions, prior convictions and photographs of the accused from jurors and witnesses. Awareness of the first two of these is difficult to put out of mind, in spite of judicial instructions and warnings, and (is) seriously prejudicial.
    ... For a number of reasons, retention of the sub judice rule is compatible with the public interests in freedom of discussion and open justice. First, restrictions on publicity are for a limited time only, that is, the time during which proceedings are current or pending.
    For others here, it's too bad that this comes from New South Wales, Australia.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#6)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:23:57 PM EST
    SharonInJax posted:
    1. She was on the back porch, and the only neighbor who seemed to have the angle, or to be paying attention (Lord love his nosy little self) is one of the best witnesses the defense has.
    If the police didn't notice her when they walked into the backyard and looked in the windows she may have still been there the next morning. Were they going to throw her over the back fence? Do you think the players wanted her traipsing down their driveway in one high heel wearing her unmentionables - in broad daylight? The cover of darkness is much better suited for stripper disposal. I love Jason for calling the police and telling them what he knew. There is a neighbor lady that talked to the accuser's father: 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for April 3
    She said she heard screaming, heard somebody crying in the house. And she heard a lot of noise, like something was breaking or somebody was falling over. And I asked her if she talked to anybody, and she said no.She said she didn't want to get involved in it, said she didn't want to go to court, she didn't want to be on TV or nothing (INAUDIBLE) She said she didn't want to have anything to do with it. And I asked her, I said, What if it had been your daughter? And she turned and walked off.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#7)
    by azbballfan on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:25:39 PM EST
    Sharon and 7duke4, Thank you for your posts and moveover thank you for sharing your background. My experience has been that doing so helps everyone garner a better understanding. I've shared too much of my background in the past, but to summarize: Basketball fan, lives in AZ, went to a UC school, thinks highly of Duke bball players, not necessarily the coach, likes Jay Bilas. I do think that Duke is getting more hateful energy sent it's way than it would under different circumstances. The problem is, we live in a world today when the average amercian family is dealing with a lot of turmoil and pain. Despite the official 'economic indicators', the job market has hit it's Darwinian peak of violence to employees in the struggle for corporations to survive. We struggle with this, as well as the incredible debt and personal burden brought about by a war of choice. We all remember the leaked video from Bush's fundraiser when he said: "You're my base" while champagne was poured down a chandalier of glasses. We also remember how he is a legacy Yale student who was a member of an elite fraternity. We are also facing an adminstration which is hiding behing their own "wall of silence". We know very well how you can paint yourself in a corner by refusing to question those who we are told to believe are good and have good intentions. And now, the case of the Duke lacrosse team getting caught having a party and whooping it up with the result being a traumatized woman left in the hospital who has lost her ability to be coherent because of something that was done to her. I'm not saying that I assume that the players raped her. I do assume that they did something wrong. The assumption comes from their wall of silence. Somewhere within the circle of the team, there is a "Decider". Don't blame those who question and lament in the lack of answers. Blame the "Decider".

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:27:06 PM EST
    Hello everyone. I am one of probably thousands who are reading this site religiously and devouring all the news available on this case. I encourage those who have been on the sidelines like me to at least make one post, offer a different perspective, etc. Case in point: No offense to frequent posters Bob, PBA, IMHO, et.al., but Sharon, and other new posters are a great addition to this site. Opinions (and I have one) which are different from mine, keep this site from being boring. Awesome job, TL. My sons grew up on Long Island where kids get their first sticks while in diapers. I coached youth lacrosse, and started a high school program when we moved to the South several years ago. So I am in the good company of the millions of other volunteers who make sacrifices for the benefit of all the children who are involved in lacrosse, choir, boy scouts, soccer, etc. So my "different perspective" post is slightly off the very legitimate discussion of the evidence. That the lacrosse players are somehow more capable of a despicable crime because they are white, male, privileged, elitist, entitled, etc., is a bunch of crap. By NCAA rules, lacrosse is allotted a maximum of 12 scholarships across the entire 46+ roster, and no one makes a living playing pro lacrosse. I believe over 95% of the PUBLIC schools on Long Island have varsity lacrosse. You don't have to be over 6' 6", or bench press 300 pounds to be successful. And I am sure our youth program in the South is reflective of the majority - we ACTIVELY recruit in low income areas and provide for free the approximately $200 worth of equipment where there is need. Sons of millionaires, privileged prep school kids, also play baseball, football, and basketball. The people who post here are well informed, regardless of their position. But most people get their information from media sound bites. The result of my anecdotal conversations - these kids playing a rich white sport are guilty. Hollywood loves sequels, and nothing sells papers better than a run on shark attacks. Let's see if the media can find any other scandals out there with collegiate fencing, crew, skiing.... If they are guilty there should be universal acceptance of long prison terms. If this is bogus, then don't hold your breath for a months-long-media-hype-mea culpa for the players, Duke, and the sport of lacrosse.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:28:42 PM EST
    Have you provided any real evidence of Nifong's questionable integrity?
    I do not need to do that, because the statement I was disputing was that "no one has ever accused him of a lack of integrity". My position all along has been that this statement is not accurate, because in fact he has been so accused. By many people. If you want proof, just read these threads and you will find plenty of instances of people questioning Nifong's integrity, and suggesting that maybe his real motivation for publicizing this case had more to do with getting himself re-elected than seeing justice done. If you have not already read posts claiming this, where have you been? And if you still can't find them, then all I can say is this: There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#10)
    by azbballfan on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:29:35 PM EST
    Cymro writes,
    For others here, it's too bad that this comes from New South Wales, Australia.
    Are we to believe a post written by someone with questionable integrity?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#11)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:34:59 PM EST
    SharonInJax posted:
    2. True. But I think that one complaint and then nothing because she did not follow through is more prejudicial than probative. Add another one, another accusation of physical intimidation, restraint, injury, and if I were a betting woman I would say the judge lets it in, with limits. Still, it will get to the jury in some fashion, I think.
    There you go again.... Your logic is the reported rape is not a false accusation but they could bundle it with this other accusation .... I think they best prove the first one FALSE before they start bundling. I think Abbott listing it incorrectly as a false accusation was "more prejudicial than probative." And she claims to be a lawyer, you'd think she'd know better..oh..yeah... SharonInJax posted:
    Still, it will get to the jury in some fashion, I think.
    Uh, I'd guess it already has.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#12)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:44:28 PM EST
    Abbott wrote:
    Much applause should go to the President of NC Central who has remained concerned, vigilent and dignified throughout all of this.
    Agreed. I have major problems with Broadhead's performance. Unfortunately, a realistic, common-sense approach to the case is not possible for many because they have an unrelated agenda to pursue at the expense of justice. Welcome. I look forward to your future posts. SharonInJax: CF's attorney did not receive all the discovery from the DA office yet, so he requested the continuence. This another weasel tactic by Nifong to try and prevent timely coordination between the defense teams. Litigation (criminal and civil) is full of crap like this. I have been dealing with these juvenile games for years, it accomplishes nothing other than disrupting my life, not the clients. It shows a complete lack of courtesy, is unnecessary and absolutely unprofessional. I checked my email this morning to find that I received several briefs at 11:50pm on Friday via electronic filing (in some courts it is no longer close of business but the end of the day that controls deadlines), needless to say my weekend was ruined. 7Duke4: Welcome as well. It is great to hear another voice from the Duke lacrosse community. I have had contact with several Duke players from the '90s and '80s as well as a couple recent graduates that are on my former club team, all find it fantastical and ludicrous that people think 43 players (age 18-22) would exercise somekind of vow of silent to cover up a rape as well as keep it from their parents and friends. It honestly goes beyond all levels of common sense. Great post by all three of you...please stay for the long run. IMHO wrote:
    Nifong does not have a record of sandbagging defense attorneys.
    No, he has a record of sand-bagging directly or indirectly anyone related to the Duke case that helps the defense attorneys...the taxi drive (who by the way lost 7 hours of work time), Kim (though she got a reprive with the reduction in bond costs)hen she cooperated) and even the player who already performed his community service and paid his initial fine. I will thank you for some humorous comments today....the mother using her fingers as quotes was a really good chuckle.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#13)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:50:20 PM EST
    Are we to believe a post written by someone with questionable integrity?
    Hey, suit yourself. Don't take my word for it, just follow the link that Alan posted. Or go there and check for yourself -- a vacation might be good for you. (Couldn't hurt, might help reduce the tension a bit ;-)

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#14)
    by azbballfan on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:53:06 PM EST
    I do not need to do that, because the statement I was disputing was that "no one has ever accused him of a lack of integrity".
    I'm sorry, but again, clearly there have been many posts which point to Nifong's integrity. Those can be found here In addition, by your own logic how can anyone take your statements seriously as people have questioned your authority. Post of this can be found here Again, please stop regurgitating unfounded opinion as fact. They do they do not add value to a blog. If you are going to add value, please provide specific citations which you can quote from. Otherwise, please stop wasting our time.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#15)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 10:56:11 PM EST
    statistics101, you wrote.
    Significant yes, but not necessarily meaningful to prove either side. As I mentioned earlier, she could have scratched more than 1 person, and had a much higher odds in being lucky.
    It would surprise all of us, I would hope, were we to hear from the defense at this juncture an admission that the accuser scratched anybody. They are busily explaining the dna on the fingernail, you will recall, as a consequence of cleaning the bathroom etc. 7Duke wrote:
    Finally, if you want a comment on statistics, here's mine for the time being: there is not a valid sample or premise on which to base a statistical analysis.
    If it is true that 45 of 46 Duke students have been excluded as sources for one of the partial dna samples found on the fingernail, is it not also true that statistical statements of consequence can be made from that information alone without us even needing to count the number of markers used in the sample? Sharon:
    And, believe me, NOBODY can hold a candle to the smugness of an Ivy. Sorry, but come on: you love the Ivy League, you can't imagine one of your guys doing something like this.
    I don't think you've got me pegged yet. I don't have any guys, and don't have a special fondness for the Ivy League as a class of schools. Generally speaking I understand that there are people who do, but I actually feel uncomfortable in the presence of such people. It's pretty much happenstance that I've lived in Ivy League towns most of my life. bkabka,
    To PB: Your feelings about Duke are quite obvious.
    Your comment made me laugh a-loud, bkabka. If you knew me at all you would realize that I don't know close to enough about Duke to have formed even the rudiments of an anti-Duke sentiment. Before this case I didn't really know anything about Duke at all, except that they have a good basketball team. Since then I've learned that they rank highly in academics as well. I know nothing about the campus and nothing about the people who work or study there. Now I can certainly see how you could misinterpret my post to 7Duke, but I assure you that it had as little to do with Duke as it had to do with strippers. As to what it was really about, I'm not at liberty to say.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#16)
    by azbballfan on Sat May 13, 2006 at 11:04:16 PM EST
    kalidoggie said:
    Litigation (criminal and civil) is full of crap like this. I have been dealing with these juvenile games for years, it accomplishes nothing other than disrupting my life, not the clients.
    Being someone who has professionally dealt with the legal profession on a daily basis for over fifteen years, I can attest to this 100%. (I'd say 1000%, but those legal semantic hogs would berate me). Expect nothing less than the most excruiciating mind numbing experience when dealing with lawyers who in one instant will claim to be the world's expert then conviently become the dumbest person in the world for not taking action on a clear instruction. No offense to lawyers, I am good friends with enough of you to knwo that's the way the system of checks and balances is built. At least Nifong is taking some effort not to appear to be obnoxious. The 'leak' of DNA evidence came late Wed/ early Thurs and he was convienently 'out of the office' Thursday so the first time he could send the evidence to the defense was Friday. I know many, yes many lawyers who would gleefully rub the noses in their opponents by being in the office Thursday and vocally accuse the defense team of grandstanding.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#17)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sat May 13, 2006 at 11:15:35 PM EST
    SharonInJax posted:
    Okay, yes, just as pi**ing in the bushes is against the law, so is selling meal books. Call the NCAA, the FBI, hell, call Jack Bauer and have him remove them. Would you admit we are not talking major, recidivist perp here?
    Would you admit you are comparing stealing to peeing, thus minimizing theft? SharonInJax posted:
    You never did any of the things these guys are charged with?
    Those are not the sins to which I am referring. They haven't been charged with the things I'm talking about. Though PB has suggested the proclamation, "Hey b*tch, thank your grandpa for my nice cotton shirt," may have been an attempt at reparations, I'm still not convinced. Frightening two women, by offering to shove a broomstick "up their asses" is just wrong, even if they are "just strippers." And of course there is the Blue Wall of silence. You being a lawyer, I don't expect you to see anything wrong with the "guys" not cooperating with the police. In fact, you may even think, like Abbott does, that this show of solidarity proves "nothing happened." You wrote this in an earlier post - SharonInJax posted:
    Maybe that idiot who sent that sick e-mail, and was rightly, and promptly, sent home..
    I think McFadyen got a bum rap. He was sent packing because his email embarrassed the university. I think the players' silence is much more of an embarrassment and most of them got to finish off the semester.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#18)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sat May 13, 2006 at 11:24:32 PM EST
    IMHO. You never did any of the things these guys are charged with? Not all of them, certainly not suggesting that. But some of them? I sure as hell did, but have remarkably become a reasonably productive member of my comunity, despite my criminal but uncharged past
    Ah, but the sins of the Mother shall be visited upon... Your daughter is working at a strip club and your son's future appears to be equally grim - off to the Ivy League wearing a helmet and cleats. :)

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#19)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 11:37:26 PM EST
    IMHO: Then why the need to delay? Are you telling me you think that Nifong's fax, after 5 pm on a Friday, was . . . what? just one of those things? "A neighbor lady, who talked to, who told A, who talked to B, who went on Rita's show . . . how many degrees of hearsay are allowed before one wonders what was initially said? The law may be an ass, but at times it is not all that stupid, either. Make a witness come forward, put his or her hand on the Good Book (waiting for the challenge to that part of our jurisprudence), and be examined before judge, jury, accused, and the public. Mostly, though, I am realizing that I cannot, at this time of night, give this forum, this board, the attention it deserves. Be that as it may, let me at least say this before I make myself go to bed: I had never had any connection to this site, to this blog (yes, I did have to ask my daughter what a "blog" was. More Mother's Day joy: seeing that look on your baby's face, all parents have seen it, that "are you stupid or just ignorant" look. So, while this is the first time I have visited this site, I do not think it will be my last. The "Duke Lacrosse _________ (choose your word: scandal, disgrace, lesson, debacle, miasma, or write your own choice in) is certainly not the first, and most assuredly will not be the last, legal or judicial or social issue we as a county will have to wrestle with. Forums like this (never took Latin, public school educated person that I am, should that be some other form of plural?) are the modern day equivalent, in some ways, of what the founding fathers (still think we might be better off, as a whole, if some of those founding mothers had a say) intended. Freedom for all of us to speak our minds. And just think of it: not a one of us is being prosecuted or persecuted for what we have to say. Freedom. What a concept.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#20)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat May 13, 2006 at 11:45:43 PM EST
    PB: "Not at liberty to say." It was your post, directed at Duke, but we are supposed to let that pass? It was ugly PB, and how else was someone supposed to take it, other than in the spirit it carried with it?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#22)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:00:17 AM EST
    Then why the need to delay? Are you telling me you think that Nifong's fax, after 5 pm on a Friday, was . . . what? just one of those things?
    5:00 on a Friday is the best time to release bad news. In Washington it's a tried and true technique. I wonder if that's what he was doing?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#23)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:00:21 AM EST
    IMHO: Thanks for the concern. THANK GOD neither one ended up at Duke, that unusually depraved den of iniquity (why else would they call themselves "devils"?) Lord knows it something like this could not occur at Columbia or Penn. Maybe Wharton can straighten his misguided a** out. Because we all know what animals white, prep school athletes are. Intelligence be damned, they are all rapists waiting to happen, all these young men. Of course, one-on-one, take the word of an alleged victim, forgive her past but blame them for not having one? Understand, and I will say it again: I have a daughter and a son. (and yes, my son could be raped, but come on: what's more likely, that my 6'2" 250 lb son is assaulted, or my 5'6" 120 lb daughter? That in response to one of the earlier posts.) I could be the mother of a victim of rape, or the mother of someone accused of rape. I can imagine both. Can all of you? If it were your daughter cast in the role of the raped, if it were your son cast in the role of the rapist, either way, would you not want a better job done by the authorities? Wouldn't you want some sort of justice? Wouldn't you simply want to know what happened?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#24)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:25:18 AM EST
    Sorry, but law school 101 teaches to delay disclosure to the other side as much as possible.
    I must have been absent that day. There's definitely strategy involved in discovery, but being difficult for no reason isn't always the smartest strategy. It just makes opposing counsel start being difficult back. It doesn't change the other side's case at all, it just makes the process more unpleasant.
    remember it was the defense who leaked the information. Unlike other civilized countries, we don't have a code of ethics for defense attorneys.
    You might want to double check that one.
    Setting those aside, it still is a private institution which attempts to claim it provides an education equal to those which are publicly funded. (and subject to the added scrutiny of publicly funded institutions)
    If you can get into Duke, they'll give you the financial aid to go. For some reason, I feel like people don't know about that - they just hear $40k a year and freak out. But if your parents only make 40k a year, that's not what it costs to go to Duke or any other elite private.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#25)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:40:45 AM EST
    PB, Please forgive my inference, but some commenters are getting needlessly bent out of shape. I doubt you care what they think of you, I know I don't, but I do think they are entitled to a fuller understanding of the discourse that spawned their disgust. A little context for the commenters that are "all twisted" about PB's post to 7duke4: 7duke4 posted:
    This is my school and my sport, and we are being depicted as racist, spoiled, rich, rude, etc, etc. I am having great difficulty with the accuser and have come to believe that Nifong is a buffoon, and is perpetuating these stereotypes. This will take a long time to heal, no matter what happens.
    BTW, I make a living with statistics and, no offense, I'm not going to comment on previous posts attempting to use statistics.
    PB's reply:
    Why not? Obviously we're struggling with it. If you know something about it, why not contribute?
    If you're just here to stick your nose in the air, hey, go back to the racist, spoiled, rich, rude college from which you came. I'll stay here with the strippers.
    I noticed 7duke4 didn't get all lathered up at his comment. She recognized it, because she wrote it.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#26)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:48:33 AM EST
    SorrAZBallFan: You wrote, in part: "Sorry, but law school 101 teaches to delay disclosure to the other side as much as possible. "Considering the considerable withholding of testiomony of the attendees of the party, I find the DA's delay to release information to the defense not only to be defensible, but downright required. I will admit, it has been awhile since I was in law school, and I never took a course described as "law school 101." (You want to argue law, and law school with me AZ? Fine, just don't condescend when you have no idea.) But I thought I made it clear, at least I meant to do so. Nifong has no obligation to show his hand now, but he appears to want to take the moral high ground here, and take advantage of the privileges his office affords him. Talk to the media when he wants, take the high ground and be quiet when the sands are sinking underneath him. My point was meant to be that he is playing games. Defense attorneys are not only expected to do that, to work the system to give their clients the best representation possible: they are expected to do so, they MUST do so. The duties and obligations of a prosecutor are far, far different from that. Nifong has a duty not just to the accuser, but to the accused. Mr. Nifong has an abiding duty to the truth. Before an arrest or an indictment, a prosecutor is NOT supposed to be an advocate of anything but the truth. Please, any or all of you who are defending his tactics in prosecuting this case, show me ONE SINGLE TIME when he indicated that he kept an open mind about the FACTS. His first words, all 40 hours worth of his words, presupposed guilt on the part of some illusory Duke lacrosse players. One does not need to be an attorney, does not need to be trained and schooled in the law to understand this simple concept: He has as much of an obligation to the innocent as he does to the guilty. And yet, before he had any idea of WHO was guilty, or who was innocent, Nifong abandoned his obligation to the truth. Let's say, for the sake of argument, Nifong believed his victim was raped, and there was not the slightest hint of political purproses. Then, who did it Mike? Which ones of those Duke boys did the crime? Which ones are you sure are guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt? And what made you decide so quickly? No prosecutor should ever, he or she should never, become involved the way Nifong did, unless and until the police brought him someone to indict, someone the police have convinced him, by all of the evidence, is guilty. Haven't seen anything like that yet. Sorry y'all, for all day: for the length, the verbosity. I have been struggling and agonizing about this case for more than a month now. I want the Duke guys to be exonerated, but I don't want the AV vilified. I look at her life history, and I cannot help feeling for her. But I can feel for the boys too. Happy Mother's Day.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#27)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:20:32 AM EST
    Then why the need to delay? Are you telling me you think that Nifong's fax, after 5 pm on a Friday, was . . . what? just one of those things?
    When I say Nifong doesn't have a record of sandbagging or unethical behavior I am talking about BEFORE this case. He is clearly treating the defense attorneys in this case differently than what we've heard from all of the attorneys in the papers and on TV. These guys got him mad and that is not good. SharonInJax:
    "A neighbor lady, who talked to, who told A, who talked to B, who went on Rita's show . . . how many degrees of hearsay are allowed before one wonders what was initially said?
    The accuser's father spoke directly to the neighbor lady. Most of the player's statements that "nothing happened" are coming through other people, do I hear anyone saying "how many degrees of hearsay are allowed before one wonders what was initially said?" Nope. SharonInJax:
    The law may be an ass, but at times it is not all that stupid, either. Make a witness come forward, put his or her hand on the Good Book (waiting for the challenge to that part of our jurisprudence), and be examined before judge, jury, accused, and the public.
    How about we start with baby steps - 40+ witnesses come forward - no swearin' on Bibles necessary, no judge, no jury, no accused - just come forward and tell what happened that night.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#28)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:38:08 AM EST
    Have you provided any real evidence of Nifong's questionable integrity?
    I do not need to do that, because the statement I was disputing was that "no one has ever accused him of a lack of integrity".
    I'm sorry, but again, clearly there have been many posts which point to Nifong's integrity. Those can be found here
    az, I don't doubt it, but you need to brush up on logic. You can produce a million character witnesses for Nifong, but that will still not make the slightest dent in my argument. As long as the count of those who have questioned his integrity is greater than "no one," then the statement I am disputing is false, and I am right. So unless you can prove to me that the entire world is singing Nifong's praises, and no one disagrees, all your character witnesses are completely irrelevant. They do nothing to disprove my point.
    In addition, by your own logic how can anyone take your statements seriously ...
    Coming from someone whose grasp of logic is questionable, this is ironic.
    please stop regurgitating unfounded opinion as fact.
    This entire discussion has been about people's opinions of Nifong, so what's your problem? Once again, it appears that you are not following the logic of the discussion. I am not stating that the opinions I am pointing to are proven facts. I am simply saying that some people have expressed opinions of Nifong that question his integrity. That they have done so is the only fact at issue here. And I know they have, because I have been reading them since the beginning of this affair. And if you care to read through the threads here, you will find plenty of them yourself. Alternatively, see Did Justice or Politics Drive Arrests in Duke Lacrosse Case? or Nifong Wins. Will Justice Win, Too? which includes this:
    After thoroughly reviewing the case in his column on Monday, esteemed legal analyst Stuart Taylor, Jr. concluded that "accumulating evidence strongly suggests that the charge may well be a lie." He also put Nifong among a group of people - including Duke's professors and administrators - who should be "ashamed of themselves" for the way the case has been handled. Last night in an interview with Greta Van Susteren, Nifong tried to portray the primary vote as a referendum on his integrity. Hardly. His behavior in this case has been truly disturbing.
    Is that enough evidence to prove that some people have questioned his integrity??

