
Late Night Music for Bob Novak

Bob Novak gave up two sources, and is holding on to the third by a thread. What happens when you give people up? The Eagles had it right, in Tequilla Sunrise:

Oh, and it's a hollow feelin' when
It comes down to dealin' friends
It never ends

Take another shot of courage
Wonder why the right words never come
You just get numb
It's another tequila sunrise,this old world
still looks the same,
Another frame, mm...

Here are the Eagles:

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  • Re: Late Night Music for Bob Novak (none / 0) (#1)
    by Strick on Wed Jul 12, 2006 at 03:19:07 AM EST
    Bob Novak gave up two sources, and is holding on to the third by a thread.
    How did Novak "give up" his sources if Fitzgerald already knew the names of all three and they approved of Novak talking to him? How is this any different from the actions of any other reporter involved? Other than Bob Woodward, of course, who, if I remember correctly, was roundly criticized for not volunteering what he knew including the name of his source? I agree with most of the sentiments about Novak, but I don't see the point.