Tag: Ahmed Ressam
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated the 22 year sentence of Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian who convicted and sentenced in 2005 of planning to bomb LAX airport on the millenium, as being too lenient because he didn't follow through with, and recanted, some of his cooperation.
Shorter version (because this is a very long post): The appeals court substituted its own view of what's a fair sentence for a terrorist for that of the trial judge, and then spends pages trying to say the trial court erred, even though the Government didn't even make that allegation.
Basically, the appeals court, being unhappy that Ressam, who is at Supermax, will only be 53 when released and still dangerous, orders him resentenced and removes the trial judge from the case. The 72 page opinion is here. [More...]
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