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#29)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 02:14:12 AM EST
    Nifong could seek third indictment
    Attorneys declined to name the man who apparently had sex with the woman or to release the full DNA report.
    Meanwhile, several defense lawyers had a telephone conference Saturday to further discuss the new DNA results.
    Afterward, attorney Bill Thomas of Durham -- who represents an un-indicted lacrosse player -- said semen found in the dancer's body was "of recent origin" and had been deposited there "immediately prior to her being examined" in connection with the alleged rape.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#30)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:00:10 AM EST
    I am a new poster although I have been reading the comments for a week or so because of my interest in the Duke lacrosse case. I would like to respond to the repeated references to the "blue code of silence", the alleged failure of Duke players to speak to the police. I think this is very unfair. The day after the allegations were made, the police asked the three captains, residents of the house on Buchanan, to come be interviewed. They all went, no lawyers or parents, and were each interviewed for about 8 hours. They then voluntarily went to Duke Hospital for a rape suspect exam. All three asked to take lie detector tests but the police refused. (This was all reported in Newsweek.) Then Nifong began his 70-plus interviews in which he called the team members a bunch of hooligans and said he believed a rape took place. Assuming the captains all said that no rape occurred, and assuming they were telling the truth (I realize some on this site will not be able to make this assumption) why would any other team members come forward? If all they can say is that it didn't happen, the DA is clearly not interested. Even the most ardent supporters of the alleged accuser must admit that the actions of the three captains in appearing voluntarily and asking to take a lie detector test are not consistent with guilt. One question with regard to the alleged neighbor who heard screaming--if she heard screaming why didn't Kim Roberts, the second stripper, hear it?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#31)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:25:30 AM EST
    Sharon, You wrote:
    "Not at liberty to say." It was your post, directed at Duke, but we are supposed to let that pass? It was ugly PB, and how else was someone supposed to take it, other than in the spirit it carried with it?
    We post here at the pleasure of our gracious hostess, who has put me on notice that I am at risk. So, in the spirit of those brave Duke lacrosse players, Tommy Skakel, The Juice, and other innocent but accused ghosts of Christmas past, I am taking the fifth. Please don't regard this as a request for a free pass. I seek no special protection from the jeering masses. If I am to be made the Earl Butts of Talkleft, so be it. But don't throw me in the briar patch. Don't try and make an honest man of me. You wrote:
    No prosecutor should ever, he or she should never, become involved the way Nifong did, unless and until the police brought him someone to indict, someone the police have convinced him, by all of the evidence, is guilty. Haven't seen anything like that yet.
    Most of what we know comes from the Wall of Shill. A thousand tiny Ron Zieglers yearning to break free. We don't know what all the forensic reports and medical assessments actually say. We don't know what the three captains actually said. We don't know what the accuser has actually said. That's a lot not to know. The defense would have us believe that the presence of lacrosse player dna under a broken off fingernail is a ridiculously unimportant fact in this case. To some, that represents the end of a discussion. Case closed. Get the dancer into therapy, poor dear, she's imagining things. Call me a dummy, but I like to be sure I understand what people are talking about. Having been dragged to the mental ward in my life by jackbooted thugs, I can tell you with 100& certainty that when people wrong you, they will hide it. They will hide it in huge teams, and they will hide it behind lawyers and judges. And they will pay enormous amounts of money to hide it. The strategies they will use to hide it are many. They'll ignore you. They will tell you, you are crazy. They will even forge documents and lie under oath. People look so nice, but beneath that soft cortex they all have lizard brains. Knowing that from direct experience changes a person. Perhaps its why I am supportive of Nifong's quest to bring this case to trial. I have no idea whether Nifong has the cajones or skills to evince the actual truth AT trial, but I stand with the many people who regard him as an honest man taking on a difficult project. And I stand in opposition to the wall of angry mothers asking deriding him at every turn. David Souter, when he was an attorney general, used to instruct the attorneys working under him "We don't win cases. We don't lose cases. We try cases." I respect the fact that Nifong is trying this case. If the truth emerges from the trial (which is the idea of trials) I'll regard that as a great thing, whether Nifong wins or loses. If it doesn't, well, that sometimes happens to. Some people know how to take advantage of the system.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#32)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:40:35 AM EST
    Hi Alexva, Youn wrote:
    I would like to respond to the repeated references to the "blue code of silence", the alleged failure of Duke players to speak to the police. I think this is very unfair.
    I have complained about this too. It really should be called a Blue Wall of Shill. The players are saying all kinds of things through the filter of their attorneys. You wrote:
    If all they can say is that it didn't happen, the DA is clearly not interested.
    Has the DA told you that, or are you just wiff-reading it. My wiff-read is the police would find helpful any witness testimony whatsoever. Opinion testimony I would think they would find less interesting, as it can't be used at trial. But it certainly is the case that the police would benefit from all witnesses coming forward and presenting their memories of the evening events. This is true even of those witnesses who weren't at the party! For instance, it would help police if Finnerty were to relate such seemingly inconsequential details as which waitress served him his burritos, and who he was sitting with at the Cantina. This type of information can help assure that the police target the right suspect. Seligman, had he come forward, wouldn't have been indicted at all, do you think? Now they all have to show their innocence the hard way. It's not too late. All of them are still free to take the first.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#33)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:33:30 AM EST
    ...attorney Bill Thomas of Durham -- who represents an un-indicted lacrosse player -- said semen found in the dancer's body was "of recent origin" and had been deposited there "immediately prior to her being examined"...
    Then wouldn't the state lab have been able to easily test it? Has Nifong known it was there all along? Have the defense attorneys? "Recent" is a pretty subjective term, but "immediately" is a bit more clear. Is that what she was doing before her "outcall"? Or Bill Thomas could be lying.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#34)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:46:27 AM EST
    Del, You wrote: Or Bill Thomas could be lying. I'd have to actually see his lips move before I'd believe that.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#35)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:10:14 AM EST
    alexva posted:
    One question with regard to the alleged neighbor who heard screaming--if she heard screaming why didn't Kim Roberts, the second stripper, hear it?
    We don't know why and if the "alleged neighbor" hasn't changed her mind about coming forward neither do the police. The bathroom where the rape is alleged to have taken place is at the back of the house and it possibly occurred while Kim was in the front yard or in her car. Though Kim may have been yelling, Bob in Pacifica will assure you no one saw her crying.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#36)
    by january on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:21:13 AM EST
    Cymro, I think you're missing the point about the comments on Nifong's integrity or lack thereof. IMHO and possibly others have said in many previous threads that his integrity hasn't been questioned.....until now. The emphasis is mine and the phrase was implied rather than stated, but most of us who've been reading these posts for awhile understood that. I don't think anybody's really happy with how this case has been handled -- by anybody.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#37)
    by Lora on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:21:24 AM EST
    Sharon, My "baby" has already made her decision: I am entirely and unforgivably stupid. Happy Mother's Day :-) On the subject of the AV's injuries, I made a post a few threads back that included quotes from sources who either saw the AV or were experts familiar with the case, including Nifong, that led me to believe that her injuries were serious enough to have been caused by force, far more than consensual sex is likely to have supplied. That is an opinion based on rather scanty evidence, true, but after reading all that I could find, that's what I think. If you want any links, let me know. As far as the math and stat go, I do firmly believe that math is critical to our full understanding of the world, and I am sure it will play a part in this case. My statistics posts were not meant to make any case, I was just clarifying how you would use the laws of probability to figure the odds of selection by chance alone. Unless you run some sophisticated statistical tests, (and even then perhaps) there are far too many variables to make any serious statements about the likelihood of the photo ID or the DNA tests fingering the right perps, if there even are any. All I can say from my little probability figuring (without quoting numbers) is that it is quite unlikely that the AV and the DNA test would have fingered the same person BY CHANCE, and it is extremely unlikely that the AV and the DNA test would have fingered the actual perp, if there is one, BY CHANCE. That is, if the AV went eenie meenie miney moe, and if the DNA testers said, I can't make head or tail of these results; let's just pick somebody. That's all I meant, and I promise, no more, unless it's brought up again. As a mother of a little angel, I know that brushes with the law can result in charges that are far less serious than the actual acts committed, heh. So, frankly, looking at all those public urination charges, I can't help thinking that that's the LEAST of what they were doing when caught. And, again, as a mother of a little angel, I'm not suggesting that they were raping, pillaging, burning, etc, but I think that there is a high probability (dang, that word again) that they were doing other things which could have resulted in charges with graver legal consequences. So much to say, so little time! That's all for now.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#38)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:26:52 AM EST
    alexva posted:
    I would like to respond to the repeated references to the "blue code of silence", the alleged failure of Duke players to speak to the police.
    I think this is very unfair. The day after the allegations were made, the police asked the three captains, residents of the house on Buchanan, to come be interviewed. They all went, no lawyers or parents, and were each interviewed for about 8 hours. They then voluntarily went to Duke Hospital for a rape suspect exam. All three asked to take lie detector tests but the police refused. (This was all reported in Newsweek.) Then Nifong began his 70-plus interviews in which he called the team members a bunch of hooligans and said he believed a rape took place.
    Assuming the captains all said that no rape occurred, and assuming they were telling the truth (I realize some on this site will not be able to make this assumption) why would any other team members come forward? If all they can say is that it didn't happen, the DA is clearly not interested.
    alexva, The problem with your comment is the order in which you think the events took place. Putting Nifong's first public comments in their proper place in the sequence of events totally blows your argument.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#39)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:33:08 AM EST
    january posted:
    Cymro, I think you're missing the point about the comments on Nifong's integrity or lack thereof.
    Yes, I also think Cymro is missing the point. Thank you january.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#40)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:43:34 AM EST
    I think we may have to put the listening neighbor who heard the scream over in the dubious column for awhile. The first thing is that it was reported by the AV's father on Rita Cosby on April 3. The father also attributed his daughter telling him she was sodomized with a broomstick. The broomstick was never in any of the search warrants, no one ever seized or looked for a broomstick. That means that Nifong either wasn't told by the AV about the broomstick or was told and didn't look for the most important piece of evidence he could find at the Buchanan house. If you want to believe the father about the unidentified witness next to the Buchanan house, you have to explain why he apparently misreported (or invented, or lied about) the broomstick. And if you believe that, then you have to weigh the father's comments about the 1993 (1994?) rape, about which he said something to the effect that "those boys didn't do nothin' to her." That is, the AV's father said that his daughter filed a false rape charge back then. The father has demonstrated that he is an unreliable source of information. One could infer that his dishonesty may in fact have been handed down to his daughter as a means of reinterpreting unpleasant or otherwise inexplicable reality. That is, the AV grew up watching her father lie and adopted the behavior. Not good when the case depends so much on the AV being an honest broker of information. The existence of a witness who overheard screaming is also questionable because a month after the father mentioned this, she has not appeared or been identified. One could explain why the DA may want to hold back this knowledge, but considering the media coverage, there would only be a limited number of houses in the neighborhood where someone would have heard what happened. It's hard to believe that at some point early on someone in the press didn't knock on doors to find out who heard what, even to asking Bissey if he knew other neighbors who complained about noise from the house. Finally, there's the limited value of a neighbor hearing a scream. Roberts said that she heard or saw nothing that night that indicated to her that a rape had occurred. If the neighbor heard a blood-curdling cry or pleas to stop from a distance, you would have to explain why Roberts couldn't hear it. Even if you can do that, what is the probative value of someone at a distance hearing a scream? What time? If it was at a time when the two were together that means it wasn't about a rape? Maybe the AV or Roberts herself screamed at something that one of the attendees did, either rude or threatening or just stupid and silly. So: 1.) The story of the screaming heard by a neighbor was reported by an unreliable source of information who has a prejudice towards wanting such a witness to exist; 2.) A month after the claim of this witness was made, no one has been able to confirm any such witness; 3.) Even if such a witness exists, what the person may have heard is of very limited value as to whether a rape had been committed. Maybe the mystery witness will appear tomorrow. I wouldn't bet on it.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#41)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:01:25 AM EST
    When the team had photos taken of their faces they also had pictures taken of their torsos and presumably their arms were not blacked out either. This was done a few days after the rape allegedly occurred. That would suggest that if the AV scratched a person, that person would have scratches on him. If the AV identified someone who was scratched, whose wounds were consistent with what she was describing as to the fight she was in, and if his DNA were found under a fingernail, you have evidence consistent with her story. If the man wasn't scratched, her version of events is diminished. But her identification could have been influenced by knowing who lived there, information that was readily available. Her identification of anyone at the party is based on her being sober enough to be conscious of what was happening to her and knowing who was doing what. In order for someone to believe her one has to believe that she was aware of what what happening. If she were not telling the truth one would only have to believe the same thing, that she identified someone who was there and who may have had some harmless physical contact with her like being inadvertantly scratched helping her to stand up after she fell when one shoe broke, or if she scratched someone as she fell from her shoe breaking. Or the DNA evidence was transferred when the nail was thrown in the garbage can, or when the nail was in contact with other stuff in the garbage can. Or, since the DNA is not a match, that it was someone else's DNA entirely and got there at some point earlier. I don't send someone to prison on that.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#42)
    by azbballfan on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:02:36 AM EST
    Yes, I also think Cymro is missing the point. Thank you january.
    In addition, Cymro has proven to have questionable integrity with unstated political motives.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#43)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:08:06 AM EST
    IMHO, prove that the AV and Roberts were crying. Give me any witness to the AV and Roberts crying at the house aside from the magic witness revealed to us by the AV's father, and the AV's own statement. Put down the pompoms and the snark and give us some information.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#44)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:49:30 AM EST
    AZ wrote:
    Sorry, but law school 101 teaches to delay disclosure to the other side as much as possible.
    Law schools do no such thing. Law schools teach respect for the Court and your opposition, as all attorney are officers of the Court. What has happened is that law schools teach attorneys to zealously represent their clients within the bounds of the law. It is the disrespectful pr*ck attorneys who have interpreted this to mean they should try to f**k the other side any chance they get, including playing the Friday delay game. Judges hate this stuff, and when it is brought to their attention it it not only makes them feel like they are parenting, it taints the offending attorney's credibility. Most top attorneys are very civil with each other because they realize the fight is between the clients not the representing attorneys. In my legal career, I have found that the attorneys who play the Friday/deadline delay game, whether it is 11:50pm or 5pm (by the way my guess is it would have been later but for the gov't staff leaving the office at 5pm), tend to be the ones who are the most ethically challenged.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#45)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:51:51 AM EST
    Bob in Pacifica:
    IMHO, prove that the AV and Roberts were crying. Give me any witness to the AV and Roberts crying at the house aside from the magic witness revealed to us by the AV's father, and the AV's own statement.
    Ah, nice trick. You brought up the subject of the women crying as an example of the accuser making a false allegation. I said we don't know if they cried or not. You are the one that said they were NOT crying. I don't have to prove anything, you do. Bob in Pacifica:
    Put down the pompoms and the snark and give us some information.
    I've contributed plenty of information here as have you, but mine does not require constant correction.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#46)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:56:06 AM EST
    This post from another blog sounds like it is right on point or at least a pretty reasonable scenario:
    The defense reported on Saturday that the DNA reports indicate recent sex (maybe motile sperm noted on exam) ruling out sex on another day. Since DAs/PD don't do prelim investigation weeks _after_ you indict (like swabbing a known sex contact), the May 3rd DNA sampling of the "boyfriend" essentially explains one part of the story. Looks like Nifong was boxed in. The Likely Scenario: 1. The rape exam at Duke found semen so Nifong was 100% sure that a sex act had occured. 2. The AV claimed no recent consensual sex so Nifong "knew" it had to be LAX DNA, 3. The DNA came back entirely negative (1st round) and Nifong was stunned since he knew that the serology and exam showed sex. 4. The Black community demanded a prosecution (the cheering NCCU gymnasium crowd) and Nifong promised to do it, publicly (on election eve). 5. Nifong indicted on Photo ID alone. 6. Nifong made the huge mistake (from his POV, not justice) of sending the material to a 2nd lab. 7. The 2nd DNA results came back around May 3rd showing a "mystery man" had had sex with her. 8. Nifong freaked, reinterviewed the AV with the new evidence in hand. She said "Oh, yeah, there was this guy...." 9. Nifong claimed to the media that the DNA "wasn't back yet" and LabCorp did a rush analysis matching one person to one sample (always the easiest).
    The leak (re: finger nails) and Friday disclosure are just lame efforts at damage control.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#47)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:57:31 AM EST
    Quote mistake....the whole post was from the other blog not just the 1st paragraph.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#48)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:00:50 AM EST
    IMHO wrote:
    PB's reply: Why not? Obviously we're struggling with it. If you know something about it, why not contribute? If you're just here to stick your nose in the air, hey, go back to the racist, spoiled, rich, rude college from which you came. I'll stay here with the strippers. I noticed 7duke4 didn't get all lathered up at his comment. She recognized it, because she wrote it.
    Wow, interesting conclusion. I actually was furious, but others replied quite well, and I was brought up as a southern lady. And a later non-apology and comment by PB is still attacking lacrosse. Nice. None of this is productive. If you don't think the kids playing this sport are being victimized by this case, you should have been at the league game I was at yesterday. #1 topic of conversation among the 12 year olds? One guess, and the focus was on "what does it mean for me." And Syracuse banning the transfer of ALL Duke players, even the ones who were out of town that day? Count the number of times you've seen crawls and headlines with the words DUKE, LACROSSE, and RAPE in the same sentence and you know what I mean. BTW, I recommend you watch the NCAA lacrosse tournament today (men and women). Also BTW, Duke has been ranked in the top 5-6 universities in this country for some time now (with Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and Princeton). And Duke graduates are a much higher percentage of top executives than 1%. Sheesh. I am done with this discussion. I am also going to address the statistics issue one last time. DNA is a hard science, but with results expressed as a population percentage. Statistics use a defined sample, with results expressed with confidence levels and standard deviations. The examples given, using the population of the team as the sample, are invalid - some team members were not there (see above) and you really don't know who was there. The AV's choices out of a flawed, limited lineup (with the pressure of picking someone, not noone) likewise cannot be used as assumptions. As I said, wait until the actual data is known.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#49)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:19:51 AM EST
    Kalidoggie, You wrote:
    In my legal career, I have found that the attorneys who play the Friday/deadline delay game,... tend to be the ones who are the most ethically challenged.
    I enjoy that Nifong doesn't pander to the defense attorneys' efforts to control him. I particularly enjoyed it when they made their great effort to show him the select evidence that would vindicate their clients days before the grand jury met. People have cited this as another example of his ethical violations, but to me it was a demonstration of his integrity. The defendant/suspects had been given plenty of time to come forward and had chosen not to. The place to settle disagreements about guilt and innocence is in court, not in the backroom of the DA's office. What was Nifong's deadline for faxing the defense attorneys the latest dna results. Did he meet it? That's really all he needs to worry about. He doesn't need to worry about whether the defense attorneys get it in time for the some particular news cycle, and he doesn't need to worry about whether the defense attorneys have to work weekends. Those aren't his problems.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#50)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:19:51 AM EST
    Actually, IMHO, way back I said that the AV's comment that both she and Roberts were frightened and crying, from her interview, sounded to me like an "add-on." That is, it sounded like an embellishment in order to make her story more believable. Roberts nevers says that the AV was crying, or that she herself was crying. That is, if there was crying by either of them, in Roberts' version it was insignificant. We do not have Bissey crying. Someone, maybe you, suggested that Roberts was "crying" when she phoned in her 911 call, but crying while trading insults with the players outside in the yard. Crying can mean a lot of things. People's tears can be caused by smoke irritation. People can "cry for joy" or "cry out in anger." There was no reports of crying consistent with the AV's version, which in any case doesn't dovetail with the magical missing neighbor hearing the screams of a woman being raped, as reported to us by the man who claims his daughter told him she was sodomized by a broomstick and who told us his daughter filed a false rape charge in the past. It's not such a clever ruse, IMHO. What evidence that the AV and Roberts, as reported by the AV were driven to tears of fear? You have nothing. What evidence do you have that the AV was screaming in the bathroom? You have the word of the father. Accept his version of events and you have an AV who filed a false rape claim in the past and invented a story about being sodomized by a broomstick this time around. +++ Regarding your "constant correction" snipe, we are dealing with very little information and quite a bit of speculation here. I've changed my mind on a number of things in this case, in large part because of new information coming forward. I would hope that an open mind would measure new information as to its value and weigh it against what we've already heard. To do any less would be intellectual dishonesty. If you haven't changed your mind, or presented conflicting versions of events and considered them, or even asked for explanations about apparent contradictions in what little we know, it suggests to me that you aren't doing any exploration, just sitting back and knowing. So tell us what happened or stop pretending your omniscience. There are many here who think what you're filled with is not knowledge.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#51)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:26:19 AM EST
