Tag: Montana 08
Update: Turnout is expected to be high.
We took a look at South Dakota here. Now it's time for Montana. From a briefing book:
Montana has 16 pledged delegates an 9 superdelegates. It has long been assumed to be in Barack Obama's corner.
Total population: 958,000. The African American population is 0.4%. Latino is 2.5% and Native American is anywhere between 6.3%.
There are 628,429 Registered Voters, not compiled by party.
Because its polls close an hour later than South Dakota's, it will get bragging rights as being the state to push a candidate over the top or at least close out this primary season.
The last Democrat to win in the presidential general election in Montana was Bill Clinton in 1992, perhaps because Ross Perot took votes from the Republican candidate. Bush won big in both 2000 and 2004.
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