
DNC: Random Media Notes

One feature we will incorporate as part of our blogging coverage of the Democratic National Covention is what we call "random media notes" -- interesting snippets we find from various sources. Here's our first roundup:

Update: Michael Moore will appear at a screening of his ``Fahrenheit 9/11'' at the Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline. The screening is for members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees,150 of whom are delegates. Also, Moore will speak Monday to the Congressional Black Caucus. [Hat tip to F-911 Blog]

  • According to this preliminary list of speakers, every former Democratic candidate for President will be speaking at the convention--Howard Dean, Dick Gephardt and Carole Mosley Braun on Tuesday; Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton and Bob Graham on Wednesday; Wesley Clark and Joe Lieberman on Thursday.
  • One name missing from the speaker roster we would have liked to have seen: former Senator Gary Hart.
  • Official maps for the convention, including Fleet Center and Boston and convention events can be found here.
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