    Bob in Pacifica:
    I think we may have to put the listening neighbor who heard the scream over in the dubious column for awhile.
    It's kinda full right now - with your morning's postings ;)
    If you want to believe the father about the unidentified witness next to the Buchanan house, you have to explain why he apparently misreported (or invented, or lied about) the broomstick.
    He said someone told him it was in the police report and then his daughter told him. We have nothing to show he is lying about that.
    And if you believe that, then you have to weigh the father's comments about the 1993 (1994?) rape, about which he said something to the effect that "those boys didn't do nothin' to her." That is, the AV's father said that his daughter filed a false rape charge back then.
    Bob, this is my problem with you. You know the mother has explained why they kept the 1993 rape from the father. How many times have I typed out "a reporter described him as 'all of 120 lbs soaking wet?'" Where is the intellectually dishonesty police when we need him?
    The father has demonstrated that he is an unreliable source of information.
    Has he lied or has he been given inaccurate information?
    One could infer that his dishonesty may in fact have been handed down to his daughter as a means of reinterpreting unpleasant or otherwise inexplicable reality. That is, the AV grew up watching her father lie and adopted the behavior. Not good when the case depends so much on the AV being an honest broker of information.
    If you want to go there you have to show the father to be a liar first. You haven't done that.
    The existence of a witness who overheard screaming is also questionable because a month after the father mentioned this, she has not appeared or been identified. One could explain why the DA may want to hold back this knowledge, but considering the media coverage, there would only be a limited number of houses in the neighborhood where someone would have heard what happened. It's hard to believe that at some point early on someone in the press didn't knock on doors to find out who heard what, even to asking Bissey if he knew other neighbors who complained about noise from the house.
    The problem with that argument is that all of that could have happened. We haven't seen the police reports. Nor have the reporters told us whose doors they knocked on and who didn't answer.
    Finally, there's the limited value of a neighbor hearing a scream. Roberts said that she heard or saw nothing that night that indicated to her that a rape had occurred. If the neighbor heard a blood-curdling cry or pleas to stop from a distance, you would have to explain why Roberts couldn't hear it.
    The father did not say the neighbor told him she heard "blood-curdling cry or pleas to stop," but you knew that. The bathroom is at the back of the house, perhaps this neighbor was closer to the bathroom than was Kim. Kim may have been in the front yard or in her car when the alleged rape took place, but you knew that, too.
    Even if you can do that, what is the probative value of someone at a distance hearing a scream? What time? If it was at a time when the two were together that means it wasn't about a rape? Maybe the AV or Roberts herself screamed at something that one of the attendees did, either rude or threatening or just stupid and silly.
    Bob, the CRYING, you left out the CRYING. Hmmmm? I wonder why?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#52)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:26:37 AM EST
    PB, your previous comment about Duke and the implication of those who attend Duke or side with the players really opened my eyes. No wonder conservatism has a lot of room to grow, since sometimes self-appointed liberals could sound no different from fundamnetalist as well.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#53)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:29:46 AM EST
    'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for April 3 She said she heard screaming, heard somebody crying in the house. And she heard a lot of noise, like something was breaking or somebody was falling over. And I asked her if she talked to anybody, and she said no.She said she didn't want to get involved in it, said she didn't want to go to court, she didn't want to be on TV or nothing (INAUDIBLE) She said she didn't want to have anything to do with it. And I asked her, I said, What if it had been your daughter? And she turned and walked off.
    In other words, This neighboring woman does not want to take responsibility for the veracity of her words. Or, perhaps, she is not so sure?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#54)
    by Lora on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:42:30 AM EST
    The examples given, using the population of the team as the sample, are invalid...
    Are you referring to my little probability exercise? imho, I went nuts a while ago trying to find Nifong's early comments from any news report dated then (not referred to later) and I was unable to locate them. I am specifically looking for his "hooligan" speech, and I am also specifically looking for any early speeches in which he mentions DNA. I think folks are taking his DNA comments out of context. If you (or anybody) have a link to those EARLY news reports which quote him at the time, I would very much appreciate it. For all the press conferences he is supposed to have given, I'm having a hard time finding them. Kali, Here's MY "likely" scenario: 1. The rape exam found semen. As the AV is not a virgin and has a boyfriend and Nifong knew it, there were no surprises there. 2. The first DNA tests came back "inconclusive." Another test was needed to identify who it belonged to. Nifong was disappointed but not stunned. He has maintained all along that 1) the tests might not show anything conclusive, and 2) you need a lot more than just DNA evidence to prosecute. 3. Nifong, after reviewing all the evidence at his disposal, believed a crime had been committed. 4. Nifong indicted on the basis of a lot of evidence, not simply the photo ID. 5. The 2nd DNA test from the first "inconclusive" test revealed the boyfriend, which Nifong suspected would happen. Knowing that it would not help his case (somehow, the public wants to believe that all rape victims are virgins), he pulled a late Friday fax, hoping to stave off negative publicity. (In this situation, I doubt that he is no more evil than most of us would be in his shoes.) hooligan: from dictionary.com: 1st) a tough and aggressive or violent youth. 2nd) a cruel or brutal fellow. 1st definition doesn't sound so out of line to me.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#55)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:43:51 AM EST
    I think we should judge Nifong's performance in this case based on the facts how he handled of this case alone, instead of saying that judging from "precedence" he is not so-and-so kind of character. In that logic, how are we going to account for all the first-time offender? If one wants to judge people based on "precedence," then apply them to everyone, Nifong, the accuser and the accused, and not using double standard to emphasize one and understating the other. I leave judgement of Nifong's faireness in handling this case to everyone's own common sense. No precedence does not guarantee that things will never happen. PB said:
    The place to settle disagreements about guilt and innocence is in court, not in the backroom of the DA's office.
    I'll believe this if there's no such thing as plea bargain in the world.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#56)
    by Lora on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:48:00 AM EST
    I think Nifong is really in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation with this case. I have a question for those of you who think he is either incompetent or out for merely political gain with this case: What exactly should he have done, do you think, and why?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#57)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:00:40 AM EST
    The father said that someone said it was in the police report and then his daughter (the AV) told him about the broomstick. Great. So in order to believe that statement by the father , that the broomstick was described as a sodomizing agent in the police report and was known to the AV you have to believe that Nifong overlooked a piece of physical evidence at the house that would connect players to a sexual assault. So which is it? Is Nifong utterly retarded so as not to be able to read a police report and understand the importance of the AV's description of events, is the father a liar, or is the daughter a liar, or a combination of the three? Regarding the previous rape allegation, the father said that those boys did nothing to her. The story being told is that at the time the father wasn't told about the rape because they were afraid he would get hurt. However, to presume your position is to presume that the father never got any information about the rape for thirteen years and formed an opinion that it didn't happen. That is, he is saying that a rape didn't happen because he doesn't know a rape happened. Presuming that a rape happened and at the time the father wasn't told, you have to also presume that over the next decade he either never knew about the previous rape allegation, or did come to find out about it and formed an opinion as to his daughter's veracity. That he didn't know about the rape immediately after it happened doesn't explain away his ability to form an opinion about whether or not it occurred. You could say the same about people's opinions here. None of us were at the Buchanan house on March 13, we all found out about the charges days or weeks after the events. We formed opinions. Your suggestion that the father had to have come to the wrong conclusion because he didn't know about the rape is stupid. I hope that that leap of illogic fools you because it doesn't fool most others here. And, again, regarding the neighbor who heard maybe a cry, maybe a scream, maybe something breaking, maybe anything that might somehow fit into the AV's story: What proof do you have that the neighbor exists? We can weigh the probative value of the "crying," or the "screaming," whatever that might be. But first you need a witness. You don't even have a reliable witness to the existence of a witness.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#58)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:02:34 AM EST
    I don't think that Nifong is incompetent at all. And while I think that he may have pumped up this case for political gain, I think the reason why he pursued the case was that initially the AV's story was credible enought to pursue.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#59)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:11:06 AM EST
    january: First, if as you say I was missing the point about Nifong because ...
    IMHO and possibly others have said in many previous threads that his integrity hasn't been questioned.....until now. The emphasis is mine and the phrase was implied rather than stated ...
    ... and if ...
    most of us who've been reading these posts for awhile understood that
    ... then that misunderstanding could have been cleared up in the first response to my first post, saving everyone some time. So why do you think azballfan didn't use that argument once when responding to my posts? If I missed that nuance, then azballfan did too, because my later posts were simply responding to the illogical arguments being advanced (not to mention the unfounded criticisms of my own integrity, which I ignored). It seems that azballfan is not one of those who understood, and that's who I was responding to. Second, what is the context in which the observation that Nifong's integrity had not previously been questioned is actually relevant to the discussion of this case? Surely his actions in the course of this case are what matters, and everyone can see how he has acted and judge him accordingly. Are we supposed to cut him some slack because he's a first time offender!?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#60)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:13:27 AM EST
    Here's one Lora. I must go out, but will be back to find more.
    In interviews March 27 and 28, Nifong made several statements that helped transform the case into a national story.
    Elaborating on the accuser's description of the attack, he compared the incident to the quadruple homicide in an Alpine Road townhouse and multiple cross burnings that outraged the city last year.
    Nifong said all three cases were serious enough that he would prosecute them personally.
    He implied that members of the lacrosse team were engaging in a conspiracy of silence.
    "I would like to think that somebody [not involved in the attack] has the human decency to call up and say, 'What am I doing covering up for a bunch of hooligans?' " he said.
    Nifong expressed confidence that the DNA would be important to filing charges. "By next week, we'll know precisely who was involved," he said shortly after the samples were taken.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#61)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:16:13 AM EST
    Lora said:
    1. The rape exam found semen. As the AV is not a virgin and has a boyfriend and Nifong knew it, there were no surprises there.
    Then, what should the DA at this point do after the rape exam found semen? Should he ask the AV how recent she had consensual sex, and determine how much that consensual sex would interfere with his case or investigation. According to this article in the Herald Sun, Bill Thomas said the semen found was of "recent origin" There are three scenarios here-- 1. Nifong didn't ask the AV the question, so he learns about the boyfriend's semen like everyone else until the second DNA result. 2. Nifong asked the AV the question. The AV told the truth that she just recently have sex. Nifong should find many other solid ways in addition to the accuser's statement (which did not complete after 31 hours later) to base his "belief" that a rape occurred other than the SANE exam and the DNA result.--> Nifong should have some reasonable doubts at this point. 3. Nifong asked, and the AV didn't tell him the truth. --> AV lied to Nifong. I'll wait to see what Nifong's "a lot of" other evidences that he believes do not support an alternative explanation are tomorrow's official time for discovery. Up to now he is not even willing to share the AV's statement to the defense.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#62)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:26:19 AM EST
    Hi 7Duke,
    I actually was furious, but others replied quite well, and I was brought up as a southern lady. And a later non-apology and comment by PB is still attacking lacrosse. Nice. None of this is productive.
    Well, I think if you look back you'll find that in my post addressed to you, I really didn't attack lacrosse at all. So I take issue with your claim that I am "still" attacking lacrosse. My first and only attack on lacrosse is of more recent vintage than our exchange. I have, if I recall correctly, written "Duke Lacrosse Sucks" in a prior post, but I was actually referring to the 2006 team, not the sport. Lacrosse seems like a pretty good game, actually. It's funny how you drive by a little kid with a lacrosse stick these days and what immediately comes to mind is public urination. It's involuntary. You just have to shake it off and move on. Amazing if a false accusation did all that. You wrote:
    Statistics use a defined sample, with results expressed with confidence levels and standard deviations. The examples given, using the population of the team as the sample, are invalid - some team members were not there (see above) and you really don't know who was there.
    The validity of the samples depends on what you are asking of them. Take the photo analysis. We know exactly how many photos she was shown. We have also been told (how good the information is is always an issue) that 45 of the 46 players who provided dna (the same sample as provided the photos) were excluded in a particular dna match. Both these are extremely well-defined samples. They don't represent the population of the team or the population that was at the house. They do represent the population that Nifong had give photos and dna, no more, no less. What we need is a good probabilist/statistician to tell us the "meaning" of this information. Hicht took a pretty good crack at it. His analysis managed to avoid irrelevant issues, such as whether fillers were used or whether the accuser was under pressure. The beauty of probability theory is that it allows us to make statements about uncertainty. Sample size can increase the significance of our results, but you can make all kinds of relevant claims about things with very small sample sizes. The ugliness of probability is that it is intellectually demanding. There are paid statisticians the world over publishing worthless analysis daily. That's why it is really a duty, in my opinion, for all of us to work on our numeracy. (Sharon, this means you too) You can't think critically about science if you don't understand how the tools work.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#63)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:29:26 AM EST
    Bob in Pacifica said
    I don't think that Nifong is incompetent at all. And while I think that he may have pumped up this case for political gain, I think the reason why he pursued the case was that initially the AV's story was credible enought to pursue.
    No, I don't think Nifong is incompetent, either. Instead, I think he will make an excellent politician. He seems a prosecutor with more political intelligence than investigation skills. I just wonder now whether he believes that he has to keep his reputation and even his job by winning this case.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#64)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:42:12 AM EST
    Doesn't anyone think that all these talk about statistic is downplaying the intelligence of the accuser? She could have thougt of ways to make her account more credible. For those who believes in the case should be considered and in terms of statistics, could someone enlighten me whether the statistics could predict the likelihood of a specific person die in a car crash caused by other drunk-and-drive driver? That's what happens when life was struck by misfortune. If statistics could be the basis of how the world operates, there will be no place for religion in human society.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#65)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:05:07 PM EST
    MMYY, You wrote,
    For those who believes in the case should be considered and in terms of statistics, could someone enlighten me whether the statistics could predict the likelihood of a specific person die in a car crash caused by other drunk-and-drive driver?
    Probability theory can predict the likelihood of a specific person dying in a car crash. It can do this with astonishing accuracy if the prediction is made seconds before impact, and with at least a kind of relevant accuracy when a person is born. You wrote:
    If statistics could be the basis of how the world operates, there will be no place for religion in human society.
    You'll have to explain that in more detail. I think lots of people find room for both. Uncertainty exists in the world whether or not there is a God, no?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#66)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:13:05 PM EST
    Bob in Pacifica posted:
    Actually, IMHO, way back I said that the AV's comment that both she and Roberts were frightened and crying, from her interview, sounded to me like an "add-on." That is, it sounded like an embellishment in order to make her story more believable.
    Bob, what you said was since there was no evidence of crying by the accuser or Kim, the accuser's statement "We were so scared. We started to cry," suggested, "yet another, false report of fact by the AV." I said we don't know if they cried or not. If you want to suggest it is a false report of fact by the accuser, you have to prove it is false - you have to prove they were not crying. Your finding no evidence that they were crying, does not prove they were not. Here's what you actually posted:
    We really need to know what the AV was saying and to whom. Yesterday there was the story that the AV said that both dancers were crying, but there seems to be no evidence, photos or what Roberts said or what Bissey observed, that either woman was crying while they were at Buchanan. This would suggest, like the "20 rapists" yet another false report of fact by the AV in the morning of the 14th.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#67)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:19:52 PM EST
    I'm moving on to the integrity of Nifong. There have been numerous comments to the effect that he must be honorable, have integrity, want to do the right thing. The role of the prosecutor is to find the truth and make sure justice is done, not to represent an AV as a client. I began this horrible journey convinced that the AV was truly a victim. I have come to believe otherwise, partly due to Nifong's behavior. I've seen this before. My brother-in-law, a budding attorney in Detroit, was arrested while meeting with clients (drug dealers, doing his court-appointed-attorney time) and was charged with being a dealer, which carried a life sentence. As it turned out, a bystander was taking photos which showed the police throwing a cocaine-infused blanket over him, beating him up, and rolling his head up in a car window. The bystander came forward with the photos and was arrested (later let go). The prosecutor buried the photos, and it look a contact in that office who was a friend of my brother-in-law's defense lawyer to uncover them. Since he was a top lawyer in Michigan, lawyers came from all over for the trial, and, in a Perry Mason moment, he revealed the photos (I was there). The trial is pretty famous, and of course my brother in law is now a top defense attorney. Moral of the story: do not trust the motives of prosecutors and DAs; and do not assume they give all information at discovery. In this case, the prosecutor got a slap on the hand for what he did.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#68)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:21:39 PM EST
    mmyy, If the AV invented the story about the broomstick being a sodomizing agent (that's if you believe that the father didn't invent the story or Nifong was too stupid to search for it) and if you find her version of events of both her and Roberts in fear and crying when the broomstick remark was made by an attendee at the party, then you have a pattern of embellishment. Embellishing one's memory is part of the human thought process. Usually it's a matter trying to fill in the blanks. Someone leaves a room, you hear a toilet flush a couple minutes later, you may presume in recounting events that this someone left the room to go to the bathroom. You don't know. You are filling in the blanks. The AV was definitely intoxicated to the point of losing consciousness that night. She probably had a lot of blanks to fill. If she were sober enough to recollect everything at the house, she could have still embellished what happened. However, if the AV is shown to have embellished or invented parts of her story, it's not illogical to presume she figured out who was where, or knew who was there, and made up the story.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#69)
    by january on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:24:53 PM EST
    So why do you think azballfan didn't use that argument once when responding to my posts?
    Cymro, you can fight with AZBBF all you want to - I'm just telling you what most of us thought IMHO meant, and IMHO has confirmed it. Lora, as to what Nifong should have done..how about sitting at Patrick Fitzgerald's feet and taking notes?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#70)
    by Lora on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:33:00 PM EST
    imho, Thanks for hunting! I have already found that article; it is dated April 10. I'm looking for one dated March 27 or 28 (or possibly 29) which quotes him right after he actually made the remarks referred to in the article. I remember reading an earlier one, and I think the April 10 one is leaving out some important details and (possibly) taking some of his remarks out of context. rogan, I don't understand either why Nifong waited so long to do the photo ID session. I understand there are many issues with how he did it. I think that one of the reasons was that the defense emphatically told him at first that the only people present at the party besides the two strippers were team members. He knew that some players were not present, so he knew the photo ID lineup would contain some completely innocent people, as well as possible suspects. Point taken from TL that the officer should have told the AV that the alleged perps might not be in the lineup at all. I personally don't think RS's alibi is airtight. It's all in the timing. I also am not sure that excluding RS from the roster of team members present at the party was accidental. That shoots more holes in his alibi than anything else. He wasn't there at all. Oops, he was, but he left early. As to the "vindicate the innocent" remark, I'm still trying to find the context of it from the original article(s). That was irresponsible, in my mind, if not qualified by another comment which I think was there, that the tests might not show anything at all. mmyy, I think a lot of people (like the defense) are running with the word "recent." Recent doesn't mean much, imo. If it had been very recent, don't you think the first DNA test would have been conclusive, and not inconclusive? I think your #2, the AV told the truth, and Nifong has more information, is likely. That's what he has said.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#71)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:35:07 PM EST
    mmyy posted:
    In other words, This neighboring woman does not want to take responsibility for the veracity of her words. Or, perhaps, she is not so sure.
    The 40+ players have told others that "nothing happened" that night, yet they have not come forward to speak to the police. Should we take this to mean they do "not want to take responsibility for the veracity" of their words? Or, that, perhaps, they are "not so sure?"

