Tag: pain doctors
The House Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security is holding a hearing at today at 10:00 am on the DEA's regulation of pain medecine. The live feed is here. The witnesses:
- Joseph T. Rannazzisi
Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control United States Drug Enforcement Administration, United States Department of Justice Washington, DC - David Murray
Director of Counter Drug Technology, ONDCP, The White House Washington, DC - Edward J. Heiden Ph.D.
Heiden Associates Inc., Washington, DC - Valerie Corral
Founder of WAMM, Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana Davenport, CA - Siobhan Reynolds
President, Pain Relief Network, Santa Fe, NM - John Flannery
Attorney, Campbell, Miller, Zimmerman, PC, and Author of Pain in America and How the Government Makes it Worse Leesburg, VA
John Flannery and Siobhan Reynolds will be excellent witnesses. You can read Ms. Reynolds' written testimony here. It begins:
Thank you for asking me to speak on the current situation facing patients in chronic pain. We come to you seeking your protection from the Drug Enforcement Administration, an agency out-of-control, an agency that has demonstrated no respect for the rights of ill Americans, nor for the rule of law itself…
It's time we got the DEA off the backs of pain doctors so the 75 million Americans who live in chronic pain can get some relief.
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