
Tag: computers

Five Hours I'll Never Get Back

(This is just a computer rant, and a pretty boring one at that. You may want to skip it and make better use of the five minutes it will take to read it. Just saying....)

Yesterday afternoon my Netgear AC1900 router (an R7000) lost its connection to the internet. Nothing would restore it. Both my networks (2.4 and 5GZ) were no longer in the list of recognized available networks. They were disconnected.

I spent an hour on the phone with Comcast doing the usual, turning on and off the cable box, modem, router, etc. They told me it was a Netgear issue and helpfully gave me the phone number for Netgear support. (Comcast was right because when I moved my laptop to the living room near the router and modem, and plugged an ethernet cord into the laptop, the LAN worked fine.) But I wanted my wireless back so I'm not tethered to the living room couch. So then I spent almost half hour on the phone with Netgear. [More...]

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