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#72)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 12:51:47 PM EST
    Lora, N & O March 29, 2006
    Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong said another search warrant was issued in the case, but the judge who signed it ordered it sealed.
    "I would like to think that somebody who was not in the bathroom has the human decency to call up and say, 'What am I doing covering up for a bunch of hooligans?' " Nifong said. "I'd like to be able to think that there were some people in that house that were not involved in this and were as horrified by it as the rest of us are."

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#73)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:00:39 PM EST
    january posted:
    Cymro, you can fight with AZBBF all you want to - I'm just telling you what most of us thought IMHO meant, and IMHO has confirmed it.
    Yep. Thanks again, january.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#74)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:04:03 PM EST
    Bean, You wrote:
    Do you people always go on like this with worthless scenerios? No wonder our legal system is such a joke and OJ got off. You can talk yourselves into anything. The girl lied and messed up 3 kids lives. She should go to jail and Nifong shold be right behind her. I hope the RICH white boys are rich enough to sue her for her last 3 cents and send her off to prison and I hope Nifong gets gang raped by the Black Panthers.
    So I take it you're against the whole "trial" thing. I only ask because, well, I've been pushing it pretty hard as a good idea. It's a forum where people get to have their say, and the guys at least have twelve of their peers make the decision about what will happen to them rather than some deserves-to-be-raped-by-black-panthers- type prosecutor like Nifong. What do you think? Are trials okay?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#75)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:24:21 PM EST
    MMYY, You wrote:
    PB, your previous comment about Duke and the implication of those who attend Duke or side with the players really opened my eyes. No wonder conservatism has a lot of room to grow, since sometimes self-appointed liberals could sound no different from fundamnetalist as well.
    Are you talking about my response to 7Duke4? You've simply misinterpreted it, that's all. And I'm not sure what all this "self-appointed liberal" business is about. I'd want to know what the term liberal means before I appoint myself one. So I think your analysis has a few holes in it. I would recommend re-reading my post to 7Duke4 and trying to see if there isn't a narrower interpretation available.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#76)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:24:43 PM EST
    Lora Wrote:
    The rape exam found semen. As the AV is not a virgin and has a boyfriend and Nifong knew it, there were no surprises there.
    An escort is not a virgin? Does that mean she doesn't love her client either. Whatever...no one in their right mind thinks all rape victims are virgins. However, people do think it is important for a DA to know how recent and with whom an alleged victim has had sex in order to protect the intergrity of the claim. Something Nifong did not do. You do not: (i) go public and give 70 interviews and act out how the AV was allegedly strangled before your scientific tests are back; (ii) claim the test results with eliminate the innocent and set your self up to back track; (iii) claim it was no question a racially motivated case just becasue the AV is black and the alleged are white and some tasteless insults were exchanged; and, (iv) promise an indictment to the black community before you have all your ducks in a row. You close the door to the press, investigate your ass off and formulate an iron clad case that will withstand scrutiny because as a prosecutor of 25+ year you should know that of all case rape case tend to be the most contentious. Nifong, who presonally decided to take the case, in my opinion figuratively raped the AV by using her for his political advantage. What is curious to me is that those whom advocate for the AV, do not and will not criticize how Nifong has jeoparized this case unnecessarily. I admit I don't believe the AV, but if I did, I would be equally critical of Nifong. Just becasue he is pursuing the case should not give him a pass fromt he pro-AV crowd.
    He has maintained all along that 1) the tests might not show anything conclusive, and 2) you need a lot more than just DNA evidence to prosecute.
    Wrong. He initally stated that the DNA test would eliminate the innocent, not all along. I believe it is in the supoena and Nifong is definitely quoted in the press on this. It is only after the DNA test came back that he changed his tune. At least we can agree that his late disclosure on Friday was a tactic to avoid scrutiny.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#77)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:38:44 PM EST
    You posted this:
    If you want to believe the father about the unidentified witness next to the Buchanan house, you have to explain why he apparently misreported (or invented, or lied about) the broomstick.
    I posted this reply:
    He said someone told him it was in the police report and then his daughter told him. We have nothing to show he is lying about that.
    You came back with this:
    The father said that someone said it was in the police report and then his daughter (the AV) told him about the broomstick.
    Great. So in order to believe that statement by the father , that the broomstick was described as a sodomizing agent in the police report and was known to the AV you have to believe that Nifong overlooked a piece of physical evidence at the house that would connect players to a sexual assault.
    We don't have to believe the story he was told. The fact that you find the story he was told unbelievable, does not make him a liar for saying, " this is what I was told." How about you say to me, "Imho, Teresa told me all 46 players and their attorneys came to her house last night and allowed her to video tape their accounts of that night." Could I then say, "Bob, that is preposterous! You are either misrepresenting what Teresa told you, inventing that story, or you are flat out lying about her telling you that?"

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#78)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:45:10 PM EST
    7Duke4, You wrote:
    There have been numerous comments to the effect that [Nifong] must be honorable, have integrity, want to do the right thing. The role of the prosecutor is to find the truth and make sure justice is done, not to represent an AV as a client.
    I think one of the reasons that Nifong retains his popularity in spite of the tremendous body of empirical evidence being offered up as proof that he is a buffoon and a dupe is that everyone is well aware that the defense attorneys' job (unlike Nifong's) is NOT to find the truth or to make sure that justice is done. So there is this recognition that trials are asymmetrical, that society's proper advocate is the DA, and that defense attorneys motives are suspect per se. Call it prosecutorial slack. I'm not arguing that it is a good or a bad thing, but I think it is an actual phenomenon that benefits Nifong.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#79)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:46:40 PM EST
    The 40+ players have told others that "nothing happened" that night, yet they have not come forward to speak to the police.
    You and others have made this argument before. They did come forward to explain what happened, albeit through their attorneys (i.e., photos, statements, etc.). What Nifong wanted was in essence to deny the players of their right to counsel by seeking statements without representation. This is completely unreasonable on his part. They did offer to meet with him to get their version of events, again albeit through the attorneys. Yet Nifong refused the meeting. Any kind of meeting would have revealed something to Nifong...a strength or a weakness in his case. At the very least he should have heard them out. In any event, if they aleardy said no rape occured, then what exactly are they supposed to say if that is what they believe?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#80)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 01:48:41 PM EST
    Bob in Pacifica:
    And, again, regarding the neighbor who heard maybe a cry, maybe a scream, maybe something breaking, maybe anything that might somehow fit into the AV's story: What proof do you have that the neighbor exists?
    I'm not offering up the neighbor's story as truth, just a lead for you to follow up in your quest for finding, yet another, example of the accuser making a false allegation. Or are you only interested in leads that suggest no one reported any crying?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#81)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 02:06:32 PM EST
    Kalidoggie said
    Nifong, who presonally decided to take the case, in my opinion figuratively raped the AV by using her for his political advantage.
    Kalidoggie, I think this is very well said. This is pretty worthy of feminist consideration. I think we could perhaps also add if Nifong really respects and cares about the Afro-American community, he wouldn't have said things like the following in his re-election campaign:
    The reason that I took this case is because this case says something about Durham that I'm not going to let be said," said Nifong. "I'm not going to allow Durham's view in the minds of the world to be a bunch of lacrosse players at Duke raping a black girl from Durham."
    http://www.wral.com/news/8654840/detail.html No one think of Durham as such before Mr. Nifong's 50 or so interview with the media.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#82)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 02:18:08 PM EST
    imho said:
    The 40+ players have told others that "nothing happened" that night, yet they have not come forward to speak to the police. Should we take this to mean they do "not want to take responsibility for the veracity" of their words? Or, that, perhaps, they are "not so sure?"
    For those players who were not at the party, indeed they are not sure. How could they come out to say something that they are not sure? The whole lacrosse team is already involved. It seems that for pro-AVers or Nifong, whatever the players say, unless it is something favorable to AV's account, they will not be believed. The players are already portrayed as having loyalty and motivation to not to say otherwise. However, this neighboring woman is supposed to be a third party. If her account is so favorable to the prosecution, why did the prosecution get her testimony? Perhaps the prosecution did not even bother to cover the neighborhood first. Also, if the AV's crying is so loud, why didn't Bissey overhear it? Why didn't Kim hear it?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#83)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 02:34:04 PM EST
    mmyy wrote:
    Perhaps the prosecution did not even bother to cover the neighborhood first.
    This is a fact because Bissey stated that he contacted the police after he read about the DNA testing in the newspaper...more than a week after her statement.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#84)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 02:47:21 PM EST
    IMHO, I offered you the choice: If the broomstick as sodomizer story is part of the police report, then why didn't the police search for the broom? Did they find it at the dump before they executed the search warrant on the house? If the daughter told him, as the father says, that she was sodomized by the broom then she owns the story. Your choice: her story or her father's story. If it's her story, then why didn't she tell the cops? Maybe too embarrassed, or maybe she hadn't made up the story yet. Maybe it was an embellishment when the first round of DNA came back negative. You never explained how the father's opinion that the 1993 rape claim was false is controlled merely by the fact that it was kept a secret from him at the time. If I found out that my daughter claimed she was raped a month ago, a year ago, five years ago, I would be curious enough to find out about it. I would talk to her and find out what the story was. That is what a normal person would do. To suppose that because a father was not told about a rape of his daughter at the time it occurred would forestall any later inquiry is a stupid proposition by you. I am willing to believe that the father, over years of consideration, made a determination that his daughter filed a false gangrape claim 13 years ago. The fact that neither the AV nor the police pursued the matter suggests that his determination is correct. I am willing to believe that his daughter made up the story about the broomstick and told him in order to embellish her faltering account of the events at the Buchanan house. The fact that at no time has Nifong suggested it and at no time have the police looked for a broom seems to contradict that this was part of her original narrative. I am even willing to believe that there may be a witness who heard thinks she heard crying or screaming at the Buchanan house that night. It's easier to believe if the what she saw and heard to a person has a name and actually tells someone who may not be so prejudicial towards a crime being committed. So are you willing to believe that the father is right about the false gangrape claim? Are you willing to believe that the father isn't lying about his daughter telling him the broom story? As far as the alleged neighbor who allegedly heard a cry, a scream and a crash. It's been forty days. Got a name?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#85)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:22:45 PM EST
    Bob of Pacifica posted:
    I offered you the choice: If the broomstick as sodomizer story is part of the police report, then why didn't the police search for the broom? Did they find it at the dump before they executed the search warrant on the house?
    If the daughter told him, as the father says, that she was sodomized by the broom then she owns the story. Your choice: her story or her father's story. If it's her story, then why didn't she tell the cops? Maybe too embarrassed, or maybe she hadn't made up the story yet. Maybe it was an embellishment when the first round of DNA came back negative.
    Bob, I was refuting your claim that the father "apparently misreported (or invented, or lied about) the broomstick." You have failed to prove he did. Bob in Pacifica posted:
    You never explained how the father's opinion that the 1993 rape claim was false is controlled merely by the fact that it was kept a secret from him at the time.
    Here is the post I refuted: Bob in Pacifica posted:
    And if you believe that, then you have to weigh the father's comments about the 1993 (1994?) rape, about which he said something to the effect that "those boys didn't do nothin' to her." That is, the AV's father said that his daughter filed a false rape charge back then.
    It is you that has to prove that her "father said that his daughter filed a false rape charge back then." You know that is not true. Why do you persist in posting false information? I am not the only one to call you on it. I thought if your feet were held to the fire whenever you posted false information, you would eventually tire of getting burnt. Apparently, you are content to hobble about on your charred stumps.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#86)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:30:14 PM EST
    For what it's worth, I believe Nifong does NOT have any strong evidence that he is holding back. I base this speculation on the fact that he has consistently tried to "flip" one of the players - by doing such things as creating a false email, having sealed indictments, leaking "positive" information to the press (often through the father) before the actual information is given to the defense. If he had a strong piece of evidence, such as evidence of a date-rape drug, he would have played this card earlier to increase the pressure on the players (i.e., a classic prisoner's dilemma tactic in game theory). I suspect that the toxicology report will show alcohol (it would have to if Kim is to be believed), but it may also show prescription drugs (or other drugs). This sort of thing would not be helpful to the prosecution and would ease the pressure on the players to offer to testify (assuming they have anything to testify about).

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#87)
    by JK on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:35:39 PM EST
    IMHO, In terms of the broom, didn't you link to a report that there was "another" (i.e., possibly a second) search warrant that was sealed? While I have many doubts about the AV's account and think that the overall state of the evidence does not look good for her right now, I do not pretend to know that all of the relevant evidence is in the public arena right now. Bob, why don't you accept the possibility that the DA has spoken to this supposed neighbor witness, that she might even testify, but that this information hasn't been exchanged with the defense yet? It is at least possible. As PB stated, there is a lot we still don't know yet - the contents of the AV's statement, the three captains' statements, other possible witnesses, tox report, maybe even a second sealed search warrant detailing the broom, maybe the broom itself with AV's DNA. All of this is pure speculation, but that is what we are doing now, right Bob?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#88)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:36:22 PM EST
    Kalidoggie posted:
    In any event, if they aleardy said no rape occured, then what exactly are they supposed to say if that is what they believe?
    C'mon Kali. Ever take a depo? Once the witness says he believes no tort occurred is that that when you pack it in saying, "Well, I'm sorry I wasted everyone's time. I thought the witness might have something useful to say about the case."

