
Yglesias' Sociopathic Indifference To Health Care Reform

Matt Yglesias complains about Max Baucus and Kent Conrad catering to the "concerns" of Republican Rep. Joe Wilson on non-US citizens being covered by health care reform. I can only remind Yglesias of what he wrote about progressives who fight for the public option:

[P]rogressives can’t adopt an attitude of sociopathic indifference merely in order to strengthen our bargaining position, because refusing to adopt such an attitude is part of what it means to be progressive.

Why is Matt adopting an "attitude of sociopathic indifference" and letting this issue stand in the way of "health care reform?" Why is he criticizing Baucus and Conrad for acting PRECISELY as he has advised Democrats to act? See also Chris Bowers' response to Yglesias' ridiculous post.

Speaking for me only

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    Why you ask? Well I'll take a stab at answering. (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Radix on Fri Sep 11, 2009 at 11:39:29 AM EST
    The joy of being part of the MSM is you only have to adhere to what you espouse as principle, or desired effect, at the very moment of writing it. After that, you're free to take whatever position you feel like; even if that position contradicts what you've writing in a previous paragraph or article.

    He wants to be (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Fabian on Fri Sep 11, 2009 at 11:51:54 AM EST
    the next Joe Klein or Brooks or Broder?

    If that's what he wants, then let him say it!  That way I can simply say "Oh, another beltway concern troll. Think I'll go catch up on my webcomics."
