
Margaret Cho UnInvited from DNC Event

Daily Kos reports that Margaret Cho has been uninvited from a DNC-related event . Markos is angry. From the press release:

Margaret Cho has been "uninvited" to perform at the Unity 2004 event which is taking place at Avalon, this coming Monday, July 26, around the Democratic National Convention. The Human Rights Campaign is one of 10 GLBT groups coming together July 26 at the nightclub to "celebrate GLBT strength and unity." Asked to headline the event, Cho was preparing to preview material from her new State of Emergency tour as part of an unpaid benefit performance. She has since been "uninvited" by a spokesman for the HRC, who cited "a potential media firestorm" and referenced the recent criticism of Whoopi Goldberg's routine at a Kerry fundraiser.

Mark Giselson at Norweigianity responds with an update to Pastor Niemöller:

First they came for the Dixie Chicks, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a musician and I don’t like country music.

Then they came for Whoopi Goldberg, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t an African-American with a Jewish surname.

Then they came for Linda Ronstadt, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a chubby hispanic with a closet full of gold records.

Then they they were given Margaret Cho, and I approved because they would have come for her next anyway, so why not speed up the process and just get it over with…

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