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#89)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:37:18 PM EST
    Cymro, you can fight with AZBBF all you want to - I'm just telling you what most of us thought IMHO meant, and IMHO has confirmed it.
    january and IMHO, I don't know how or why you claim to speak for "most of us". It seems to me that, rather than considering whether arguments being made here are credible, logical, understandable, and supportable, you believe it is more important to undermine the credibility of anyone whose POV or reason for posting may possibly differ from your own. But I will not trouble you with any further comments about this matter, since you, like azballfan, do not seem to actually read them. For you part, please feel free ignore any posts of mine not specifically directed to you, just as I, when writing, will not be considering what you may think about my subject matter.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#90)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:52:38 PM EST
    jk posted:
    In terms of the broom, didn't you link to a report that there was "another" (i.e., possibly a second) search warrant that was sealed
    Hi jk, There are four search warrants that I know about. 610 N. Buchanan, and McFadyen's, Finnerty's and Seligmann's dorm rooms. I'm not vouching for the neighbor's story. I hope the police did track her down and get a statement from her. I posted it for Bob in Pacifica because he caried on about how there was no evidence of the women crying and that suggested it was, yet another, false allegation made by the accuser.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#91)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:54:16 PM EST
    IMHO: How about we start with baby steps - 40+ witnesses come forward - no swearin' on Bibles necessary, no judge, no jury, no accused - just come forward and tell what happened that night.
    Realistically, what would that accomplish? 40+ coordinated statements coming from the "Blue Wall of Silence?" Realistically, none of them are going to be allowed to just come forward and tell what happened that night. They are going to be GRILLED on what happened that night. Any minor inconsistencies would be exploited to the maximum and could lead to any of them being indicted on other charges -- like providing beer to minors, followed by even more negative media publicity. And nobody, not even the innocent woman who says she heard loud noises and crying, wants to "get involved" in that kind of grilling and subsequent media spotlight. But I've got a much simpler idea. Kim Roberts, on the other hand, is not facing any such charges. Have Kim come forward and just tell us what happened that night. Have Kim give a timeline of events. Have her answer some simple questions like these: "Were you ever alone in the bathroom with the AV?" "Did you observe her painting her fingernails or not?" "When you two were separated, where were you, and what were you doing?" One clear and detailed statement from Kim would reveal more about this case than 40+ coordinated statements coming from the "Blue Wall of Silence." The 40+ players are only going to tell us that "nothing happened." So why not just have Kim come forward and tell us what did happen?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#92)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 03:57:03 PM EST
    Beside the accusation of the accuser what evidence exists of rape? Rape exam at hospital you say? Photos seem to show bruises when she shows up at party. DNA hit on "boyfriend" ( LaShawn says this is a misnomer ) shows recent sex which could provide exculpatory explanation. OK what about the DNA. Consistent is all you got. Undefined term which legal means, no match found. Forget it. DNA as small as the head of a pin would give matches with kind of 1 in a million odds. Here fellow escort. Well no. She is sympathetic but says she heard or saw nothing and rape was never mentioned to her by accuser. In fact she also lies on the recorded 911 call, where she is most concerned about nasty names being thrown out not rape. And she tries to dump her at the grocery store parking lot. Any of 40 people including non-team members at the party. Not a single one, despite the DA threatening to charge people with misuse of Duke meal card. Photo ID. File this one under joke. Judge will never allow this into evidence and if he does appeals court will toss. Anything else? And Seligmann can virtually prove he was away. Which means what about any other ID to a thinking jurist?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#93)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 04:01:34 PM EST
    And whoever started the "Blue wall of silence" crap should be beat with a stick. Given how this prosecutor has acted in press conferences, in public forums, in threatening both sides witnesses with anything in their record, would you honestly speak with this guy without a lawyer or three present? If you say yes you are a serial liar or the biggest fool in the country. I know I would not and I wasn't there and have no story to tell.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#94)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 04:03:44 PM EST
    Cyrmo posted:
    january and IMHO, I don't know how or why you claim to speak for "most of us".
    Yesterday you were speaking for everyone. Cymro posted:
    And to everyone else, including me, the intended recipient, that comment was just meaningless gobbledygook, which I ignored as such.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#95)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 04:04:41 PM EST
    inmyhumbleopinion posted:
    The problem with your comment is the order in which you think the events took place. Putting Nifong's first public comments in their proper place in the sequence of events totally blows your argument
    . The sequence of events is undisputed. The three players were interviewed (and offered to be polygraghed) the day after the allegations were made. DA Nifong did not make his first public statements until several days later.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#96)
    by Lora on Sun May 14, 2006 at 04:15:30 PM EST
    imho, Thanks again, I really appreciate your help. Unfortunately it isn't the article(s) I remember. I remember one or more in which he called the partyers hooligans, not where he described the other players saying they wouldn't cover up for a bunch of hooligans. I also remember that he described "vaginal and anal bruising." And...in one of them where he was strong about the DNA evidence giving answers, he also did say that there was a chance that nothing conclusive would come back. I have only my memory to go by, as I've been unable to locate the articles. If he gave 50 or 70 interviews, where the heck are they?! Kali, Don't take me literally about everybody wanting all rape victims being virgins. I was talking about the general attitude, though. Otherwise, why such glee that they found the boyfriend DNA on a swab from the AV? Why did so many say the case was over when that came out? So, she had sex. Big Deal. I think Nifong did know, or was at least smart enough to guess. How do you know he didn't? And...I'd love to find those 50 or 70 interviews Nifong supposedly gave. I bet they have what I'm looking for. Know where any of 'em are? Other points you made, maybe so. Shouldn't act out a crime you aren't sure happened. He says he's sure. I have also felt his "100%" statements were irresponsible, though if a prosecutor say he's not 100% sure, and he indicts someone, wouldn't he get crucified? I'm pretty sure Nifong did say all along that the DNA evidence might not amount to anything. He said something like, the DNA evidence will exonerate the innocent. Then in the next breath, or the breath before, he said something like, there is a chance, of course, that we won't find anything conclusive from the DNA. It was an aside, sort of like the surgeon general's warning on a Camel ad. I'll grant you that he hoped or expected that he would get good evidence back. But he did say it (if my memory serves me well, and I THINK it does. Let's just hope I don't ever have to describe a crime scene, heh.) And I think the AV has been "raped" several times over already, including by all of us endlessly dissecting what might have happened (I include myself, as I'm as obsessed with this case as anyone here) and this is nothing compared to when the trial begins. I don't know what Nifong is or is not legally allowed to say about the case. I don't know how much he overstepped his bounds and how much of that was for political gain. I think some of what he said was to get some more information about what he believes is a serious crime, and to justify his actions. I don't deny that he may have made mistakes (probably did), but I don't have a context to put them in, that's why I asked what he should have done instead.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#97)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 04:28:53 PM EST
    Lora go to the Smoking Gun website and look at the subpoena that the prosecutor submitted to the judge on DNA Testing. To justify this intrusion in 44 players lives, he told the judge unequivocally that it would quickly lead to the guilty being identified. I am sure he said in public too but you know transcipts of most of those interviews dont exist and a Lexis Nexis search might better come up with the articles where he is quoted.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#98)
    by Lora on Sun May 14, 2006 at 04:55:39 PM EST
    gmax, I have bad luck finding things, but I believe you. I read it at the time, and I remember he was unequivocal about it. Now, was that wrong of him to put it like that, or is that how he has to say it to get the testing done? As in when you're applying for grant money: "The program will show a 40% increase in retention." You don't really know, you hope and expect you'll get your 40% increase, but that's how you word it for the grant. I'm thinking that most people would know you can't unequivocally predict the results of a test before the test has actually been done. That's a "d'oh." So...the judge who allowed the subpoena presumably isn't stupid. He must have known that the DA can't really say for sure what the test will or will not show. No? Thanks for the Lexis Nexis idea. If I ever get time, I can search. But for all 70 interviews to be off the radar screen? Isn't that odd?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#99)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:14:09 PM EST
    Gmax, You wrote (among other things):
    OK what about the DNA. Consistent is all you got. Undefined term which legal means, no match found. Forget it. DNA as small as the head of a pin would give matches with kind of 1 in a million odds.
    Actually, consistent usually means no mismatch found. But what is most interesting about the DNA isn't that no mismatch was found for player x. It's that mismatches were found for everybody else. So I wouldn't be so innumerate as to dismiss the significance of the dna results quite yet. You wrote:
    Given how this prosecutor has acted in press conferences, in public forums, in threatening both sides witnesses with anything in their record, would you honestly speak with this guy without a lawyer or three present? If you say yes you are a serial liar or the biggest fool in the country.
    Well, I would, but I also would have given David Koresh his subpoena without bringing a cattlecar full of armed policemen with me. I would videotape the session, though, to preserve the record. That said, the Blue Wall of Silence has little to do with the right to have an attorney present. Of the many people who believe the Dukesters should have come forward, I've never heard anybody claim they need to do that without an attorney accompanying them.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#100)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:17:52 PM EST
    alexva posted:
    I think this is very unfair. The day after the allegations were made, the police asked the three captains, residents of the house on Buchanan, to come be interviewed. They all went, no lawyers or parents, and were each interviewed for about 8 hours. They then voluntarily went to Duke Hospital for a rape suspect exam. All three asked to take lie detector tests but the police refused. (This was all reported in Newsweek.) Then Nifong began his 70-plus interviews in which he called the team members a bunch of hooligans and said he believed a rape took place.
    Assuming the captains all said that no rape occurred, and assuming they were telling the truth (I realize some on this site will not be able to make this assumption) why would any other team members come forward? If all they can say is that it didn't happen, the DA is clearly not interested.
    The rest of the team cancelled the meeting with police investigators before Nifong made ANY public statements, therefore his statements can not be used as the reason for the "Blue Wall of Silence."

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#101)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:33:49 PM EST
    It's an either/or, IMHO. Either the father invented the story or the AV invented it after the fact. Your choice. Regarding the mystery witness. Got a name?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#102)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:39:11 PM EST
    IMHO, The daughter filed a rape report years after the alleged event. The father's considered opinion after 13 years is that the alleged rapists didn't rape her. The father is aware that she filed a rape charge against those three men. Go ahead and slice it however you please. If the father knows she filed a charge of rape and he thinks it didn't happen, he thinks the AV filed a rape charge for a rape that didn't happen. A FALSE RAPE CHARGE. It must be hard dancing on the head of a pin.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#103)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:43:13 PM EST
    SLOphoto posted:
    Realistically, what would that accomplish? 40+ coordinated statements coming from the "Blue Wall of Silence?"
    Realistically, none of them are going to be allowed to just come forward and tell what happened that night. They are going to be GRILLED on what happened that night. Any minor inconsistencies would be exploited to the maximum and could lead to any of them being indicted on other charges -- like providing beer to minors, followed by even more negative media publicity.
    "like providing beer to minors, followed by even more negative media publicity" No! Not that! I'd really like to help you out Reade, buddy, tell them I saw you book outta there before we could get the two dancers out of the locked bathroom, but I've got the noise violation hanging over my head ... I am not saying telling the truth of what happened in that house that night is without peril, I'm saying it is the right thing to do. Everyday someone places themselves in peril by choosing to do the right thing. If you come upon a person trapped in a burning car you have no obligation to stop, much less risk your safety by trying to save them. You could accidentally leave them paralyzed while trying to prevent them from burning to death. They might sue you. For some people it is easier to put their own interests ahead of others and just drive on by, for others it is not.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#104)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:45:28 PM EST
    If there is a witness to a case of the rape of your daughter, and that witness talked to you but refused to come forward, what would you do? You would tell Nifong about that witness. Can we presume that if such a witness exists that Nifong knows about her? Can we presume that if such a witness exists that the defense knows about her? So we apparently have a different wall of silence, a joint DA-defense wall of silence. A wall of silence has been joined by all of the media who refuse to look for the mystery witness. I doubt the existence of this witness. I doubt the father's story. I doubt if such a witness existed that she would add considerably to anything probative about whether or not a rape occurred. I don't mind being corrected, though. Just produce the witness.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#105)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:46:32 PM EST
    Bob In Pacifica posted:
    It must be hard dancing on the head of a pin.
    You're doing it with charred stumps.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#106)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:49:00 PM EST
    IMHO, "most of us" "everyone"? You running out of dancing space on the head of that pin? And the name of the mystery witness is?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#107)
    by azbballfan on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:51:41 PM EST
    Don't take me literally about everybody wanting all rape victims being virgins. I was talking about the general attitude, though. Otherwise, why such glee that they found the boyfriend DNA on a swab from the AV? Why did so many say the case was over when that came out? So, she had sex. Big Deal. I think Nifong did know, or was at least smart enough to guess. How do you know he didn't?
    Excellent statement. Just today over lunch I had to stop a female friend of mine who was upset about one of our friends having sex with another one. WTF? Are people so screwed up that they insist we all abstain? In my book, this evidence helps prove her state of mind. If she was gettin' some then she was probably in a good mood. Which is more than I can say for some.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#108)
    by azbballfan on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:55:59 PM EST
    Bob, It has probably been posted to you before, but please remember that when the DA conducts an investigation, they don't usually comment on witnesses they may or may not have talked to. In this case, the DA has not released information on any of the interviews. The defense team has. Therefore, no one needs to provide the name of said witness until the trial. I understand your own personal need for information on this case, but the DA serves a 'public good' which precludes him from responding to your request.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#109)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 05:59:28 PM EST
    IMHO, "most of us" "everyone"?
    I didn't post that "most of us" or "everyone" did anything. I agreed with january that Cymro was unaware of the context of SLOphotos's quote. Scroll back, Bob.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#110)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:06:43 PM EST
    imho, your latest snipe is yet one more example of you placing an attempt to score debating points above the truth and logic of the discussion. Yesterday you wrote:
    Even drive-by sniping requires you pay a little bit of attention.
    which I ignored. Then later you wrote
    Everyone keeping up with these threads knows SLOphoto is referring to my comment that no one has come of with a precedent for unethical behavior on Nifong's part.
    Because you were claiming to speak for "everyone keeping up", and because I happen to disagree with your notion that everyone who reads a blog post should be expected to have read everything previously posted in every thread on that topic, I responded:
    And to everyone else, including me, the intended recipient, that comment was just meaningless gobbledygook, which I ignored as such.
    That comment is not an opinion, it is simply a statement of fact, that results from irrefutable logic. Those who do not read everything are not in the class of readers you referred to (those who understood the remark). So therefore they must fall into the class of "everyone else" (those who did not understand it). Right? But today, you post my response out of context, deliberately ignoring the obvious logical difference between the terms "everyone" and "everyone else", and attempt to use my statement as evidence for your false assertion that:
    Yesterday you were speaking for everyone.
    This is dishonest; it is quite clear from the thread that I was doing no such thing. In fact I was doing exactly the opposite! I was pointing out that I was a member of a subclass (i.e. smaller than everyone), which I was identifying in order to counter your own mistaken assumption that everyone reading your posts must be following and understanding every post in the threads, or should be expected to. Differences of opinion are fine, but people should try to be logical and honest when they debate them.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#111)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:13:01 PM EST
    Bob in Pacifica posted:
    I don't mind being corrected, though. Just produce the witness.
    I wasn't correcting you there, just teasing you about your "no evidence of crying" stance. I have already told you I was not offering up the neighbor's story as truth, but I'll play along, anyway. Bob in Pacifica posted:
    If there is a witness to a case of the rape of your daughter, and that witness talked to you but refused to come forward, what would you do?
    What does that matter? Bob in Pacifica posted:
    You would tell Nifong about that witness.
    We don't know that the accuser's father hasn't done just that. Bob in Pacifica posted:
    Can we presume that if such a witness exists that Nifong knows about her?
    I wouldn't presume that.
    Can we presume that if such a witness exists that the defense knows about her?
    I wouldn't presume that.
    So we apparently have a different wall of silence, a joint DA-defense wall of silence. A wall of silence has been joined by all of the media who refuse to look for the mystery witness.
    We don't know if they have looked for her or not.
    I doubt the existence of this witness. I doubt the father's story. I doubt if such a witness existed that she would add considerably to anything probative about whether or not a rape occurred.
    As is your right, Bob.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#112)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:13:22 PM EST
    IMHO wrote:
    1. C'mon Kali. Ever take a depo? Once the witness says he believes no tort occurred is that that when you pack it in saying, "Well, I'm sorry I wasted everyone's time. I thought the witness might have something useful to say about the case."
    I meant it in the context of the attorneys having already said they wanted to speak with Nifong and he refused. Lora wrote:
    But for all 70 interviews to be off the radar screen? Isn't that odd?
    Nothing suspicious here. The 50-70 was a summary of the interviews and TV appearances. he was on every major news show multiple days and conducted interviews in his office. In fact Nifong himself said he had spent too much time answering questions with the press and needed to get back to work....and campaigning. I personally think the case is over because (I) the reasonable doubt hurdle to overcome is tremendous now that it has come out that she had sex with the boyfriend; and, (ii) I think the only thing to get him over that hurdle is a player witness, however, according to all the attorneys representing all the players, no player has changed their story. (I thought I read somewhere that the non-players were related to one or more of the players, so probably represented). There is nothing gleeful about this case, it is a tragedy regardless of the outcome. As a former Duke lacrosse player, I do now feel, in addition to anger, some relief and hope that the sex with the boyfriend has jarred many people into realizing that this case has not been properly investigated, properly prosecuted and an enormous rush to judgment, even by the administration. Why? A community was torn apart, a whole team was vilified and the favored national champ's season was cancelled. The anger comes from many things but mostly every time I hear about the "Blue wall of Silence". Every Duke lacrosse player is intensely dedicated, mentally and physically, to win a national championship. It is something that only athletes at the highest level understand....the intense desire and commitment to win a national champion, not just have a chance. As I've said before there is no way in hell that 43 of these boys would let that opportunity slip away to protect 3 players. I am sure this is the one of most frustrating aspect of the case for the team. It is for me. In conversations with many former players from Duke, UNC, UVA, Hopkins, Princeton, Syracuse, UMass, Navy and more, not one person said they would sacrifice a possible national title for three players, especially after one game was cancelled and it became apparent that the season may be in jeopardy. Anyway, just a little venting there, but like 7Duke4, people are also unjustly attacking Duke, the lacrosse team and the sport itself. If I could do it over again and was offered a million dollars and a free education at any school to not attend Duke, I would turn it down. I cherish my Duke experience as most Duke graduates do.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#113)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:15:21 PM EST
    Cymro posted:
    Differences of opinion are fine, but people should try to be logical and honest when they debate them.
    Everyone here knows that. :)

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#114)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:19:41 PM EST
    So try harder :)

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#115)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:20:44 PM EST
    On the possibility of a broomstick being used and the father's claims, we don't have the accuser's police report, but we do have her statement in the photo array. This contains no mention of being assaulted by a broom, nor does it mention the alleged attackers using condoms. It seems to me that Nifong is pretty much stuck with the description of the attack as offered by the accuser, even though, in light of the DNA evidence, it no longer suits his purposes. And while the current talking points from Nifong note that 75-80% of rape cases are prosecuted without DNA evidence, as gmax pointed out above, the request for a court order that Nifong himself filed promised that this would not be one of those cases. I'm sure he now wishes that his filing hadn't claimed, "The DNA evidence requested will immediately rule out any innocent persons, and show conclusive evidence as to who the suspect(s) are in the alleged violent attack upon this victim." But it's a little late to take back those words now.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#116)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:21:10 PM EST
    Kalidoggie posted:
    The anger comes from many things but mostly every time I hear about the "Blue wall of Silence". Every Duke lacrosse player is intensely dedicated, mentally and physically, to win a national championship. It is something that only athletes at the highest level understand....the intense desire and commitment to win a national champion, not just have a chance. As I've said before there is no way in hell that 43 of these boys would let that opportunity slip away to protect 3 players.
    Isn't that what they did? Didn't they clam up to protect their teammates from a possible wrongful prosecution?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#117)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:24:05 PM EST
    So try harder :) I will, but I promise I've never purposely tried to deceive anyone here. What would be the point? I'm just trying to figure out what happened.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#118)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:26:49 PM EST
    azbballfan, Thanks for the little lecture. Here's yours: When there's a national media story like this and the father of the accuser says on TV that there's a mystery witness, it won't be a mystery for long. Unless she doesn't exist. I would be surprised that he wasn't repeatedly asked who it was that night. How many potential listening neighbors can there be? How many yards abut the Buchanan house? How many across the street? Let's say there's ten houses close enough to hear. How long does it take for someone from FOX to knock on ten doors? Twenty doors? Thirty doors? Whoa, here comes CSPAN, followed by MSNBC. Where's the mystery witness? It's been forty days now. No one in the media can identify her. +++ Presuming this mystery witness exists, what can an auditory witness testify to? Would it be more compelling than Bissey and Roberts? What time did the auditory witness hear the cry, scream and crash? Midnight? 12:04? 12:40? 11:30? 11:47? If the mystery witness can't pinpoint the time she heard the cry, scream and crash, her testimony becomes less compelling. If she pinpoints it to a time the rape couldn't occur, it's worthless, other than she didn't hear a cry, scream and crash at the time when a rape could have occurred. And was the scream or the cry from a television in someone else's house? Or from someone else's house? Maybe the lady of a neighboring house cried out when a mouse ran out from under the couch. What was the crash? Maybe something getting knocked over in the frenzy of the chasing or avoiding the mouse. Or something else. If the witness exists.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#119)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:34:09 PM EST
    khartoum, Not only isn't a broom mentioned in the photo ID session, the broom an article to search for in any of the search warrants. It's bogus and after-the-fact. Either the father invented it to explain the absence of DNA on the first round, or his daughter invented it and told him. Neither option helps the prosecution, both help the defense.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#120)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 06:59:37 PM EST
    ...the broom is not an article... Happy Mother's Day, everyone.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#121)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:11:07 PM EST
    IMHO: I am not saying telling the truth of what happened in that house that night is without peril, I'm saying it is the right thing to do.
    Honestly, then I must ask you again. Suppose it is as you say the "right thing to do" for the lax players to tell the truth of what happened in that house that night, even though they would be risking further charges brought against them if they do so. Then why is that not even MORE so the "right thing to do" for Kim to tell the truth of what happened in that house that night, when she isn't risking any charges against her at all?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#122)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:18:59 PM EST
    Bob In Pacifica posted:
    The daughter filed a rape report years after the alleged event. The father's considered opinion after 13 years is that the alleged rapists didn't rape her. The father is aware that she filed a rape charge against those three men.
    The father knew there was an incident at Creedmore in 1993. He did not know she had been raped. He did not know she reported it to the police three years later. When reporters first asked him about the prior rape report he still had not been told that she had been raped back inn 1993. Bob In Pacifica posted:
    Go ahead and slice it however you please. If the father knows she filed a charge of rape and he thinks it didn't happen, he thinks the AV filed a rape charge for a rape that didn't happen. A FALSE RAPE CHARGE.
    He learned, when we all did, that his daughter filed the rape report in 1996. He was told she was raped during the Creedmore incident after the prior rape report came out in the news. What don't you understand about the sequence of events, other than that they do not support your post? Bob in Pacifica posted:
    And if you believe that, then you have to weigh the father's comments about the 1993 (1994?) rape, about which he said something to the effect that "those boys didn't do nothin' to her." That is, the AV's father said that his daughter filed a false rape charge back then.
    Why do you persist in posting information that you must know is inaccurate?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#123)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:26:21 PM EST
    Kalidoggie wrote:
    If I could do it over again and was offered a million dollars and a free education at any school to not attend Duke, I would turn it down. I cherish my Duke experience as most Duke graduates do.
    Indeed, I have never met a Dukie that didn't adore Duke. It's certainly defined my life for well over 30 years. You know, every girl on my freshman hall was top of their high school class, half had won beauty contests, and all were jocks. Talk about well rounded. Talk about intimidating. And it's only gotten more selective. The Blue Wall of Silence is a particular affront in that there is a presumption of guilt. Otherwise, if they are innocent, who in their right mind would put themselves in a risky position with Nifong only to say nothing happened? Try to think about the students' reactions as if no rape happened. Finally (and this is it and I repeat that I do statistics for a living and I'm very good at it, PB notwithstanding), concerning samples: let's say you think a crime was committed by someone who might have blue eyes and you include only people with blue eyes in your sample, there is no way someone with green eyes could ever be selected since they would be excluded from your sample. Guess what - a green eyed person did the crime. Oops. Invalid sample. Period. Wait for the facts, folks. Perhaps you'll get them tomorrow (or not see my previous post). This will be an episode of Law and Order.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#124)
    by azbballfan on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:32:33 PM EST
    When there's a national media story like this and the father of the accuser says on TV that there's a mystery witness, it won't be a mystery for long. Unless she doesn't exist. I would be surprised that he wasn't repeatedly asked who it was that night. How many potential listening neighbors can there be? How many yards abut the Buchanan house? How many across the street? Let's say there's ten houses close enough to hear. How long does it take for someone from FOX to knock on ten doors? Twenty doors? Thirty doors? Whoa, here comes CSPAN, followed by MSNBC.
    Bob, I'd ask you to provide one piece of the media news story which is the result of investigative journalism. So far, the media has reported only based upon scheduled interviews with defense attorneys, and a few interviews with Kim and family members of the AV. Having the news media help find facts plays well on TV, but it rarely happens. Especially in high profile criminal cases such as these. We do have the father's assertion that the witness exists. You are right to point out that the witness is worthless to prosecution unless she comes forward. In the court of public opinion, we reserve the right to evaluate the evidence as we see fit. You chose not to believe the father. Personally, I'm indifferent. Others chose to believe the father.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#125)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:33:55 PM EST
    SLOphoto posted:
    Honestly, then I must ask you again. Suppose it is as you say the "right thing to do" for the lax players to tell the truth of what happened in that house that night, even though they would be risking further charges brought against them if they do so.
    Then why is that not even MORE so the "right thing to do" for Kim to tell the truth of what happened in that house that night, when she isn't risking any charges against her at all?
    Sorry SLO I started to answer you earlier, but got sidetracked. It is the right thing to do. Kim Roberts has given a statement to the police. And she says she can't wait to testify. 'Weird evening' was just the start
    A week later, Roberts' escort agency told her police wanted to talk to her about a possible rape. After she gave a statement, police arrested her for the probation violation.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#126)
    by blcc on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:45:00 PM EST
    7Duke4, It's best to ignore PB. The AV could walk in his door, slap him in the face, tell him she thinks it was a false accusation - but she was too loaded to be sure, and has sex with too many strangers to keep track of who put what where when - and he'd still want this case to go to trial. That the players' academic careers were postponed, their season - and their coach - was lost, is immaterial to him. The expense of tens of thousands of dollars on attorney fees to defend their innocence is a mere trifle - something they OWE the community by the misfortune of having been accused. He views it as therefore their fault, and appears to derrive weird pleasure by insulting them. You might think the only thing that could possibly cure him of his delusions is having to walk in those shoes, but you're probably wrong. He is without the personal integrity for that. When questioned about his own education, he's unable to admit to any details (protecting his privacy, don't you know, but one can reasonably assume it was an institution less competitive and selective than Duke) and is oblivious to the hypocrisy of demanding so much more than that from the players. Odds are good that he's never had personal acquaintance with the expression "team player". As time passes and the case is revealed to be more and more of a ghastly mistake, he becomes more and more strident, bellicose, and belligerent. There must be some deep issues bedeviling him, but they're surely not worth your time. I hope TL doesn't delete this post, but leaves it up for you and others to read. He's made so many obnoxious throw-away remarks about team athletes, Duke, lacrosse, private schools, and anyone who defends any of the above that a warning ought to be out there to ignore him. He'll keep barking at the moon whether you pay attention or not.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#127)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Sun May 14, 2006 at 07:59:30 PM EST
    az, We're not talking about investigative reporting. We're talking about knocking on a few doors in the neighborhood. But maybe you're right. Maybe no one in the media that's been feeding at this trough thinks this mystery witness is of any interest, or value. Or maybe they think she doesn't exist. True, if the father is proven a liar then you can't very well have him on every week. Sure, we can all judge what this witness has to say. If the witness exists. Forty days, no witness.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#128)
    by Lora on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:09:37 PM EST
    The team players, all of those that were involved, have refused to provide the details of what went on at the party that night, with the possible exception of the three team captains who spoke with the police early on. Aside from the defense party line, no other information has leaked out from them that we know of, despite their desire to play and win. A similar case is with the hospital personnel, clerks and anyone who had anything to do with the rape exam and medical reports of the AV. Except for the very limited information from the SANE director in charge, the search warrant, early comments from Nifong, and the one anonymous witness that ESPN found, there have been no leaks of information at all, that we know of. Don't you think reporters have been knocking on those doors, offering money and all sorts of incentives for them to spill the beans? I do. Probably LOTS of money. Yet NO ONE has talked. That's not possible! They could never hide such information. Must be a rape exam never really took place, then. OF COURSE people can hide all sorts of information! Even Lacrosse players.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#129)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:11:21 PM EST
    inmyhumbleopinion posted:
    The rest of the team cancelled the meeting with police investigators before Nifong made ANY public statements, therefore his statements can not be used as the reason for the "Blue Wall of Silence."
    The meeting was cancelled on March 22. As of that date, according to the Raleigh News and Observer, Nifong had given "frequent interviews in the local and national media".

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#130)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:13:59 PM EST
    khartoum posted:
    On the possibility of a broomstick being used and the father's claims, we don't have the accuser's police report, but we do have her statement in the photo array. This contains no mention of being assaulted by a broom, nor does it mention the alleged attackers using condoms. It seems to me that Nifong is pretty much stuck with the description of the attack as offered by the accuser, even though, in light of the DNA evidence, it no longer suits his purposes.
    We've yet to see what all is entailed in that statement. I'm sure there are many things that went on that night that are not mentioned in the photo array. The description of what she claims Finnerty did to her was pretty brief.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#131)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:27:14 PM EST
    It may be true that there is no discernible DNA in 75-80% of rape cases. But how is that measured? Is that true for 75-80% of rapes where the victim is beaten, strangled, raped and sodomized for thirty minutes? I doubt it. It is interesting that the victim carries the male DNA of her boyfriend but not a single bit of tissue or DNA on her body or clothing after being brutally beaten, strangled, raped and sodomized for that extended period of time.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#132)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:35:57 PM EST
    7duke4, Finally (and this is it and I repeat that I do statistics for a living and I'm very good at it, PB notwithstanding), concerning samples: let's say you think a crime was committed by someone who might have blue eyes and you include only people with blue eyes in your sample, there is no way someone with green eyes could ever be selected since they would be excluded from your sample. Guess what - a green eyed person did the crime. Oops. Invalid sample. Period. Wait for the facts, folks. Perhaps you'll get them tomorrow (or not see my previous post). This will be an episode of Law and Order. I was the first one who suggested this probablity calculation. I am pretty confident about it to. I got education involving statistics in graduate level. I should note that this doesn't require graduate level knowledge of statistic knowledge. Your example about eye colors is irrelevant. In our case every subject has a different DNA, compared your eaxmple everyone having the same eye color. I am confident and willing to debate anyone mathematically on this issue.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#133)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 08:37:56 PM EST
    My last question for the night. I understand that we may get some new information tomorrow with the Grand Jury. If not, then at least by Thursday with Reade Seligmann's hearing. So before this is all over -- perhaps suddenly (or not) -- can anybody tell me this: Does Nifong have complete control over the evidence he has gathered? Should Nifong decide for some reason to say something to the effect of, "Well, I truly believe a terrible rape was committed here, and I'd fight it all the way. Unfortunately 1) the AV has dropped the charges, or 2) It was felt a trial was not in the AV's best interest, or 3) Well, my evidence is very good, but unfortunately I felt it was not complete enough to convince a jury of what I know to be true. Take my word for it." Case closed and all evidence sealed. Can Nifong stop the case and seal up all the evidence so that no one will ever know whether or not he ever really had a case at all?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#134)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:07:32 PM EST
    I repeat my arguments: 1) The partial DNA match will approach to a certainty level when it is coupled with the odds of victim's picking the right subject. 2) The odd of victim's chance to select the person who has his DNA under her nails by chance (contamination or an unintentional stretch) is very slim (6%) compared to probability (94%) of her picking him intentionally. I don't claim this proves the rape. A scratch by itself doesn't prove a rape. This evidence is there to verify victim's statement. And it accomplishes it with a great certainty like the other evidences which are all consistent with her story. I ask people to question themselves why they tend to pick (6%) over (94%). Is it prejudice or just plain irrationality or what?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#135)
    by azbballfan on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:17:59 PM EST
    You know, every girl on my freshman hall was top of their high school class, half had won beauty contests, and all were jocks. Talk about well rounded. Talk about intimidating. And it's only gotten more selective.
    It's good to be happy of the school you went to and the experience you had in public. In my experience, the statements on pride are best left amongst your fellow alumni. Duke continues to get accolades from a certain news magazine that does not disclose it's evaluation criterion. But to claim it is highly selective is a misnomer. Duke clearly reports that it's incoming freshman's GPA's average in the top 25% of their graduating class. Most top public universities maintain an average within the top 10% of their graduating classes.
    The Blue Wall of Silence is a particular affront in that there is a presumption of guilt.
    My use of the Blue Wall of Shame does not refer to a presumption that anyone is guilty of rape. However the coordinated efforts to withold testimony and evidence is a clear indication that they are guilty of something.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#136)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:29:04 PM EST
    Hicht posted:
    I am confident and willing to debate anyone mathematically on this issue.
    You're great Hicht. My money's on you.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#137)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:32:40 PM EST
    alexva posted:
    The meeting was cancelled on March 22. As of that date, according to the Raleigh News and Observer, Nifong had given "frequent interviews in the local and national media".
    The earliest reporting of the story I could find is Friday March 24th, the day after the players gave their court ordered DNA samples. www.newsobserver.com March 24, 2006 Nifong's name isn't even mentioned. www.mercurynews.com - March 30,2006
    Durham police spoke with the team's coach, who arranged a team meeting on March 22 for all members to talk with investigators and possibly provide DNA samples. A few hours before the meeting was to take place, a lawyer called investigators and said the team would not show up and that they had hired legal counsel.
    Nifong later obtained a court order forcing team members to submit samples last Friday
    News and Observer May 9, 2006
    The N&O reported March 24 that a judge had ordered members of the team to submit DNA evidence for testing -- the first public report linking lacrosse players to an alleged rape.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#138)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:43:28 PM EST
    Bob in Pacifica said:
    mmyy, If the AV invented the story about the broomstick being a sodomizing agent (that's if you believe that the father didn't invent the story or Nifong was too stupid to search for it) and if you find her version of events of both her and Roberts in fear and crying when the broomstick remark was made by an attendee at the party, then you have a pattern of embellishment.
    Bob, I didn't think that I said all those things above. Did you mistake me as someone else?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#139)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 09:48:42 PM EST
    At the end of Mother's Day, with my daughter safely back from college, this is my last post. Hicht said:
    I was the first one who suggested this probablity calculation. I am pretty confident about it to. I got education involving statistics in graduate level. I should note that this doesn't require graduate level knowledge of statistic knowledge. Your example about eye colors is irrelevant. In our case every subject has a different DNA, compared your eaxmple everyone having the same eye color. I am confident and willing to debate anyone mathematically on this issue.
    I specifically excluded DNA from my previous post. DNA is science. I was referring to an analysis made earlier that was based on a sample of only the LAX team. Please reread my post - the definition of the sample is the problem. As I said before, we don't have the information to even define the sample. And I work for a top think tank - I know my stats. And to azbballfan, are you actually trying to make the case that Duke's student body has less qualifications than the average university? As my daughter would say, ahahahahahaha! Envy does not suit you. OK, so now I'm coming to the realization that no matter what I say, some folks are just salivating at the chance to blast me personally. My major point has been the damage to many people who had nothing to do with what happened, through prejudice and stereotyping. And the reaction I've gotten here totally proves my point.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#140)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:00:24 PM EST
    Hi BLCC, You wrote:
    I hope TL doesn't delete this post, but leaves it up for you and others to read.
    Yes, me too. You wrote:
    You might think the only thing that could possibly cure him of his delusions is having to walk in those shoes, but you're probably wrong. He is without the personal integrity for that.
    Probability theory, as I've said, can't do a very good job of predicting at a distance whether a specific individual is going to be in a car crash, but it is quite good if you are close to the event. You might think that the sample of my posts here can tell you everything you need to know about my integrity, but as 7Duke4 notes, if your sample doesn't include my own responses to false allegations and the threat of jail, your sample would be wrong. You wrote:
    When questioned about his own education, he's unable to admit to any details (protecting his privacy, don't you know, but one can reasonably assume it was an institution less competitive and selective than Duke) and is oblivious to the hypocrisy of demanding so much more than that from the players.
    I didn't realize anyone was asking me where I went to school. If I were you, I would assume that I didn't graduate from high school, but learned everything important that I know from my experiences as a pool boy back in the seventies. I truly believe that ideas matter more than credentials. That's what I appreciate about Hicht's efforts here. People who brag about where they went to school or how good they are at what they do are a dime a dozen. People who have genuine ideas worthy of merit are harder to come by. It's a quality I wish for in myself, but rarely achieve. If your post is any indication, BLCC, I'm not alone. You wrote:
    The AV could walk in his door, slap him in the face, tell him she thinks it was a false accusation - but she was too loaded to be sure, and has sex with too many strangers to keep track of who put what where when - and he'd still want this case to go to trial.
    Fortunately that's not the factual situation here. None of us know what Nifong has.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#141)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:04:46 PM EST
    imho posted:
    We've yet to see what all is entailed in that statement. I'm sure there are many things that went on that night that are not mentioned in the photo array. The description of what she claims Finnerty did to her was pretty brief.
    We have seen the entire statement dealing with the photo array. I would assume that the accuser's statement to police is far more detailed than what she said in the photo array session. But whatever else she provided in the police statement doesn't really help with regard to answering the question of why none of the players' DNA showed up, since the photo array statement at the very least established her claim that there was sexual contact between her and the three players--not that she was only, say, sodomized with a broom handle, which might have provided a rational explanation as to why there was none of the players' DNA.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#142)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:07:20 PM EST
    7duke4 said:
    I specifically excluded DNA from my previous post. DNA is science. I was referring to an analysis made earlier that was based on a sample of only the LAX team.
    I am sorry I missed what analysis you were refering. I wrote my arguments clearly based on statistics. Since you work for a top think tank and know your stats, I am glad you didnt challenge any of those two arguments. I take that as you agree.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#143)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:14:35 PM EST
    Hicht, About statistics...... For the sake of argument, assume for whatever reason the AV is lying. She knows that. She remembers Reade from early in the evening but failed to see him leave early. Big mistake there. She has to pick 3 lucky guys from a photo lineup of only guys on the team, most of whom were at the party. She remembers touching or scratching someone in the fight over the money ($800 bucks for a few minutes dance is expensive by any standards). She was mad at him, so she picks him. Kind of hurts the statistics argument. The ID and the DNA have to be independent events for any such argument to hold up and there are many scenarios where they are not independent events. Especially if the AV is lying. I'm not at all implying that the above scenario is true or even that I think it is. Just something to ponder.....

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#144)
    by azbballfan on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:17:13 PM EST
    And to azbballfan, are you actually trying to make the case that Duke's student body has less qualifications than the average university? As my daughter would say, ahahahahahaha! Envy does not suit you.
    No, there is a central repository of the entrance qualifications of universities. This repository clearly states (based upon self-reported statistics) that the average Duke University entrant had a GPA that was within the top 25% of their class. The same report states that the grades used included extra curricular activities such as band, gym, and home ec. The same central repository also reports that many of the top public universities maintain standards at or above the top 10% of their graduating class. If you are genaralizing that public education is somehow average, you may want to rethink your statement. Certain public universities with high entrance standards also maintain a policy of maintaining a low pass through rate. That is, they insist upon maintaining an environment of fierce competition for grades and survival through school to ensure that their graduates have earned something when they get their degree. And going back to my previous post. I'm glad you and your daughter are happy about your experiences. However, the wise will tell you that expressing happiness breeds happiness. Expressing pride breeds contempt. Similar to you, I am very happy about my own college experience and have no envy of those who chose to go to Duke. Actually, I'm fighting the urge to feel pity for Dukies these days.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#145)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:29:29 PM EST
    SomewhatChunky said:
    About statistics...... For the sake of argument, assume for whatever reason the AV is lying. She knows that. She remembers Reade from early in the evening but failed to see him leave early. Big mistake there. She has to pick 3 lucky guys from a photo lineup of only guys on the team, most of whom were at the party. She remembers touching or scratching someone in the fight over the money ($800 bucks for a few minutes dance is expensive by any standards). She was mad at him, so she picks him. Kind of hurts the statistics argument. The ID and the DNA have to be independent events for any such argument to hold up and there are many scenarios where they are not independent events. Especially if the AV is lying.
    I totally agree with the argument that you made. But you are wrong to say "Kind of hurts the statistics argument". It doesn't conflict with my argument at all. I would be ok with the defense to claim there was such a physical struggle over the money and the guy is scratched targeted by her intentionally. But they are claiming unlikely contamination story. I think the reason for that, the guy scratched is one of the captains and forgot to mention this physical struggle with the dancer over money in his hours long interview with the police.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#146)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:34:08 PM EST
    Somewhat Chucnky, You wrote:
    Kind of hurts the statistics argument. The ID and the DNA have to be independent events for any such argument to hold up and there are many scenarios where they are not independent events.
    If I understand Hicht correctly, what he's claiming is player X could use a rationale such as yours for explaining how he came to be ID'd by two processes, because it is somewhat unlikely that that happened by chance. The test has meaning; it doesn't pretend to show guilt.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#147)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 10:53:31 PM EST
    Am I the last one to figure out why the first DNA test performed by the state lab did not identify the boyfriend while the second one did? I re-read the ABC article again, and it said that the police did not take the boyfriend's DNA until two weeks after Seligmann's and Finnerty's indictment. In other words, there was indeed a semen sample collected in the hospital to be matched with the players' and there was no match, but there's no boyfriend's DNA to be matched at that time. ABC said it is the mother of the AV said that it is the boyfriend's, but I wonder whether it is true. WRAL's article said that the person is well-known in Durham and by the Durham police. Is the AV the girlfriend of some well-known person in Durham? Or, did the mother just say that because she did not want others to think of the AV as a prostitute? If the boyfriend's DNA was not collected until two weeks after the Duke players' indictments, does that mean Nifong did not know that the AV had consensual sex "recently"? Did he forget to ask the AV, or did the AV lie to him?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#148)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:14:09 PM EST
    Grand jury may consider new charges in Duke lacrosse case
    WHAT WILL HAPPEN TODAY? If Nifong decides to submit the case, police investigators and possibly other witnesses will try to convince grand jurors in a secret session that the state has probable cause to bring a case forward. Grand jurors will hear only the prosecution's side of the case. The standard required for a true bill of indictment is far lower than the beyond-a-reasonable-doubt standard required for a conviction.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#149)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 14, 2006 at 11:34:06 PM EST
    Tomorrow's going to be an interesting day, isn't it? The Grand Jury meets, dicovery is due... If Nifong's case is as shaky as Gmax describes, does anyone imagine that he will add to his future infamy by adding a third innocent student to the number of his victims? And if the lawyers for the defense now have the chance to peruse such choice items as the accusers statement to the police, should we expect them to release that tomorrow evening on Dan Abrams show? The train is careening wildly down the tracks. Somebody's going to get hurt. You have to think if Nifong is the one who's going to get hurt here, tomorrow would be the right day for him to start putting on the brakes. Unless he'd prefer to derail at full speed.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#150)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 12:18:22 AM EST
    I specifically excluded DNA from my previous post. DNA is science. I was referring to an analysis made earlier that was based on a sample of only the LAX team.
    Hicht's analysis was based on a sample of only the lacrosse team. That's what's so cool about it.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#151)
    by azbballfan on Mon May 15, 2006 at 01:40:29 AM EST
    At this point statistics don't mean a thing. Sorry, but I laugh at those who ask us to wait for reports from the 'experts'. As a math expert who was heavily recruited by Harvard, I'll tell you that being qualified as a 'expert' by the so called 'elite' universities is a very political post. As a collegen entrant, I was asked my opinion on high profile cases where so called 'experts' were quoted. I gave my honest and open opinion which was clearly disvalued because it did not support the opinion of the again so called 'experts'. Hilarious as it might seem, despite the recurring recruitment from Harvard, I took a position with a public institution just because I found the whole experience disgusting.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#152)
    by azbballfan on Mon May 15, 2006 at 01:53:03 AM EST
    Kalidogi, With regards to my post questioning the intent of lawyers taught to identify who their client is. Sorry, but I chose he blanket "lawyer 101" as a description to the genearalist higher division class whereby lawyers are introduced to some of the intricacies of legal practice. This includes protecting the rights of your client to the best or your ability. Which may mean twisting the interpretation of reality. In order to be perfectly lazy on this subject, I'll merely point to the case of a certain Orenthal Simpson.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#153)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 05:11:12 AM EST
    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#154)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 05:15:31 AM EST
    Duke Lacrosse Case Again Before Grand Jury
    NBC News reported Monday that the woman [the accuser] was expected to appear before the grand jury.
    NBC17 News has confirmed that a lacrosse player who expects to be indicted was in Durham Monday with his parents and planned to post bond and make a public statement immediately after being charged.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#155)
    by weezie on Mon May 15, 2006 at 06:07:37 AM EST
    I wonder if she'll have had enough time to get her blonde dreadlocks wig freshened up and her fake nails redone?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#156)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 06:23:46 AM EST
    mmyy, Two weeks after the indictments to get a sample from the alleged boyfriend is a long time. You're right. It suggests that Nifong was again behind the curve in this case. The only other possibility is that he suspected it may have been the boyfriend's all along but initially didn't get the sample so that he didn't have to share it with the defense, which would be real curious.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#157)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 06:26:41 AM EST
    mmyy, It was a long night. I don't even know to whom I was referring now, and it doesn't seem important enough to go back and look up. Happy post-Mother's Day, everyone.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#158)
    by JK on Mon May 15, 2006 at 06:36:31 AM EST
    Hicht, I think your math is correct, but the assumption of randomness is quite questionable, even in the "accidental contamination" scenario. If DNA got transferred through the trash can in the bathroom, there is not an equal likelihood that each of the players' DNA would be in the trash can. There would be a much higher likelihood for the persons who live there and use that bathroom. Also, the photo ID process is not random either. If one of the captains who lived there hired the AV, she may have a better memory of his face and possibly other reasons to target him (e.g., money dispute, even with no "scratching").

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#159)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 06:47:35 AM EST
    weezie wonders:
    I wonder if she'll have had enough time to get her blonde dreadlocks wig freshened up and her fake nails redone?
    And will Evans have time to shave?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#160)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:09:17 AM EST
    CBS NEWS article and video of parents
    CBS News obtained an exclusive copy of the entire identification report. In it, the accuser identifies one of her alleged attackers, the one expected to be indicted today, saying he looks "just like him without the mustache." The accuser said the person had a mustache.
    But defense sources tell CBS News there are pictures of this player both the day before and the day after the party without a mustache. The defense will also likely question the alleged victim's credibility. For example when she was presented with the picture of the other player, whose inconclusive DNA was found under her fingernail, she said she didn't recognize him. In all, she identified four people she believed looked like her attackers.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#161)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:13:13 AM EST
    If DNA got transferred through the trash can in the bathroom, there is not an equal likelihood that each of the players' DNA would be in the trash can. There would be a much higher likelihood for the persons who live there and use that bathroom. Also, the photo ID process is not random either. If one of the captains who lived there hired the AV, she may have a better memory of his face and possibly other reasons to target him (e.g., money dispute, even with no "scratching").
    When I said (6%) probability of her picking the the right subject by chance, to be fair I used 1/17 instead of 1/46 (the number of players in the lineup) or 1/40 (the number of players at the party). If you look at her statements in photo idantification. She remembers faces of 17 players and even tells what they were doing at the time. She picked one of them as the person who strangled her. She pointed to another player for money transaction in the photo Identification. As I said many times before this is not a proof of rape by itself. It is another important evidence among many other that is consistent with her statement. That player has an explaining to do why he was intentially targetted or he is in trouble.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#162)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:15:41 AM EST
    Here is a quote from a new ABC article on the case: "many people in the general population share the same genitive traits, said Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, a California-based DNA expert, "there would be many people who could have the same traits as what shows up in the mixture."" And the reort also adds whatever the genetic material they did find on the one fake nail, it was not blood. As in not a deep scratch from a struggle.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#163)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:24:59 AM EST
    And the reort also adds whatever the genetic material they did find on the one fake nail, it was not blood.
    We already knew that. The leak information suggested it is a skin tissue.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#164)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:29:10 AM EST
    This is another lifting form the very end of the ABC story: Details of the alleged victim's medical report and of a toxicology report from that night could be crucial. The prosecution could also have witnesses, photographs or videos of that night that might bolster its case. Perhaps most critically, Nifong has one piece of evidence that no one in the public or on the defense can even approach: the opportunity to speak with the alleged victim. That last while true, its also true that a grand jury never hears the other side of a case, and how likely when this accuser gets on the stand that Defense attorneys are going to find a number of inconsistentcies in her story? Given the prosecutor has leaked like 50 year old faucett, how likely is it that the tox report is going to help his case? Most recent leak from prosecutor told us consistent DNA ( just forgot that there was match DNA with "boyfriend").

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#165)
    by weezie on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:29:30 AM EST
    Could Nifong be bringing the FA in front of the grand jury in order to see how she shakes down under oath? Maybe rattle her a bit and squeeze her into backing down if she can't handle the heat? How aggressive would any questioning be? Why was she not compelled to appear at the first GJ? Or, is he trying to prove that she will be a good witness?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#166)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:33:23 AM EST
    The leak information suggested it is a skin tissue. How about snot? Or saliva? Its supposedly mixed together with at least one other players consistent DNA. How does skin mix and not be separatable? More likely ( that's a stat term so jump in here Hicht ) that its a liquid so mixing occurs?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#167)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:37:58 AM EST
    From an ABC report: "Three men -- none of them Duke lacrosse players and all of whose identities are known by ABC News -- were listed in the report as providing DNA swabs to be tested against the samples found on the alleged victim. "One of the three men has told ABC News that he spoke to the alleged victim the night of the March 13 party. Another man is the alleged victim's boyfriend, and defense attorneys identified him in a news conference as the "single source" of DNA found to date in vaginal swabs of the accuser. "It is unclear why the three nonlacrosse players were included in the sampling."

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#168)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:38:45 AM EST
    She has been in seclusion since the alleged incident, has lost weight, developed ulcers and suffers from frequent nightmares This is quoted in the CBS report. I guess it could mean she is suffering from post traumatic shock. It could also mean that she is aware of the impact of the lies she has told and is not eating sleeping well and quite worried that her lies are going to be found out soon. I could go through the posters on here and put them in the two belief camps, quite easily. Quite amazing how people can analyze the smae facts and reach 180 degree different conclusions.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#169)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:45:46 AM EST
    It is unclear why the three nonlacrosse players were included in the sampling." Well we could conjecture while we wait on the indictment. Either Nifong withheld evidence from the first DNA test that showed this match or he never thought to test for the "boyfriend". Lets say he forgot. Dont you think he hauls her ass in and says WTF, you got semen in/on you and it aint this boys, so I need to know whose it is RIGHT NOW. He knows from conversations with DNA experts that semen can be identified for up to six days so he asks for ALL sexual partners in the last 6 days and she coughs up three names, all who are tested? Just speculation but I would love to hear alternate speculation. Who are these mystery two men who Nodong suspects might be DNA matches with the semen??

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#170)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:47:49 AM EST
    Also, from the ABC story: "According to the report, the DNA found under the false fingernail was a mixture, containing more than one person's genetic material. The report suggests that one of the possible people in that genetic mixture was the alleged victim. "The report says that genetic material with the same characteristics of two lacrosse players was found underneath a plastic fingernail in a trash can in the bathroom where the accuser says she was attacked. This may have been the link prosecution sources referred to when they told ABC News that test results could be "helpful" to the prosecution." No doubt Nifong will go forward with an indictment with this information, but if the DNA isn't from blood (as reported) then it's not necessarily from a scratch. If there was at least two possible matches among the lacrosse team (as reported), that suggests a possible innocent explanation for Mister 90%, since if he were one of the two, another of the two possibles under the nail is not a suspect... Unless the AV changes her story to four people. Speaking of whom, the AV seems to be a contributor to the DNA under the nail, too. Or maybe someone unknown who has similar DNA.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#171)
    by JK on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:55:38 AM EST
    Hicht: That player has an explaining to do why he was intentially targetted or he is in trouble. I don't think so. If she is making it up (for whatever reason), she may have simply picked the face most available to her memory. Again, assuming the DNA belongs to one of the three captains who lived there, there is a much greater than a 1 in 17 chance that she would pick one of these individuals and that such individual's DNA would be in the trash. Also, just because she purported to identify and remember 17 players does not mean she was not lying.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#172)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:59:27 AM EST
    From a News & Observer article: "Creedmoor Police Chief Ted Pollard said Thursday that a woman matching the full name and birth date of the accuser in the Durham case filed a report with his department Aug. 18, 1996, saying she was raped by three men three years earlier, when she was 14. "Pollard said that the archived records from that time are sketchy but that it appears none of the three men named in the 1996 complaint was arrested. "On Friday morning, Pollard held a news conference and said the case was never pursued but files do not say why. He said he surmised that was because the accuser backed out. "'Once the victim decides not to pursue the case three years later, there is no case without the victim,' he said. 'The victim is the witness.' "The woman's father said Thursday his daughter was not raped in the 1996 incident. "'They didn't do anything to her,' he said. "The father said his daughter was held against her will by a group of men who had picked her up from school in Durham and drove her to Creedmoor. She was not sexually assaulted or injured in the encounter, he said, and she was returned home safely the same day." The father knew enough about it to form an opinion. Maybe his wife and daughter lied to him about the rape, though. Maybe they lied to the press about lying to the father. Anyone get a name for the mystery witness yet?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#173)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 07:59:29 AM EST
    gmax posted:
    I could go through the posters on here and put them in the two belief camps, quite easily. Quite amazing how people can analyze the smae facts and reach 180 degree different conclusions.
    At Duke, Just Pick Your Facts
    Pick your fact. Each of them can, it seems, be spun both ways.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#174)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:05:16 AM EST
    Anyone know if toxicology results will show up in discovery this week?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#175)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:09:17 AM EST
    Bob in Pacifica posted:
    The father knew enough about it to form an opinion. Maybe his wife and daughter lied to him about the rape, though. Maybe they lied to the press about lying to the father.
    Bob, you have failed to prove: Bob in Pacifica posted:
    And if you believe that, then you have to weigh the father's comments about the 1993 (1994?) rape, about which he said something to the effect that "those boys didn't do nothin' to her." That is, the AV's father said that his daughter filed a false rape charge back then.
    Bob in Pacifica posted:
    There was no reports of crying consistent with the AV's version, which in any case doesn't dovetail with the magical missing neighbor hearing the screams of a woman being raped, as reported to us by the man who claims his daughter told him she was sodomized by a broomstick and who told us his daughter filed a false rape charge in the past.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#176)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:11:24 AM EST
    Gosh Dahlia and I both reached the same thought independently. Great minds indeed think alike!!

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#177)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:23:50 AM EST
    Again, assuming the DNA belongs to one of the three captains who lived there, there is a much greater than a 1 in 17 chance that she would pick one of these individuals and that such individual's DNA would be in the trash.
    Unlogical. You are suggesting that she planned to pick up the player who lives in that house(if she knows who lives there) so that maybe she would be lucky and her nails in the trashcan will be contaminated with his DNA.
    Also, just because she purported to identify and remember 17 players does not mean she was not lying
    Unlogical. We already knew there were 20 plus players in the house at the time. Players say it, photos show it. So you are unlogically suggesting that she lied to recognize 17 players thinking that in the future if someone calcucalate the odds of her picking the right subject by chance, the odds will be in her favor.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#178)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:28:16 AM EST
    What funny times we live in. The media seems no where near as interested when black men are accused of raping a white woman as when white men are accused of raping a black woman. I wonder why that is? Perhaps white privilege is the explanation.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#179)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:28:46 AM EST
    An indication it is Evans that may be perped walked next: More Indictments Expected In Duke Case
    "I tried to meet with the D.A. this morning, and he was unavailable," defense attorney Joseph Cheshire, who represents one of the team's uncharged captains, said Monday. Nifong has said little about the case in public, and Cheshire has previously complained Nifong has refused to meet or communicate.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#180)
    by Lora on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:32:28 AM EST
    The father's opinions on anything are not particularly relevant to this case. What he actually saw, and what he actually heard, could be very relevant. I would give more credence to what he saw, though. It's easy to mis-hear things. While certainly possible, it is less easy to mis-see things. Gee, I wonder what those guys were doing while they held the AV against her will in Creedmore? Playing poker, perhaps?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#181)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:33:23 AM EST
    Hicht I dont know if its wise on your part to be accusing folks of being lacking in logic.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#182)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:36:42 AM EST
    inmyhumbleopinion quotes from ABC:
    For example when she was presented with the picture of the other player, whose inconclusive DNA was found under her fingernail, she said she didn't recognize him.
    Tonight or tomorrow the images of the third player indicted will be all over the media. The AV will be able to identify the man again on the court.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#183)
    by JK on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:39:03 AM EST
    Hicht, It is far more illogical to presume the 17 players have an equal chance of getting picked. I am not suggesting she picked someone she knew lived in the house because she thought DNA might be in the trash. But of those 17 individuals, she is likely to have had more "interactions" with some than others. E.g., exchanging cash, getting a drink, comments made, etc. The persons who lived there, who ran the party, are much more likely to have achieved greater salience in her memory. And they are also much more likely to have deposited DNA in the bathroom. In terms of the 17 players, I am not saying that the 17 players were not present. I am just suggesting the possibility that her IDs may have been made with greater particularity that her actual memory.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#184)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:41:55 AM EST
    beenaround posted:
    What funny times we live in.
    The media seems no where near as interested when black men are accused of raping a white woman as when white men are accused of raping a black woman.
    I wonder why that is? Perhaps white privilege is the explanation.
    I know Kali hates to hear this, but the hook of this story is "The Blue Wall of Silence."

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#185)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 08:42:25 AM EST
    NBC17 News has confirmed that a lacrosse player who expects to be indicted was in Durham Monday with his parents and planned to post bond and make a public statement immediately after being charged.
    Wow, they are going to make a public statement immediately after being charged! I wonder what they would say and why they would choose to do so.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#186)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:05:15 AM EST
    According to NBC 17, this is probably what the third player indicted and his family are going to say--
    But defense attorneys said the third player accused lived at the house and it is no surprise that trace amounts of his DNA could be found inside his own trashcan. They also said they don't believe the type of fingernails that were found -- the kind that are applied with an adhesive strip -- actually ripped off during an attack. They don't believe the fingernails were ever applied, and they said they have pictures to prove it. NBC-17 has seen a picture of the dancer's hand at the house when she performed her dance routine. It appears that long, fake fingernails were on some of her fingers in that photo, but not all of them.
    Anybody wants to take a bet who the third player is going to be? I bet Dan Flannery, the one that used the fake name to call the escort agency and probably also the one that paid the AV.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#187)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:19:03 AM EST
    But of those 17 individuals, she is likely to have had more "interactions" with some than others. E.g., exchanging cash, getting a drink, comments made, etc. The persons who lived there, who ran the party, are much more likely to have achieved greater salience in her memory.
    She already identified the player who exchanged the cash,the player made the threating comment about the broom. Interestingly, She didn't accuse any of those.
    In terms of the 17 players, I am not saying that the 17 players were not present. I am just suggesting the possibility that her IDs may have been made with greater particularity that her actual memory.
    I don't get your argument. Why she would lie she recognizes 17 players, considering there were 20+ players in the party even she is making a false accusation.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#188)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:20:19 AM EST
    Perhaps the most interesting item from the ABC report is the following:
    However, tension seems to be rising between the prosecution and the defense. In a hallway confrontation today at the Durham County courthouse, Nifong laced into defense lawyer Kerry Sutton in an expletive-laden tirade where he complained angrily about last Friday's defense news conference.
    This doesn't seem like the behavior of a normal prosecutor.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#189)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:28:53 AM EST
    Perhaps Nifong is not sleeping well, lost his appetite and is developing ulcers like the accuser. It would explain his anger and lashing out. Too bad he does not have the Post Traumatic Stress excuse to fall back on. Why would a confident prosecutor act this way?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#190)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:35:53 AM EST
    I dont know if its wise on your part to be accusing folks of being lacking in logic.
    Even though I beleive in the accuser, I always try to be logical and objective. I am always open to change any argument that I am making with a wrong logic. Would you please refer any of my posts lacking logic so I can correct them or back off from those.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#191)
    by chew2 on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:36:41 AM EST
    What is curious to me is that those whom advocate for the AV, do not and will not criticize how Nifong has jeoparized this case unnecessarily
    When the sealed indictments were reported I said I thought the indictments were premature, even though I'm more sympathetic to the AV.
    I'm thinking the indictments were premature. Nifong should have taken more time. Assuming that the medical evidence is persuasive as to a rape having occurred (a big but necessary assumption_, the key issue is identification of the assailants. If the alleged victim was impaired due to alcohol or a date rape drug her ID will need some corroboration.
    You suggest this scenario:
    1. The rape exam at Duke found semen so Nifong was 100% sure that a sex act had occured. 2. The AV claimed no recent consensual sex so Nifong "knew" it had to be LAX DNA, 3. The DNA came back entirely negative (1st round) and Nifong was stunned since he knew that the serology and exam showed sex.
    I think that's possible. He thought the semen would finger the perpetrator. If the semen is that of the BF, but the rest of the rape kit indicates a sexual assault then we are back to an old fashion prosecution for rape with no DNA material from the perpetrators. Nifong can still prosecute that case, since reportedly 75-80% of rape prosecutions contain no DNA residue from the attackers. But I'm still puzzled. Was the prosecution attempting to match semen in the first DNA test? And is the match with the BF in the second test clearly semen, or some other material? Todays ABC news report says no semen was found in the AV's "genital areas."
    "ABC News' Law & Justice Unit was given exclusive details about the latest DNA report in the Duke lacrosse rape investigation and was shown and reviewed parts of the 10-page document. According to the DNA report, tests specifically designed to look for semen found none on swabs of the alleged victim's mouth or genital areas. .................. However, numerous prosecutors have told ABC News that a rape could have occurred and that convictions were possible even if there was no semen found on the accuser. ................. Another man is the alleged victim's boyfriend, and defense attorneys identified him in a news conference as the "single source" of DNA found to date in vaginal swabs of the accuser".
    ABC News Exclusive: Possible Indictment of Third Duke Lacrosse Player and DNA Details (those should be quotes above. no sure if preview is working properly.) No semen found? But BF linked? Poor writing or was there something other than semen linking the BF?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#192)
    by chew2 on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:51:06 AM EST
    Hicht, When I said (6%) probability of her picking the the right subject by chance, to be fair I used 1/17 instead of 1/46 (the number of players in the lineup) or 1/40 (the number of players at the party). If you look at her statements in photo idantification. She remembers faces of 17 players and even tells what they were doing at the time. She picked one of them as the person who strangled her. She pointed to another player for money transaction in the photo Identification. As I said many times before this is not a proof of rape by itself. It is another important evidence among many other that is consistent with her statement. That player has an explaining to do why he was intentially targetted or he is in trouble. I agree. It tends to corroborate her story as to who strangled her and to bolster her credibility as to her memory of the events. TL pointed out that even if the DNA was a 100% match with the person she says strangled her it was no proof of rape or a sexual assault since it wasn't located in the genital areas. True. But it does tend to bolster her credibility and that's important. The defense can argue the DNA got there by chance contamination in the garbage can. We'll see how persuasive that is when more information is released about the nature of the DNA under the nails.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#193)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 09:56:57 AM EST
    chew2 posted:
    No semen found? But BF linked? Poor writing or was there something other than semen linking the BF?
    I've been wondering about this myself. Cheshire was using the term "male genetic material," which to me is sperm. He may have meant genetic material from a male which could be from any part of a male. Did Cheshire say Nifong lied to the defense? I thought someone posted that. Maybe this is what happened - Cheshire thought the vaginal swab DNA was sperm, thus calling Nifong a liar because supposedly no sperm was found on the victim, but it actually was epithelial cells from the boyfriend. And perhaps this is why Nifong lit into Kerry Sutton (who didn't say a word more than her name in the portion of the press conference I saw) - he was actually pissed off at Cheshire's charge that he lied.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#194)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:05:10 AM EST
    Dan Evans indicted.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#195)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:05:51 AM EST
    Hicht several folks have already tried to explain to you that you have made certain assumptions implicitly in your scanario. If these assumptions are fallacious then your whole analysis is, ummm, crap. Your answer to them is rule them out of line and "illogical". I will also point out that you are not the appointed arbiter of all things logical. You are much more reasoned and subdued that some others who post on this here. I just think you should refrain from asserting your brilliance and concede that the other posts could have a point. Doesn't mean you are wrong or they are wrong, just mean that with imperfect info here, we are all making certain assumptions and no one has a corner on the logic market. Now a couple folks do seem to stray into irrational posting but its not you ( or the folks you accuse of being illogical ).

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#196)
    by JK on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:12:12 AM EST
    Chew, I agree that the AV's identification of the attacker as consistent with the DNA "tends" to corroborate her story. But the question is how much it tends to corroborate her story. I think the 6% statistic is highly misleading because it presumes one of two scenarios: (a) she made a selection based on a physical assault (whether sexual or non-sexual), or (b) she made a selection randomly. Scenario B is a strawman. Those who think the AV is lying don't necessarily think she pulled a name out of a hat or a marble out of a bag. Assuming she is lying, she would most likely pick someone she remembered more strongly than the others, and maybe someone who angered her. That is not random selection - so the "null hypothesis" here is deeply conceptually flawed. I also agree with you that more forensic evidence is necessary to determine the likelihood and viability of the accidental contamination theory. Based on the current evidence, though, I would hesitate to rule it out.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#197)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:14:11 AM EST
    It's clear to me, and I suspect most people, that Nifong is purposely misleading the public with his quote that, "Nifong has said that even in the absence of any DNA match, he can still take this case to trial the "old-fashioned way" of putting a victim on the stand. He has cited a statistic that 75 percent to 80 percent of rape prosecutions proceed without DNA evidence. That statement is purposely misleading because (if the statistic has any validity) it would only apply to cases where: 1. you had a more credible AV 2. you had no alternative explanations for the injuries "consistent with rape." 3. you had IDs that were done legally, and were of "strangers," not people who were known to be at the house by the AV. 4. you had corroborating witnesses 5. you had indicted individuals without independently verified alibis 6. you had indicted individuals with criminal histories (noting Finnerty's assault - fight). In this case, DNA and a corrorating witness are huge. Without them, there are too many alternate explanations and thus, "reasonable doubt." Of course, a Durham jury may not care about "reasonable doubt," but that's a different issue.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#198)
    by Lora on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:23:22 AM EST
    Yes! I found one. Nifong did NOT backpedal on the DNA. Via NewsBank: Chicago Tribune, March 30, 2006:
    But he said he did not necessarily expect the DNA samples taken last Thursday from the team's 46 white players to match evidence taken from the accuser.
    "I would not be surprised if condoms were used," he said.
    The defense has taken his DNA statements out of context. This supplies it.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#199)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:23:28 AM EST
    IMHO, Father said the men didn't rape her regarding her first gangrape assertion. She filed charges three years later that they did. Father says it didn't happen. Daughter filed charges saying that it did. If father believes it didn't happen, he can't believe the daughter filed charges for something that did happen. If the father thinks the daughter filed charges for something that didn't happen, then what are you arguing about? You are already saying that his opinion was informed by lies told to him by his wife and daughter. I wasn't present so I won't argue with you about that, although you seem to owe us a lot of citations regarding the father's knowledge or lack of knowledge about the previous rape allegation. Maybe the wife and daughter lied to the father, or maybe they've lied to the press about lying to the father. I don't know. After a point, it's irrelevant. I don't trust the family to be honest brokers of fact. You can. You can even supply citations to support your position. What's your point besides getting the last word here? +++ Got the name of the mystery witness? 41 days now.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#200)
    by chew2 on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:27:25 AM EST
    Gmax Re: Hicht
    You are much more reasoned and subdued that some others who post on this here.
    Very generous of you. You mean like this guy: Gmax said
    And whoever started the "Blue wall of silence" crap should be beat with a stick. ......... If you say yes you are a serial liar or the biggest fool in the country.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#201)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:37:19 AM EST
    Found this from an AP story dated yesterday: They add that District Attorney Mike Nifong has provided little evidence through discovery, leaving them to wonder what other evidence is out there. "You'd think he'd have the statements of the woman," Kirk Osborn, who represents charged sophomore Reade Seligmann, said yesterday. "You'd think he has the hospital reports. You'd think he has a toxicology report. You'd think he'd have all of that. And that's all discoverable."

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#202)
    by chew2 on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:37:57 AM EST
    Those who think the AV is lying don't necessarily think she pulled a name out of a hat or a marble out of a bag. Assuming she is lying, she would most likely pick someone she remembered more strongly than the others, and maybe someone who angered her.
    For your alternative explanation to work, she would also have to have remembered scratching that person, otherwise why ID him as the strangler/scratchee out of the 17 she said she recognized. It's up to the defense to propose another non-rape story as to why she scratched him. A struggle over money? Then come out and say so. Some other story? Then come out and say so. Maybe they will do so at trial. So far they seem to be floating the contamination in the garbage theory. And if that's their story, then the 1 i 17 is a good metric to measure the extent of corroboration of the AV's memory and credibility.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#203)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:38:55 AM EST
    Lora You are forgetting about the subpoena that he swore out in front of the judge? Do you need a link?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#204)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:42:24 AM EST
    I have been following the threads here - yes, reading all the articles - since day one and until the last few days I have found the forums here the most useful and on-topic. However, lately the discussion has dissolved into just a series of snide comments back and forth at each other, not based on facts. If you want to keep the level of information up for this site, please think before posting and try to stay on topic, please. Btw, the above is not directed to a single individual, but to a few very vocal individuals on both sides, so please don't try to read into it any more than what was explicitly stated. Thanx.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#205)
    by JK on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:45:23 AM EST
    Chew: I am talking about contamination, not scratching. And 1:17 is not a good measure for contamination because (a) some players are much more likely to have their DNA in the bathroom, (b) some players are much more likely to have been picked in the photo line-up, even with no physical contact or scratching, and (c) the captains who live in the house are in both group (a) and group (b). This does not mean, as Hicht tried to suggest I was saying, that she intentionally picked the captains because she thought their DNA was in the trash. This means that neither (a) nor (b) are independent or random, so 1:17 is essentially meaningless.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#206)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:51:05 AM EST
    IMHO & Chew2:
    No semen found? But BF linked? Poor writing or was there something other than semen linking the BF?
    Please don't tell me you are going to argue that the BF showed up at the hospital and while alone with the AV/FA gave her wounds some oral comforting. Lora: Nice research. However, the initial expectation and context of the 1st DNA test was Nifong's statement in the Supoena that the tests will eliminate the innocent parties. By May 30, after several interviews as well as defense attorneys saying that no dna will be found because of no rape, Nifong realized he had set himself up to potentially eat his own words, so he back tracked. Context is important. My question to you, who I read to be an AV advocate, why don't you criticize Nifong for the unnecessary exposing of the credibility of his case? Instead, you retort with an example of his not claiming the dna results would identify a player. The point is that this should have never been an issue if he were properly dealing with the case, which is keep your month shut while building your case. I ask you, if not for political reasons, then why did Nifong personally decide to take the case and why did he make so many public statements/interviews claiming guilt of the players? He is the one who opened the door to the case being tried in the press, he is the one who has torn apart the Durham community, he is the one who opened the door to unnecessary criticism, well before an indictment. Do you honestly beleive there was no political motivation by Nifong? Or am I misreading many of your past posts?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#207)
    by chew2 on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:55:16 AM EST
    Jk Ok I think I understand you now. I agree with a) and have made the same point myself. I'm not sure what you mean by b). Why would the team captains who lived there be more memorable to the AV than any other of the 17 she identified? What evidence do you have of this. Did one of them pay her? We don't know that do we? She ID'd one person who paid her. He wasn't the strangler. Matt Zash, one of the captains, was in his room watching TV. She wouldn't be likely to remember him. That leaves the other two captains. What did they do that made them so memorable?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#208)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 10:59:38 AM EST
    Assuming she is lying, she would most likely pick someone she remembered more strongly than the others, and maybe someone who angered her.
    (b) some players are much more likely to have been picked in the photo line-up, even with no physical contact or scratching, and
    I dont disagree with your posts. But whatever reason made her to remember this guy stronger or angered her more, It is more significant than the guy who threatened her to shove a broom stick up to her. Rape is just something like that. If there is another reason than rape, I want to hear it from the player.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#209)
    by chew2 on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:00:26 AM EST
    Kali, I'm saying there are seeming contradictory statements in the ABC news article. One statement says no semen was found on the AV. The second says the BF was linked by a vaginal swab but doesn't say what material was tested. So was there semen or wasn't there? Recall the defense atty's first claimed there was no semen found. Were they right?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#210)
    by january on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:01:36 AM EST
    As an aside to Pat's post-- Even more misleading when you do have DNA and it matches somebody not even on the lacross team......though maybe Nifong didn't know that. azbb,
    However the coordinated efforts to withold testimony and evidence is a clear indication that they are guilty of something.
    I don't think it proves anything except that 7duke4 was right about the presumption of guilt behind the "wall of silence" snarks. That has always troubled me too--she just said it better. Of course, you're entitled to your opinion. Mine is that you're innocent till proven guilty, you're entitled to hire an attorney if you think you need one, and it's really ok if you want to follow your attorney's advice. IMHO, you're welcome x2 (belated).

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#211)
    by Bob In Pacifica on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:06:11 AM EST
    gmax, at some point Nifong has to give up the toxicology report, the statement, all the reports. One can argue the game within court cases, but at a certain point the DA can't withold discoverable information. It's my understanding he'll have to give up this stuff this week. Quite honestly, unless that alleged wall of silence has a crack, we have the rape report, toxicology and her statement to support the rape. If the rape report is only "consistent with" and the AV has claimed any injuries which were visible in the initial pictures at the Buchanan, pretty much game over. If the toxicology doesn't show a rape drug but something (like booze or opiates) that shows she caused her own intoxication, pretty much game over. Her statement will be examined for how consistent it is with the timelines, with what we know from other witnesses (Bissey, Roberts, for ex) and with evidence. Once her statement is out my guess is that the broomstick sodomy story will be laid to rest. Unless Nifong has that rabbit to pull out of his hat, he's pretty much stuck with his AV's accusations. You can go to trial with nothing else, but I can't imagine an honest conviction.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#212)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:12:42 AM EST
    Could the boyfriend material be that mysterious rootless pubic hair? Recovered on a swab? Or is that already accounted for?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#213)
    by chew2 on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:17:55 AM EST
    Without them, there are too many alternate explanations
    I'm curious. Leaving aside whether rape can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. What do you think might have happened that night? Do you think there could have been an assault but not sexual because the boys felt cheated?

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#214)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:19:31 AM EST
    IMHO said:
    beenaround posted:
    What funny times we live in. The media seems no where near as interested when black men are accused of raping a white woman as when white men are accused of raping a black woman. I wonder why that is? Perhaps white privilege is the explanation.
    I know Kali hates to hear this, but the hook of this story is "The Blue Wall of Silence."
    Well, I disagree. I think it has much more to do with standard human psychology. Ever since Arthur Conan Doyle found his groove it has been clear that we all like to see the big men taken down. Seeing the rich or famous or privileged (no matter how hard they worked to get where they are) in trouble is much more newsworthy and juicy than hearing over and over about the sordid crimes of those from the wrong end of town.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#215)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:21:58 AM EST
    Cheshire is live on TV right now. David Evans is standing behind him. Evans is about to make a statement. All of the Duke lacrosse team seniors are on TV right now standing with him.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#216)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:23:03 AM EST
    Dave Evans live on Fox News right now.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#217)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:25:48 AM EST
    Evans said he passed a polygraph.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#218)
    by Jo on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:28:20 AM EST
    1. If the captain lives there and the fingernails were on the bathroom floor overnight, wouldn't he have had the opportunity to step on the nails at 2:30AM when he gets up to pee, and then at 6:48AM when he has to pee agiain (been drinkin', ya know), and then at 7:45AM when he goes to shower, before he finally picks them up and throws them in the garbage can? Is there any way to tell if the DNA from the nails was from foot skin? 2. Perhaps he was memorable to the AV because, as a resident, he would be keeping his eyes out for her, making sure she doesn't steal or damage anything. 3. Maybe the boyfriend's semen wasn't found on the 'vaginal' swabs, but found on some other (oral, whatever) swabs.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#219)
    by inmyhumbleopinion on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:28:48 AM EST
    Kalidoggie posted:
    IMHO & Chew2:
    No semen found? But BF linked? Poor writing or was there something other than semen linking the BF?
    Please don't tell me you are going to argue that the BF showed up at the hospital and while alone with the AV/FA gave her wounds some oral comforting.
    Kali, epithelial skin cells. A rape kit examiner can collect skin cells from a p*nis on a vaginal swab.

    Re: Duke Accuser DNA Belongs to Her Boyfriend (none / 0) (#220)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon May 15, 2006 at 11:36:04 AM EST
    I live blogged the news conference at a new thread . This thread is closing.